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Diesel Engine Power Product Applications

3 applications found
  • Transformer for Marine

    Nowadays electric propulsion with gas turbine or diesel engine driven power generation is used in hundreds of ships of various types and in a large variety of configurations. ...

    By ATO based in MiXc Xiufeng, CHINA.

  • Spilling Equipment for Heat and Waste Power Industry

    A typical application field for Spilling steam engines and steam turbines is the recycling of exhaust heat, waste and lean gases to generate mechanical and electrical ...

    By Spilling Energie Systeme GmbH based in Hamburg, GERMANY.

  • Pyrolysis Production Plant for Heat

    Substituting pyrolysis oil for fossil fuel can be already be done today by medium or large-scale (co-)combustion of natural gas, coal or heating oil fired boilers, furnaces and turbines. Retrofitting these systems requires limited investments and due to its GHG savings of around 90% pyrolysis oil offers a unique opportunity to make your energy supply more sustainable while also reducing your dependency on fossil fuel prices. Even more interesting is its use in decentralized CHP solutions found for instance in ...

    By BTG BioLiquids - BTG Biomass Technology Group based in Enschede, NETHERLANDS.

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