Industrial Heat Product Applications Available In Ohio
Industrial heating for the food and beverage industry
By Linka Energy A/S based in Lem St., DENMARK.
Hydrogen gas solutions for decarbonising heat industry
Providing heat and cooling to homes and businesses makes up a quarter of the UKs greenhouse emissions and 51% of all energy used in Europe. ...
By ITM Power based in Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM.
Heating for industrial premises
By Linka Energy A/S based in Lem St., DENMARK.
Heating Systems for Industrial -Manufacturing & Warehousing
Why have thousands of customers said yes to SolarWall heating' Because of its myriad capabilities in the industrial arena. SolarWall systems perform a wide range of functions, including; solar heating of ventilation air; reduction of building heat loss; and elimination of hot air stratification at ceiling level, which all combine to produce huge energy ...
By Conserval Engineering Inc. based in Toronto, ONTARIO (CANADA).
Environmental solutions for the ethanol/biofuels industry
Dürr designs and manufactures a comprehensive portfolio of air pollution control (APC) equipment for dry and wet ethanol mills, helping our customers stay in compliance with environmental regulations, contributing to a clean environment and public ...
By Dürr Systems, Inc. based in De Pere, WISCONSIN (USA).
Oilfield Power Systems for Oil & Gas Industry
The Lean, Pre-mixed, Pre-vaporized (LPP) equipment enables clean combustion of liquid fuels in gas turbines and industrial boilers and burners. In addition to flare-gas NGLs, the LPP Combustion Oilfield Power System also operates on a variety of traditional liquid fuels and ...
By LPP Combustion, LLC based in Columbia, MARYLAND (USA).
Combustion analyzers for heat treating industry
Enerac Portable Combustion Analyzers for Heat Treating Applications. Heat treating is a group of industrial and metalworking processes used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material. ...
By Enerac, LLC based in Holbrook, NEW YORK (USA).
Hydrogen for Industrial Use
Hydrogen is used in the industry sector as a feedstock, for off-grid power generation, and to provide intermediate to high-temperature heat for various processes. ...
By Norwegian Hydrogen AS based in Ålesund, NORWAY.
Biostimulants for Energy industry
The limited fossil fuel era, with its high environmental impact, is giving way to more sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. In this context, biofuel emerges as a viable alternative, with the advantage of being 100% derived from natural sources. It is important to note that current regulations impose minimum quotas of renewable components in fuels. These percentages, which are subject to change depending on the energy and environmental policies of individual countries, aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ...
By SICIT Group S.p.A. based in Arzignano, ITALY.
Variable Phase Turbine for Industrial Applications
Energent's energy recovery technology has applications in many industrial fields. Waste heat is defined as heat produced by machines, electrical equipment and industrial processes for which no useful application is found, and is regarded as a waste by-product. ...
By Energent Corporation based in Santa Ana, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Butterfly Valve for Thermo Solar Systems
Thermosolar systems are operated in solar thermal power plants, which use the heat of the sun as the primary energy source, either by absorption of its radiation or by using warm ...
By Quadax Valves, Inc. - a Daughter Company of Müller Coax Ag based in Bristol, PENNSYLVANIA (USA).
Heat Recovery and Waste to Energy Solutions for Exhaust Gas
It's time to reimagine your approach and transform exhaust heat waste into a valuable ...
By Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. based in Irvine, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for Industrial Waste Heat Recovery
Approximately one fifth of the global energy consumption is used for industrial process heat. Even though some of this heat is used for the products themselves, a large portion of this energy remains ...
By Intec GMK GmbH based in Bargeshagen, GERMANY.
Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Systems for Waste Heat Recovery
Turboden ORC units can produce electricity by recovering heat from industrial processes and in combined cycles with reciprocating engines and gas turbines. ...
By Turboden S.p.A based in Brescia, ITALY.
Heat Transfer Solution for Food and Beverage
API Heat Transfer has been performing for the food and beverage industry since 1879. ...
By API Schmidt-Bretten GmbH & Co. KG based in Bretten, GERMANY.
Plate & frame heat exchangers for Power generation industry
From food & beverage to pulp & paper to oil refining, plate & frame heat exchangers have versatile industrial ...
By Plate Concepts, Inc. based in Lebanon, NEW JERSEY (USA).
Vacuum and heat transfer technology solutions for defense industry
Keeping our nation safe is helped in part with Graham supplied equipment. The propulsion systems in our nuclear powered submarines and aircraft carriers employ Graham Surface Condensers and Vacuum Ejectors. Our experience stretches back to WWII where we were awarded the Victory Fleet Flag and Maritime “M” Pennant for outstanding production. We are familiar with all MilSpecs and Tech Pub specifications as well as SubSafe and level 1 material requirements. ...
By Graham Corporation based in Batavia, NEW YORK (USA).
Renewable hydrogen solutions for hydrogen generation market sector
Market Summary: The global hydrogen market is large and growing rapidly. Current fossil fuels can’t sustain future energy requirements, environmentally or economically. SunHydrogen’s proprietary technology positions us at the forefront of the emerging hydrogen economy, making green hydrogen more accessible and affordable worldwide. With a projected cost of $2.50/kg, SunHydrogen will be cost-competitive with current non-renewable (brown) hydrogen generation and below the cost of clean hydrogen ...
By SunHydrogen, Inc based in Santa Barbara, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Hydrogen Production and Distribution Equipment for Energy
Solar, wind, hydroelectric… the energy transition relies on renewable energies. Given the massive deployment of these energy sources, which are by nature intermittent and difficult to predict, the use of hydrogen is seen as a flexible and competitive ...
By McPhy Energy S.A. based in Grenoble, FRANCE.
Spilling Equipment for Combined Heat and Power Industry
Spilling steam engines and back pressure turbines are always used in process and heating steam systems, when the pressure difference between the boiler plant and consumers is to be used for extracting mechanical or electrical ...
By Spilling Energie Systeme GmbH based in Hamburg, GERMANY.
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