Generator Set Product Applications
Engine and Generator for OEMs
We work directly with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to optimise the efficiency of their engines and generator sets (gensets) through lower fuel consumption and reduced ...
By Bowman Power Group Ltd based in Southampton, UNITED KINGDOM.
Industrial gas turbines for power generation solutions
Gas Turbine Power Generation ...
By Solar Turbines Incorporated based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Solutions for offshore platforms sector
Offshore Oil & Gas Platform Integration. Our deep water application device, called ogWAVE™, is capable of connecting with oil and gas platforms as well as installations in more remote areas. Almost all offshore oil and gas wells face severe challenges associated with the remote and isolated nature of the exploration locations. One such challenge is the supply of electrical power to support exploration activities in oil and gas ...
By Aquanet Power based in Taipei, TAIWAN.
Electric Power Generation Technology for Oil and Gas Industry
Conventional methods using diesel generator sets have proven severely insufficient due to reliability, maintenance and refueling costs. ...
By Ocean Power Technologies, Inc based in Monroe Township, NEW JERSEY (USA).
Mobile Twins Generators with special design for Oil & Gas Exploration Applications
Mobile 2 x 275 kVA CUMMINS Generator sets inside the common containerized canopy with special distribution and ATS ...
By FULL Generator based in Istanbul, TURKEY.
Software Solution for Private Charging
Uncompromised Performance Tailored for Your EV Journey. Unleash the Power of Private Charging. Seamless Control, Intelligent Insights, and Customized Efficiency for Your EV Oasis. ...
By Evnity - EV Charging Management Software based in Ahmedabad, INDIA.
Power Generators for agriculture and farms industry
Generators are very important in Agriculture to power machineries in case of black out, or as primary source of power it can be moved when necessary in the locations where mains power is not ...
By GENMAC S.r.l. based in Gualtieri (RE), ITALY.
Electric Power Generation Technology for Science & Research Industry
Efforts are underway to map the oceans for increased understanding of climate change, ecosystem health, available fish stocks, energy resources, and weather patterns. To achieve this increased understanding, additional sensors are being added to existing buoys and monitoring systems, and new purpose built buoys are being ...
By Ocean Power Technologies, Inc based in Monroe Township, NEW JERSEY (USA).
Pyrolysis Production Plant for Heat
Substituting pyrolysis oil for fossil fuel can be already be done today by medium or large-scale (co-)combustion of natural gas, coal or heating oil fired boilers, furnaces and turbines. Retrofitting these systems requires limited investments and due to its GHG savings of around 90% pyrolysis oil offers a unique opportunity to make your energy supply more sustainable while also reducing your dependency on fossil fuel prices. Even more interesting is its use in decentralized CHP solutions found for instance in ...
By BTG BioLiquids - BTG Biomass Technology Group based in Enschede, NETHERLANDS.
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