J.P. Sauer & Sohn Maschinenbau GmbH

J.P. Sauer & Sohn Maschinenbau GmbH

Compressors for Diesel-Engine Generators - Energy

Diesel-engine generators (also known as gen-sets) consist of a diesel engine and a generator. Given that they provide an independent means of generating electricity, they are a popular choice at production sites in remote areas or as emergency power supplies for major banks, hospitals, airports and even entire towns or cities. Indeed, a number of countries and island states produce the majority of their electricity using diesel-engine generators.

Products Details

What are Sauer Compressors used for?

  • Starting air
  • DENOX treatment

Who are Sauer Compressors’ customers?

  • Power-plant operators
  • Diesel-engine manufacturers
  • Engineering offices
  • Contractors

Which Sauer product ranges are used?

  • Product ranges: MISTRAL, PASSAT, 6000
  • Variants: Basic, ComSilent
  • Volumetric flow: 10–485 m³/hr
  • Pressure range: 15–50 bar (g)
  • Medium: Air