Clean Energy Systems, Inc. (CES)

Clean Energy Systems, Inc. (CES)

Conventional Power Generation Systems for Fast Response, Peaking Power Plant/Black-Start Power Generator - Energy - Power Distribution

The Clean Energy Systems oxy-fuel gas generator and OFT-J79 expander turbine are ideally suited to emergency start-up and peaking power plant applications. Conventional peaking power plants typically take 10 to 30 minutes or more to come online because of the need to warm up expensive NOx catalysts and bring the facility to its required operating temperature. CES power plants require less time to start up, cost less to run, and release effectively zero emissions to the atmosphere.


A peaking power plant based on CES' oxy-fuel gas generator has no compressor, produces no NOX emissions and can be brought online in less than five minutes. This time savings is critical when supplementing intermittent and unpredictable power swings from solar and wind renewable energy supplies. CES power plants utilize modified aero derivative gas turbines that are adapted for steam/CO2 working fluid and produce 40 MWe output. The CES emergency start-up/peaking power plant couples a 12-inch, 200 MWt gas generator with an OFT-J79 turbine, a GE LM1500 engine that has been converted to accept high temperature steam and carbon dioxide. The CES emergency start-up/peaking power plant can be used to meet emergency and peaking power requirements where oxygen is supplied via truck or pipeline and exhaust gases are released directly to the atmosphere. Since oxygen is used instead of air, there are no NOx emissions. 

CES technology provides a number of advantages to facility owners, including the following:

  • Deployment in one year or less
  • Lower CAPEX than other peaker alternatives
  • Ideal solution for needle-peaking applications (8% or less dispatch)
  • 3 minute or less start-up
  • Effectively no NOx and PM (particulate matter) emissions

Fast Ramping Energy Storage

Lower power costs combined with improved plant efficiencies and zero atmospheric pollution used to be a dream. Now it's a reality. Clean Energy Systems has developed an oxy-fuel combustion technology that uses pure oxygen to combust natural gas or other fuels in a manner that produces clean power, commercial CO2, and clean water -- with zero emissions released to the atmosphere.

A key advantage of oxy-fuel combustion over air-based combustion is that higher turbine efficiencies are achieved. To utilize the higher temperature gas stream from the oxy-fuel generator, CES developed an entirely new generation of power turbines. Using these new power turbines, the CES process can result in a 20 percent increase in power production when compared to a conventional power plant utilizing the same quantity of fuel. Greater power production per unit of fuel results in lower costs and less dependency on global energy providers.

As the United States and European nations implement greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction standards and more stringent NOx requirements, ZEPPs are becoming increasingly important. Current regulations in the State of California require an 80 percent reduction in GHG emissions from 1990 levels by 2050. An extensive study to determine the necessary technologies to achieve this level of reduction identified carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) power generation as critical technologies that must be realized if these reductions are to be achieved. Today, CES oxy-fuel power plants are capable of providing 100 percent CCS power generation at competitive power costs, making California GHG reductions readily achievable.

  •  Generates power with zero emissions to the atmosphere
  •  Utilizes natural gas, syngas, biomass, and other fuels
  •  Occupies a small physical footprint
  •  Creates both peaking and base load power
  •  Backed by strong strategic partners
  •  Generates CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
  •  Produces water for community use