Energy Product Applications Available In Djibouti

1,060 applications found
  • Premium

    Incinerator solutions for the paper & document sector

    Dispose of sensitive and confidential paperwork using a secure document destruction incinerator. All our models are capable of document incineration, but we will often advise certain modifications dependent on the specific waste stream being used. – especially now with our competitive range of finance options ...

    By Inciner8 Limited based in Southport, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Premium

    Chemiluminescense based analyzer for automotive, aviation, marine, and combustive engines sector

    Focuses on high NOx, NOx-related and multigas-concentrations up to 10’000 ppm. Parameters included are NO, NO2, NOx, NH3, NOx-amines, O2 and CO2. The applications are characterized by demanding sample gas conditions, such as in automotive, aviation, naval, or combustive engine emissions, as well as in catalyst production. ...

    By ECO Physics AG based in Duernten, SWITZERLAND.

  • Premium

    Machine condition monitoring for municipalities

    Overview Cities and towns are often responsible for maintaining critical assets such as water and wastewater treatment facilities and power generation plants. Oil analysis on this critical equipment as part of a robust maintenance program is a very cost effective way of failure avoidance. Additionally, greater emphasis on environmental conservation and a focus on delivering critical services while operating under reduced budgets leads municipalities to activate these programs. Spectro oil analysis solutions are ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Premium

    Machine condition monitoring for off-highway heavy equipment

    Overview Machine Condition Monitoring based on oil analysis has become an important, if not mandatory, maintenance practice for the construction, mining, and agricultural industries. Equipment in these industries are frequently exposed to severe environmental and working conditions. An effective oil analysis program will keep important assets in operation by reducing unexpected failures and costly unscheduled ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Premium

    Trailblazing Process Technology for Lithium-Ion Batteries

    Trailblazing process technology for production of your electrode mixes. For you as a manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries, cost savings, quality improvements, and sustainability are currently key topics. Gigafactories for battery production place new demands on the processes – in particular when it comes to manufacturing the electrodes. Process technology from Eirich will take you further and will open up a whole new world of opportunities. ...

    By Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co KG based in Hardheim, GERMANY.

  • Premium

    Industrial incineration solutions for the military industry

    Overseas base camp wastes (e.g. uniforms, electrical goods, vehicle parts, human waste, medical waste, plastics, etc.). Household & office waste. Construction & demolition waste. Out of specification materials. Surplus munitions & equipment. Chemical & biological agents of ...

    By Dutch Incinerators BV (DI) based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS.

  • Premium

    Wind power solutions for network wind measurement in complex mountains sector

    Programme overview: The conventional wind profile monitoring is mainly based on multi beam inversion calculation. The premise of measurement is that the horizontal wind field is uniform, while the horizontal wind field on the underlying surface of mountainous and urban complex terrain is uneven, especially near the ground. Therefore, in the detection of complex underlying surface, complex algorithm is often used to eliminate the turbulent data. However, the virtual tower (VT) technology, based on the cooperative ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Soil moisture monitoring solution for solar power industry

    Delta-T Devices solar radiation measurement instruments are well suited to scientific research, meteorological applications, and commercial photovoltaic validation/monitoring. Our range includes the SPN1 Sunshine Pyranometer and BF5 Sunshine Sensor – both of which measure global (total) and diffuse radiation, and sunshine state (all in a single instrument). They are also easy to use and need no routine adjustment or polar ...

    By Delta-T Devices Ltd. based in Burwell, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Premium

    Electronic fuel control valves solutions for renewables industry

    The growing awareness and use of biomass and hydrogen as renewable energy sources is critical to future energy growth. CCC technology has been used for years to enable stable engine operation using biogas that can vary greatly in quality. The advanced designs of the CCC embedded fuel valve controls allows seamless operation with all forms of renewable gas, including blended fuel ...

    By Continental Controls Corporation (CCC) based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Premium

    Gas monitoring during industrial process

    EM-5 CEMS Coal power plant: Entrance of SCR denitration device, NOx O2 Exit of SCR denitration device: Measure remanet NH3 after reaction and avoid blocking by crystallization, NH3; Calculate denitrification rate with Nox input, NOx O2 Gas-fired power plant: Counting tail gas emission and realtime concentration, NOx O2 SO2 Temperature pressure flow dust ...

    By Hangzhou Chunlai Technology CO., Ltd. based in Hangzhou, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Machine condition monitoring for industrial manufacturing

    Machine condition monitoring using oil analysis is a predictive maintenance solution for industrial environments. An oil analysis program allows for reduction in unexpected failures and costly downtime for manufacturing components such as gears, pumps, compressors, engines, bearings, hydraulic systems, and other ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Premium

    Industrial incineration solutions for the marine industry

    Marine litter/debris. Fibreglass. Lubricants, filters. Paints, thinners, resin, ...

    By Dutch Incinerators BV (DI) based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS.

  • Premium

    Wind power solutions for complex terrain wind shear analysis sector

    Programme overview: In the preliminary assessment of wind resources, surveys, and refined site selection, the placement of lidar and power supply are issues that need to be carefully considered. The location should avoid deep valleys, cliffs and other highly turbulent terrain. Since there is usually no mains power supply during the measurement, solar cells, small wind turbines or fuel power sources are required for power supply. According to weather conditions such as heavy fog, the integrated wind speed deep ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Applications in Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy

    Accurate Wind Resource Assessment. Power Performance Verification. Bankable Data to Reduce Fund Risk. Power Curve Assessment and Prediction. Turbine Efficiency Evaluation. Turbine Wake Detection. Wind Farm Control and Optimization. Wind ...

    By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.

  • Premium

    Evaporators for Power Industry

    EVALED evaporators treat or minimize wastewater from the Power Generation Industry. Flue gas desulfurization effluents require different kinds of treatments depending on the type of fuel, water sources, and environmental regulations. Coal, Gas, Solar, Nuclear. Wastewater treatment for a more sustainable power ...

  • Premium

    Dosimetry Management Solutions for Dosimetry in the Nuclear Industry

    Dosimetry management aims to supervise the radiation dose received by workers in controlled areas in nuclear power plants and also in all types of industries exposed to ...

    By Bertin Technologies based in Montigny-le-Bretonneux, FRANCE.

  • Premium

    Evaporators for Heat exchange

    All EVALED product lines are equipped with heat exchangers that optimise treatment potential and offer opportunities to reduce energy consumption. Heat (energy) is exchanged between two systems having different temperatures. If heat is created during this process, the amount of heat given up by the first system is equal to the amount of heat received by the second (principle of conservation of energy). ...

  • Premium

    Machine condition monitoring for engine testing and development

    Engine manufacturers use Spectro Scientific oil analysis instruments to assist in engine testing during new product development, testing engines during manufacturing run-in, and for qualifying new lubricants. Engines include: Gasoline and diesel automobile engines. Truck and other high speed diesel engines. Medium speed diesel engines such as those used for locomotives, marine and power generation. Extremely large low speed diesel engines for marine propulsion and power generation. Motorcycle engines. High ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

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