Boiler Plant Product Applications Available In New Hampshire

6 applications found
  • Non-Standard Applications

    Procal supply analysers to monitor many different applications from small combustion plants to large power stations. Examples include University Boiler Plants, Carbon Black Plants, Thermal Oxidisers and Community Heating ...

    By Procal - Parker Hannifin Corp based in Peterborough, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Alternative Fuel Production

    Superior Boiler Works, Inc. led the way in Ethanol production in the USA with more installed firetube boilers in Ethanol plants than any other manufacturer. ...

    By Superior Boiler Works, Inc. based in Hutchinson, KANSAS (USA).

  • Measurement and control systems for the heat & steam technology

    Reduction of perating costs: The increased energy costs over the last years have made investments towards heat recovery solutions not only cost effective but profitable. With the support and input of our employees and our technical know how, are improvements and solutions concerning heat recovery become ...

    By IGEMA GmbH based in Münster, GERMANY.

  • Screening System for Biomass

    Separation quality for compost and top productivity in smaller spaces. The cost-effective production of biomass for production of energy is currently an important business activity, but only if it is supported by sources of suitable quality and an efficient recycling process. Ecostar has developed specific and extremely efficient solutions for the screening of green compost resulting from pruning and deforestation activities in order to produce high-quality biofuel and biogas ...

    By Ecostar Srl based in Sandrigo VI, ITALY.

  • Spilling Equipment for Combined Heat and Power Industry

    Spilling steam engines and back pressure turbines are always used in process and heating steam systems, when the pressure difference between the boiler plant and consumers is to be used for extracting mechanical or electrical ...

    By Spilling Energie Systeme GmbH based in Hamburg, GERMANY.

  • Energy efficiency and emission reduction solutions for food and beverage industry

    Thermal Energy’s GEM steam traps and FLU-ACE heat recovery technologies have wide applications in the food and beverage industry. From breweries and bottling operations, to food processing, packaging, and other food and beverage operations, we can help you reduce your energy costs while lowering your greenhouse gas ...

    By Thermal Energy International Inc. based in Ottawa, ONTARIO (CANADA).

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