Biogas Plant in Agriculture
Agricultural companies have the opportunity of generating valuable, sustainable and renewable energy with by-products of their business such as liquid manure, biomass and organic agricultural waste. Generating biogas offers plant operators a source of revenue that can be accurately calculated for years – which is a factor that can be decisive for the long-term prospects of a farming business.
Find out more about the benefits of biogas for farmers:
Many farmers use biogas production to establish a second economic mainstay, thereby ensuring that their agricultural enterprises continue to flourish into the next generation.
No monocultures
No monocultures
All types of agricultural raw and residual materials can be used in our biogas plants. This assures farmers a healthy crop rotation and helps them prevent monocultures. Even catch crops, whole-plant silage and energy beets deliver top yields.
Valuable fermentation residues without smells
If a biogas plant is operated properly, there are no odour nuisances, since the produced gas cannot escape from the closed cycle. The fully fermented end product has a noticeably reduced odour after the fermentation process. As a fertiliser with a high nutrient content, these fermentation residues relieve farmers from purchasing expensive mineral fertiliser.
Since every company is different, our systems are tailored to your exact requirements. Regardless of the plant size, our field-tested EnviFarm technology ensures a high level of safety and reliability: fully automated, flexible and of the highest quality.