Wood Biomass Product Applications
Industrial shredders for wood/biomass industry
Consult us for your installations of treatment: wood waste, falls of manufacture, cases, pallets, ...
By Precimeca based in Toulouse, FRANCE.
Biomass Pelleting - Wood Pelleting
By Amandus Kahl GmbH & Co. KG based in Reinbek, GERMANY.
Energy from waste wood
If waste wood is utilized, woody biomass can be a form of renewable energy that complements solar and wind. ...
By All Power Labs based in Berkeley, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Biomass Pelleting - Wood Pelleting
By Amandus Kahl GmbH & Co. KG based in Reinbek, GERMANY.
Energy production from biomass
Zuccato Energia ORC systems have found several applications in combination with a wide range of overheated water generation systems based on biomass combustion. These systems usually operate one or more ORC modules using overheated water coming from a fixed- or mobile-grate boiler burning automatically-fed wooden biomass chips derived from sawmills, woodworking industry or the pruning of state or municipal ...
By Zuccato Energia Srl based in Verona, ITALY.
Industrial shredding solutions for biomass industry
Some things that might qualify as organic waste or biomass are wood shavings, tree branches, or animal litter. At the industrial level, it’s challenging to manage these waste products without keeping a shredder built for large amounts of biomass. ...
By UMP Technika based in Ukmerge, LITHUANIA.
Torrefaction Technology for Decentralized Heating and CHPs
Similar to the application of torrefied pellets in co-firing, black pellets or torchips provide advantages for decentralized heating and CHPs. Compared to untreated biomass or wood pellets, the higher energy density results in lower transportation, handling and storage cost. ...
By Blackwood Technology B.V based in Hoofddorp, NETHERLANDS.
Screening System for Biomass
The cost-effective production of biomass for production of energy is currently an important business activity, but only if it is supported by sources of suitable quality and an efficient recycling process. ...
By Ecostar Srl based in Sandrigo VI, ITALY.
Composite silos and tanks solutions for renewable energy industry
For example, do you want to store co-products, glycerine, biodiesel and biomethanol in tanks or biomass, wood pellets and starch in silos? Polem has already developed the proven technology. ...
By Polem B.V. based in Lemmer, NETHERLANDS.
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