Heating Systems for Industrial -Manufacturing & Warehousing - Manufacturing, Other
Why have thousands of customers said yes to SolarWall heating` Because of its myriad capabilities in the industrial arena. SolarWall systems perform a wide range of functions, including; solar heating of ventilation air; reduction of building heat loss; and elimination of hot air stratification at ceiling level, which all combine to produce huge energy savings.
Most industrial facilities require a high volume of make-up air to satisfy indoor air quality standards. For factories, the cost of heating this make-up air can be their largest single energy or operating expenditure. SolarWall systems heat incoming ventilation air before it enters the building, which decreases the load on the traditional heaters. This generates significant energy savings – typically in the range of 20-50% of heating fuel consumption.
“Our gas and electric bills are ridiculously low compared to our other facilities. Our gas supplier said we had better get our meter checked because it shows we are using way too little gas.”~ Demetrius Tsafaridis, President of Steelcare referring to their use of the SolarWall technology on their manufacturing plant.
SolarWall systems are sized to meet the energy & ventilation requirements of the facility, bringing in anywhere from 2 to 10 cfm per square foot of collector. Since the SolarWall technology heats fresh air, it ensures a high level of indoor air quality which improves employee comfort levels. SolarWall systems also require no maintenance.
The SolarWall air heating technology can also be used for industrial process heat applications and in mining operations. Mines typically have enormous ventilation rates and rely on expensive & carbon-intensive fuels because of their remote locations. Generating heat energy on-site with a SolarWall system is very financially compelling in these applications.