Energy Product Applications Available In USA
Agriculture Biogas Plant Modeling
By inCTRL Solutions (A SKion Water Company) based in Toronto, ONTARIO (CANADA).
Industrial incineration solutions for the recycling sector, waste collectors
RDF (Refuse Derived Fuels). SRF (Solid Recovered Fuels). Plastics attached to other materials. Foam materials & insulation. Car frag. Rubber & scrap tyres. E-waste. Synthetic fibre waste (polyesters, polyacryl, polypropene and other plastics). Treated or contaminated wood. Combustible construction & demolition waste ...
By Dutch Incinerators BV (DI) based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS.
Energy Savings Solutions for Food Packaging Industry
A Dutch tomato and vegetable packaging company used VPVision with an integrated industrial VPRouter to analyze and enhance their compressed air usage. Together with 6 pieces of VPFlowScope M flow meters, and 3 items of 3 Phase Power Meter, the company gains a clear view from the supply to the demand ...
By VPInstruments based in Delft, NETHERLANDS.
Octaform – Biogas Digesters
Introducing Octaform’s biogas tank technology, a PVC stay-in-place concrete forming system that is ideal for the construction of high-performance tanks. The conversion of waste to energy can be done in many ways, but what they all have in common is a highly corrosive digestion process that will test the limits of any tank technology. Builders around the world know that Octaform’s built-in PVC finish offers the best possible defense against this ...
By Octaform Systems Inc. based in Vancouver, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Applications in Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy
Accurate Wind Resource Assessment. Power Performance Verification. Bankable Data to Reduce Fund Risk. Power Curve Assessment and Prediction. Turbine Efficiency Evaluation. Turbine Wake Detection. Wind Farm Control and Optimization. Wind ...
By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.
Wind power solutions for complex terrain wind shear analysis sector
Programme overview: In the preliminary assessment of wind resources, surveys, and refined site selection, the placement of lidar and power supply are issues that need to be carefully considered. The location should avoid deep valleys, cliffs and other highly turbulent terrain. Since there is usually no mains power supply during the measurement, solar cells, small wind turbines or fuel power sources are required for power supply. According to weather conditions such as heavy fog, the integrated wind speed deep ...
By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.
Lidar Powers Wind Energy in Offshore Projects
The Lidar technology becomes indispensable in the development of wind energy projects, especially when it expands from onshore to offshore. The wind measurement solution by lidars is more cost-saving and feasible. The offshore lidar wind energy is under fast development with the achievements of lidar technology. The wind energy Lidars not only output wind speed, wind direction and turbulence intensity. Its precise and reliable wind data output reduces measurement uncertainty and meet the requirements to create a ...
By Qingdao Leice Transient Technology Co., Ltd. based in Qingdao, CHINA.
Industrial incineration solutions for the Oil & gas industry
Industrial incineration solutions for the Oil & gas ...
By Dutch Incinerators BV (DI) based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS.
Incinerator solutions for the paper & document sector
Dispose of sensitive and confidential paperwork using a secure document destruction incinerator. All our models are capable of document incineration, but we will often advise certain modifications dependent on the specific waste stream being used. – especially now with our competitive range of finance options ...
By Inciner8 Limited based in Southport, UNITED KINGDOM.
Determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in electrical insulating oils
Introduction One of the most widespread liquid electrical insulating materials is transformer oil. It is used to fill the pores in the fiber insulation and the space between the windings, thereby increasing the dielectric strength of the insulation and improving the heat removal from the windings and the core of a ...
By Lumex Instruments based in Mission, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA).
Hazardous waste incinerators for medical sector
Our range of hazardous waste incinerators are specially designed to cope with ALL kinds of medical and hazardous waste in ALL climates and conditions. Our products ensure efficient, clean and hassle-free disposal of hazardous waste is possible. These models are suitable for the incineration of clinical waste including type 4 pathological waste (red bag waste) from Hospitals, Research Centres, Pharmaceutical Companies , Drug Manufactures, Primary Care Trusts, Private GPs Practices, Cosmetic Surgery Clinics, Nursing ...
By Inciner8 Limited based in Southport, UNITED KINGDOM.
V-tex Scrubber for Biogas Treatment
ERG has experience of treating biogas from sewage sludge and municipal waste anaerobic digestion. ...
By ERG (Air Pollution Control) Ltd based in Horsham, UNITED KINGDOM.
Pumping solutions for nuclear power plants
By SRS Crisafulli, Inc. based in Glendive, MONTANA (USA).
Respirometry solutions for the biofuels industry
Respirometry solutions for the biofuels ...
By Challenge Technology based in Springdale, ARKANSAS (USA).
Measuring the Biofuel Blend Ratio in Gasoline and Diesel Fuels
As more mandates for a minimum of ethanol in gasoline and biodiesel in diesel come into effect, major oil companies are blending higher percentages of biofuels at their terminals. A quick analytical measurement method to assess the blend ratio can be a valuable asset for fuel distributors, engine manufacturers, fleet operators, and regulatory agencies. The InfraCal Biodiesel and Ethanol Blend Analyzers offer a quick way to verify that fuel blends are on spec. They are ideal for use for non-technical personnel and ...
By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).
Medical waste incinerators for laboratories
Safe laboratory waste destruction is an ongoing challenge. With such a wide range of pollutants and particulates it is essential laboratory incinerators reach high temperatures to ensure total destruction of hazardous waste ...
By Inciner8 Limited based in Southport, UNITED KINGDOM.
Incinerator solutions for the farm sector
Agricultural waste is becoming a bigger part of farmers' daily lives. With the ever increasing fees for landfill and livestock rendering, many farm owners are taking steps to control these costs. Inciner8 have built a range of purpose built incinerators for farm use. All these machines are DEFRA type approved and can be used for a range of agricultural waste streams. In some circumstances waste to energy may be a viable option ...
By Inciner8 Limited based in Southport, UNITED KINGDOM.
Electronic fuel control valves solutions for oil and gas industry
Continental Controls provides services and products for the midstream and upstream oil and gas markets. CCC products can be on anything from a small GM engine burning field gas at a wellhead in New Mexico, to a GE LM-2500 gas turbine, pumping gas from offshore platforms to Pemex gas pipelines in southern ...
By Continental Controls Corporation (CCC) based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Industrial incineration solutions for the textile manufacturing industry
Industrial incineration solutions for the textile manufacturing ...
By Dutch Incinerators BV (DI) based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS.
Impurities measurement in gaseous carbon dioxide
This solution is dedicated to the measurement of impurities (e.g hydrocarbons, sulfur compounds...) in gaseous carbon ...
By Chromatotec Group based in Val de Virvée, FRANCE.
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