Energy Product Applications In New Zealand
Incinerator solutions for the paper & document sector
Dispose of sensitive and confidential paperwork using a secure document destruction incinerator. All our models are capable of document incineration, but we will often advise certain modifications dependent on the specific waste stream being used. – especially now with our competitive range of finance options ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
Incinerator solutions for the mining / exploration sector
As operations continue to expand to more and more remote locations, the need for a safe, effective and compliant waste disposal solution for mining companies is clear. At Inciner8, our range of incinerators are perfectly suited to mining waste. In recent years, mining operations have been spreading around the world, with attention turning to a wide range of raw materials – including cobalt, uranium and titanium. But as mining has increased, so too have the regulations around it. To comply with strict ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
Small medical incinerators for health clinics and labs
Clinical waste is costing more and more to dispose of safely. Health Clinics and Health centres can now handle their own waste streams using one of our specialist medical incinerators. Destroying hazardous waste at source is by far the most effective and efficient way of handling waste that could potentially spread diseases or ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
Incinerator solutions for the industrial / factory waste sector
General waste is an unwanted refuse material or substance. It may consist of materials from community or household activities (municipal, domestic or camp waste) or from industrial activities (manufacturing, mining or agricultural). Worldwide, the problem of waste accumulation is reaching threatening proportions. Landfill options are showing more and more weaknesses and are becoming extremely expensive. They are not an efficient solution. As a natural process, nature is converting landfill waste into highly ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
Hazardous waste incinerators for medical sector
Our range of hazardous waste incinerators are specially designed to cope with ALL kinds of medical and hazardous waste in ALL climates and conditions. Our products ensure efficient, clean and hassle-free disposal of hazardous waste is possible. These models are suitable for the incineration of clinical waste including type 4 pathological waste (red bag waste) from Hospitals, Research Centres, Pharmaceutical Companies , Drug Manufactures, Primary Care Trusts, Private GPs Practices, Cosmetic Surgery Clinics, Nursing ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
Incinerator solutions for the farm sector
Agricultural waste is becoming a bigger part of farmers' daily lives. With the ever increasing fees for landfill and livestock rendering, many farm owners are taking steps to control these costs. Inciner8 have built a range of purpose built incinerators for farm use. All these machines are DEFRA type approved and can be used for a range of agricultural waste streams. In some circumstances waste to energy may be a viable option ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
Medical waste incinerators for laboratories
Safe laboratory waste destruction is an ongoing challenge. With such a wide range of pollutants and particulates it is essential laboratory incinerators reach high temperatures to ensure total destruction of hazardous waste ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
V-tex Technology for Syngas Treatment
The wet gas cleaning package is designed to condition the syngas to make it suitable for use in a compressor or gas engine, bringing contaminant, water content and temperature within the acceptable range for reliable ...
By ERG (Air Pollution Control) Ltd Distributor in Albany, NEW ZEALAND.
Incinerator solutions for the pharmaceutical sector
Pharmaceuticals are now shown to be found in surface, ground, and drinking waters around the world. This could create some potentially damaging environmental effects. Minuscule concentrations of chemicals known as endocrine disruptors, often found in pharmaceuticals, are having detrimental effects on aquatic animals and possibly on human health and ...
By Inciner8 Limited Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
Analytical Instruments for Chemical Analysis of Biofuels and Synthetic Fuels
Learn about Analytik Jena's elemental analysis techniques for the determination of metal and non-metal elements, e.g., carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine, in renewable bio- and secondary derived fuels and their variable source materials. The methods described are ideal for process control and adaptation, the quality control of final products and legal limit adherence, such as TS legal limits for ...
By Analytik Jena - an EndressHauser Company Distributor in Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
V-tex Scrubber for Biogas Treatment
ERG has experience of treating biogas from sewage sludge and municipal waste anaerobic digestion. ...
By ERG (Air Pollution Control) Ltd Distributor in Albany, NEW ZEALAND.
Abnormal heat monitoring in high-temperature voltage transformer equipment
By HORIBA Europe GmbH Distributor in Kingsland, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
UV Light Systemst for Hydro
A proven biofouling control solution for invasive mussels in hydroelectric facilities with the ability to achieve 100% inactivation even under conditions with less than 50% UVT. Control invasive mussels that clog cooling water pipping and fire control systems and protect turbines and heat exchangers from mussel fouling with the HOD UV ...
By Atlantium Technologies Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
High quality gas sensor solutions for biogas
Fast, accurate and reliable measurement of CO2 and CH4 concentration. Biogas is the mixture of gases produced by the process of anaerobic digestion, which is the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Biogas can be used as a source of energy and is produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green waste or food waste. Biogas primarily consists of methane and carbon dioxide, but also may have small amounts of hydrogen sulphide, moisture and ...
By Edinburgh Sensors Ltd - TECHCOMP Group Distributor in Otahuhu, NEW ZEALAND.
Flow measurement instrumentation for steam flow measurement for facilities, district energy
From facilities management to district heating applications, accurate steam flow measurement provides you with substantial savings on energy and maintenance costs. A multivariable mass vortex meter measures five process variables—mass flow rate, temperature, pressure, volumetric flow rate and fluid density—with one process ...
By Sierra Instruments, Inc. Distributor in Penrose, NEW ZEALAND.
Carbon Dioxide Sensing for Controlled Environment Horticulture
Introduction: Controlled Environment Horticulture is a vast topic, and has been utilised in varying forms for centuries. Excavations of the city of Pompeii showed remains of early greenhouses dating back to AD79; and the modern greenhouses are thought to originate in the thirteenth century in Italy. Most people recognise the use of greenhouses for growing flowers and vegetables, whether in their own garden, at garden centres or on a commercial basis. Indeed most people will be conversant with irrigation systems ...
By Edinburgh Sensors Ltd - TECHCOMP Group Distributor in Otahuhu, NEW ZEALAND.
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) in Transformer Condition Monitoring
Dissolved Gas Analysis is a method of monitoring the condition of electrical transformers and related oil filled equipment. The oil used in transformers as coolant and insulator has gases dissolved in it due to aging and faults inside the transformer. Different faults in transformers create fault gases of different kind, for example CO, CO2, CH4, C2H6, C2H4, and C2H2. The extraction and analysis of these gases gives highly reliable early indication of transformer ...
By Gasera Ltd Distributor in Ferrymead, NEW ZEALAND.
UV Light Systemst for Power
Protect boiler feed make-up water from bacterial growth and associated biofouling; extend micron filter and RO membrane life; improve heat exchanger performance; and improve permeate quality and quantity with HOD UV for non-chemical disinfection and dechlorination. ...
By Atlantium Technologies Distributor in , NEW ZEALAND.
Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide Sensing for Gasification
Application: Syngas (short for synthetic gas) can be burnt and used as a fuel source, the main constituents of syngas are Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen, which amount for around 85% of Syngas, and it is produced by a process called ...
By Edinburgh Sensors Ltd - TECHCOMP Group Distributor in Otahuhu, NEW ZEALAND.
Precision moisture analysis instruments for measuring moisture and ash in biomass
If you produce or consume biomass fuels, you know that quality is critical to your success, and you know that moisture and ash content control are critical to biomass fuel quality. Too much moisture and you get poor efficience and high emissions. Too much ash and you get fouling and slagging. And if either of those is uncontrolled, purchase contracts can fall through. Computrac can ...
By AMETEK Brookfield Distributor in Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
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