Energy Product Applications Available In Venezuela

1,061 applications found
  • Premium

    Incinerator solutions for the farm sector

    Agricultural waste is becoming a bigger part of farmers' daily lives. With the ever increasing fees for landfill and livestock rendering, many farm owners are taking steps to control these costs. Inciner8 have built a range of purpose built incinerators for farm use. All these machines are DEFRA type approved and can be used for a range of agricultural waste streams. In some circumstances waste to energy may be a viable option ...

    By Inciner8 Limited based in Southport, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Premium

    Wear management solutions for boiler tubes and walls sector

    Superior tube protection: For decades, Castolin Eutectic has been the provider of choice for service, repair and preventive maintenance of heavy-duty and industrial process equipment. In power generation, protecting your industrial process equipment, boilers, tubes and walls from future corrosion and erosion, while also extending your tubes’ useful life is vital to your operation’s bottom line. With LaserClad, you can experience more reliability and better across-the-board performance with a new, ...

    By Castolin Eutectic GmbH based in Kriftel, GERMANY.

  • Premium

    International testing for biofuels

    Sustainable use of biofuels requires reliable and precise analytical methods throughout – from the choice of raw materials through to process optimization and on to the compliant final product. As a leading manufacturer of instruments for chemical analysis, we are quite aware of these challenges. ...

    By Metrohm AG based in Herisau, SWITZERLAND.

  • Premium

    Machine condition monitoring for municipalities

    Overview Cities and towns are often responsible for maintaining critical assets such as water and wastewater treatment facilities and power generation plants. Oil analysis on this critical equipment as part of a robust maintenance program is a very cost effective way of failure avoidance. Additionally, greater emphasis on environmental conservation and a focus on delivering critical services while operating under reduced budgets leads municipalities to activate these programs. Spectro oil analysis solutions are ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Premium

    Air pollution control solution for bio mass refining and fuel gasification industry

    Renewable fuels and alternative energy has looked too wet scrubbing to control acid gasses and particulates for an even greener ...

    By CR Clean Air Group, LLC based in Parsippany, NEW JERSEY (USA).

  • Premium

    Environmental Monitoring for the Energy Industry

    By Optical Scientific Inc. (OSi) based in Gaithersburg, MARYLAND (USA).

  • Premium

    Industrial incineration solutions for the private island & resort sector

    Medical waste. GSW (General Solid Waste). MSW (Municipal Solid Waste). ...

    By Dutch Incinerators BV (DI) based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS.

  • Premium

    Activated carbons solutions for supercapacitors sector

    Modern society is increasingly hungry for power. Whether it be to ensure our mobile communications devices are available for use, or simply to provide all the comforts and labour-saving devices in our homes and work spaces. However, continuous generation of energy is no longer sustainable and we must seek ways to recover or recuperate energy for reuse, if we are to continue the spread of this demand. Recent innovations in recuperative energy are becoming commonplace; from hybrid vehicles to power tools and ...

    By Jacobi Group based in Kalmar, SWEDEN.

  • Premium

    Electronic fuel control valves solutions for renewables industry

    The growing awareness and use of biomass and hydrogen as renewable energy sources is critical to future energy growth. CCC technology has been used for years to enable stable engine operation using biogas that can vary greatly in quality. The advanced designs of the CCC embedded fuel valve controls allows seamless operation with all forms of renewable gas, including blended fuel ...

    By Continental Controls Corporation (CCC) based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Premium

    Dosimetry Management Solutions for Dosimetry in the Nuclear Industry

    Dosimetry management aims to supervise the radiation dose received by workers in controlled areas in nuclear power plants and also in all types of industries exposed to ...

    By Bertin Technologies based in Montigny-le-Bretonneux, FRANCE.

  • Premium

    Incinerator solutions for the paper & document sector

    Dispose of sensitive and confidential paperwork using a secure document destruction incinerator. All our models are capable of document incineration, but we will often advise certain modifications dependent on the specific waste stream being used. – especially now with our competitive range of finance options ...

    By Inciner8 Limited based in Southport, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Premium

    Fire and Gas Safety - Gas Detectors

    Altezza offers the Design of Fire and Gas Safety Systems, including Gas Processing Analyzers and Gas detectors for LNG, Ammonia, Syngas, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide. The Gas Detectors are also used in the Petrochemical Industry, for example, in the monitoring of several petrochemicals as Ethylene, Aromatics and ...

    By Altezza LLP based in Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN.

  • Premium

    Pumping solutions for nuclear power plants

    By SRS Crisafulli, Inc. based in Glendive, MONTANA (USA).

  • Premium

    Borescope for Power Generation and Turbine Components Inspection

    Turbines and generators are essential pieces of machinery that need to be adequately maintained and repaired to ensure maximum service life and safety. Non-destructive remote visual inspection with a video borescope is a cost-effective and efficient way to inspect without having to disassemble a turbine. Steam and gas turbines run at extremely high pressures, and they need to be kept in good mechanical shape to do their jobs ...

    By by Medit Inc. based in Winnipeg, MANITOBA (CANADA).

  • Premium

    Respirometry solutions for the biofuels industry

    Respirometry solutions for the biofuels ...

    By Challenge Technology based in Springdale, ARKANSAS (USA).

  • Premium

    Asphalt production - monitoring solutions for process optimization & energy saving

    Asphalt plants deal with a harsh environment and are subject to great mechanical and thermal constraints. Process monitoring and optimization is becoming an increasingly important issue for plants, especially in terms of energy savings. ...

    By ENVEA based in Poissy, FRANCE.

  • Premium

    Soil moisture monitoring solution for solar power industry

    Delta-T Devices solar radiation measurement instruments are well suited to scientific research, meteorological applications, and commercial photovoltaic validation/monitoring. Our range includes the SPN1 Sunshine Pyranometer and BF5 Sunshine Sensor – both of which measure global (total) and diffuse radiation, and sunshine state (all in a single instrument). They are also easy to use and need no routine adjustment or polar ...

    By Delta-T Devices Ltd. based in Burwell, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Premium

    Machine condition monitoring for municipal fleet

    Overview Municipal fleets include public works vehicles, public transportation and emergency vehicles. Keeping the vehicles in these fleets up and running is critical to the operations of any city or town. Many locations have their own maintenance garages to service the municipal fleet which can include hundreds or even thousands of ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific based in Chelmsford, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).

  • Premium

    Industrial incineration solutions for the marine industry

    Marine litter/debris. Fibreglass. Lubricants, filters. Paints, thinners, resin, ...

    By Dutch Incinerators BV (DI) based in Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS.

  • Premium


    Ecological Laboratories has successfully supplied the Industrial, Environmental, Agricultural and Wastewater sectors with environmentally friendly and sustainable energy producing solutions to their waste management operations. Ecological Laboratories bacterial formulations are extremely efficient in stabilizing and maximizing the anaerobic digestion processes in the digester. Concurrent reductions in sludge and increases in biogas for energy has been a performance factor in most ...

    By Ecological Laboratories, Inc. based in Cape Coral, FLORIDA (USA).

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