Energy Product Applications Available In Albania
Fire and Gas Safety - Gas Detectors
Altezza offers the Design of Fire and Gas Safety Systems, including Gas Processing Analyzers and Gas detectors for LNG, Ammonia, Syngas, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide. The Gas Detectors are also used in the Petrochemical Industry, for example, in the monitoring of several petrochemicals as Ethylene, Aromatics and ...
By Altezza LLP based in Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN.
Machine condition monitoring for engine testing and development
Engine manufacturers use Spectro Scientific oil analysis instruments to assist in engine testing during new product development, testing engines during manufacturing run-in, and for qualifying new lubricants. Engines include: Gasoline and diesel automobile engines. Truck and other high speed diesel engines. Medium speed diesel engines such as those used for locomotives, marine and power generation. Extremely large low speed diesel engines for marine propulsion and power generation. Motorcycle engines. High ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).
Gas monitoring during industrial process
EM-5 CEMS Coal power plant: Entrance of SCR denitration device, NOx O2 Exit of SCR denitration device: Measure remanet NH3 after reaction and avoid blocking by crystallization, NH3; Calculate denitrification rate with Nox input, NOx O2 Gas-fired power plant: Counting tail gas emission and realtime concentration, NOx O2 SO2 Temperature pressure flow dust ...
By Hangzhou Chunlai Technology CO., Ltd. based in Hangzhou, CHINA.
Respirometry solutions for the biofuels industry
Respirometry solutions for the biofuels ...
By Challenge Technology based in Springdale, ARKANSAS (USA).
Machine condition monitoring for power gen & industrial
Machine condition monitoring using oil analysis is a predictive maintenance solution for industrial environments. An oil analysis program allows for reduction in unexpected failures and costly downtime for manufacturing components such as gears, pumps, compressors, engines, bearings, hydraulic systems, and other ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).
Agriculture Biogas Plant Simulation
By inCTRL Solutions (A SKion Water Company) based in Toronto, ONTARIO (CANADA).
Machine condition monitoring for power generation
Power plants are expected to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Downtime and equipment derating (when a generator fails to deliver power at its rated capacity) can cost a power plant thousands of dollars per hour. The cost of replacing failed equipment is also extremely high. Vibration analysis by itself is not enough to anticipate catastrophic failures. Oil analysis is often able to detect problems at a much earlier stage than vibration analysis. This is why more and more power plants are bringing oil ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).
Machine condition monitoring for municipal fleet
Overview Municipal fleets include public works vehicles, public transportation and emergency vehicles. Keeping the vehicles in these fleets up and running is critical to the operations of any city or town. Many locations have their own maintenance garages to service the municipal fleet which can include hundreds or even thousands of ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).
Industrial incineration solutions for the chemical & petrochemical industry
Industrial incineration solutions for the chemical & petrochemical ...
By Dutch Incinerators BV (DI) based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS.
Activated carbon solutions for biogas treatment industry
Activated carbon solutions for biogas treatment ...
By Silcarbon Aktivkohle GmbH based in Kirchhundem, GERMANY.
Trilite - Ion Exchange Resin for Thermal Power Plant
The ion exchange resins used in thermal power plants are used for demi water systems, cooling water, and condensate treatment. For demi water systems, various combinations of demineralization devices can be used. In the case of condensate treatment, high operational exchange capacity, heat resistance, and physical-chemical strength are required to remove impurities present in the condensed water from steam passing through a turbine. TRILITE® ion exchange resins have a diverse delivery record in domestic and ...
By Samyang Corporation based in Jongno-gu, SOUTH KOREA.
Electronic fuel control valves solutions for oil and gas industry
Continental Controls provides services and products for the midstream and upstream oil and gas markets. CCC products can be on anything from a small GM engine burning field gas at a wellhead in New Mexico, to a GE LM-2500 gas turbine, pumping gas from offshore platforms to Pemex gas pipelines in southern ...
By Continental Controls Corporation (CCC) based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in electrical insulating oils
Introduction One of the most widespread liquid electrical insulating materials is transformer oil. It is used to fill the pores in the fiber insulation and the space between the windings, thereby increasing the dielectric strength of the insulation and improving the heat removal from the windings and the core of a ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Activated carbons solutions for supercapacitors sector
Modern society is increasingly hungry for power. Whether it be to ensure our mobile communications devices are available for use, or simply to provide all the comforts and labour-saving devices in our homes and work spaces. However, continuous generation of energy is no longer sustainable and we must seek ways to recover or recuperate energy for reuse, if we are to continue the spread of this demand. Recent innovations in recuperative energy are becoming commonplace; from hybrid vehicles to power tools and ...
By Jacobi Group based in Kalmar, SWEDEN.
Process heating for commercial and industrial functions
By Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd. based in Montreal, QUEBEC (CANADA).
Air pollution control solution for bio mass refining and fuel gasification industry
Renewable fuels and alternative energy has looked too wet scrubbing to control acid gasses and particulates for an even greener ...
By CR Clean Air Group, LLC based in Parsippany, NEW JERSEY (USA).
Electronic fuel control valves solutions for power generation industry
Power generation is one of the most important markets in any modern economy. The power generation industry involves both producing power and distributing it efficiently throughout its network. The relentless pursuit of technology innovations has existed from day one and CCC has always been a leader with the introduction of digital electronic controls. We continue to invest in R&D to maintain the most advanced line of fuel products to meet the toughest emissions around the ...
By Continental Controls Corporation (CCC) based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).
International testing for biofuels
Sustainable use of biofuels requires reliable and precise analytical methods throughout – from the choice of raw materials through to process optimization and on to the compliant final product. As a leading manufacturer of instruments for chemical analysis, we are quite aware of these challenges. ...
By Metrohm AG based in Herisau, SWITZERLAND.
Octaform – Biogas Digesters
Introducing Octaform’s biogas tank technology, a PVC stay-in-place concrete forming system that is ideal for the construction of high-performance tanks. The conversion of waste to energy can be done in many ways, but what they all have in common is a highly corrosive digestion process that will test the limits of any tank technology. Builders around the world know that Octaform’s built-in PVC finish offers the best possible defense against this ...
By Octaform Systems Inc. based in Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
V-tex Scrubber for Biogas Treatment
ERG has experience of treating biogas from sewage sludge and municipal waste anaerobic digestion. ...
By ERG (Air Pollution Control) Ltd based in Horsham, UNITED KINGDOM.
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