Energy Product Applications In Switzerland

45 applications found
  • Premium

    Chemiluminescense based analyzer for automotive, aviation, marine, and combustive engines sector

    Focuses on high NOx, NOx-related and multigas-concentrations up to 10’000 ppm. Parameters included are NO, NO2, NOx, NH3, NOx-amines, O2 and CO2. The applications are characterized by demanding sample gas conditions, such as in automotive, aviation, naval, or combustive engine emissions, as well as in catalyst production. ...

    By ECO Physics AG based in Duernten, SWITZERLAND.

  • Premium

    Commodity trading and risk management software solutions for bio-fuels industry

    Unify critical workflows to make better decisions in the dynamic biofuels market. Global demand for biofuels is set to increase due to factors such as government policies, overall transport fuel demand, and specific policy designs. However, the introduction of biofuels also presents risks in raw material management. The complex supply chain, including biomass production, pre-treatment, storage, and conversion, along with challenges like tracking credits, price fluctuations due to blending, competition for ...

    By Eka Software Solutions Private Limited Office in Geneva, SWITZERLAND.

  • Premium

    Activated carbons solutions for supercapacitors sector

    Modern society is increasingly hungry for power. Whether it be to ensure our mobile communications devices are available for use, or simply to provide all the comforts and labour-saving devices in our homes and work spaces. However, continuous generation of energy is no longer sustainable and we must seek ways to recover or recuperate energy for reuse, if we are to continue the spread of this demand. Recent innovations in recuperative energy are becoming commonplace; from hybrid vehicles to power tools and ...

    By Jacobi Group Office in Schaffhausen, SWITZERLAND.

  • Premium

    International testing for biofuels

    Sustainable use of biofuels requires reliable and precise analytical methods throughout – from the choice of raw materials through to process optimization and on to the compliant final product. As a leading manufacturer of instruments for chemical analysis, we are quite aware of these challenges. ...

    By Metrohm AG Distributor in Zofingen, SWITZERLAND.

  • Premium

    Analytical Instruments for Chemical Analysis of Biofuels and Synthetic Fuels

    Learn about Analytik Jena's elemental analysis techniques for the determination of metal and non-metal elements, e.g., carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine, in renewable bio- and secondary derived fuels and their variable source materials. The methods described are ideal for process control and adaptation, the quality control of final products and legal limit adherence, such as TS legal limits for ...

    By Analytik Jena - an EndressHauser Company Office in Reinach, SWITZERLAND.

  • Premium

    Asphalt production - monitoring solutions for process optimization & energy saving

    Asphalt plants deal with a harsh environment and are subject to great mechanical and thermal constraints. Process monitoring and optimization is becoming an increasingly important issue for plants, especially in terms of energy savings. ...

    By ENVEA Distributor in Lonay, SWITZERLAND.

  • Power generation solutions for commercial buildings sector

    Higher reliability. Increased efficiency. Reduced costs. Solar offers power solutions that meet the needs of commercial industries. Some of our commercial industry clients saved so much that they were able to pay back the entire initial investment of their new Solar solution after just a few years. More than 1500 Solar customers have turned to Combined Heat and Power (CHP) / Cogeneration in order to save money and reduce their carbon footprint. Not only are these commercial customers cutting their plant operating ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Riazzino, SWITZERLAND.

  • Industrial gas turbines for power generation solutions

    Gas Turbine Power Generation ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Riazzino, SWITZERLAND.

  • Power generation solutions for electric power needs

    Why are utilities turning to Combined Heat and Power (CHP) / Cogeneration? Generate Power: Fulfill the rapidly growing power demands. Environmentally Friendly: Capture and utilize steam that is traditionally wasted and minimize carbon footprint. CHP Resiliency: Handle grid disruptions from outages and storms. Lower Electricity Rates: Provide electricity at a lower ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Riazzino, SWITZERLAND.

  • Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) in Transformer Condition Monitoring

    Dissolved Gas Analysis is a method of monitoring the condition of electrical transformers and related oil filled equipment. The oil used in transformers as coolant and insulator has gases dissolved in it due to aging and faults inside the transformer. Different faults in transformers create fault gases of different kind, for example CO, CO2, CH4, C2H6, C2H4, and C2H2. The extraction and analysis of these gases gives highly reliable early indication of transformer ...

    By Gasera Ltd Distributor in Rheinfelden, SWITZERLAND.

  • Hose and tube pumps for Anaerobic digestion & biogas industry

    Biogas is a natural gas also known as biofuel or biomass and is produced by breaking down organic material such as household waste, manure and crops grown specifically for biofuel with temperature-sensitive microbes and capturing the ...

  • Power Generation Solutions for Refinery Gases Sector

    Solar Turbines’ modular, industrial gas turbines can integrate combined heat and power (CHP) allowing significant energy efficiency improvement. Refineries and petrochemical plants have the need to become integrated, energy efficient and sustainable. One benefit of the gas turbine solution is that streams can be used independently or blended together when the refinery production varies, and various gas producers/consumers come online or offline. This capability enables customers to reduce flaring and improve ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Riazzino, SWITZERLAND.

  • Environmental technology for oleochemistry industry

    The development and the application of these systems in this area were based on the idea of environment-friendly and reliable vacuum systems. Körting vacuum systems are suitable for diverse process steps such as drying, destillation, fractionating as well as transesterification during production of biodiesel, fatty acids, soaps and ...

    By Körting Hannover AG Distributor in Hannover, SWITZERLAND.

  • Analysis of Methylimidazoles in Caramel Colored Carbonated Beverages

    Caramel colorings are used as additives in a broad range of food and beverage products to impart a desired color, but have no nutritional or preservative function. Recently, the potential hazard to humans of ammonia- and ammonia-sulfite-process caramel colorings was raised, because they contain the by-product 4-methylimidazole, which is a potential carcinogen.1 The methylimidazole compounds are difficult to analyze due to their polar nature and low molecular weight. Traditional reversed phase techniques are ...

    By Sigma-Aldrich Office in Buchs, SWITZERLAND.

  • Analytical instruments for thermal analysis

    A variety of thermal analysis techniques, such as Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) rely on high-performance mass flow ...

    By Axetris AG based in Kaegiswil, SWITZERLAND.

  • Power Generation Solutions for Marine Power Sector

    Solar Turbines provides best-in-class energy solutions with turbomachinery for power generation. In the marine industry, our wide range of solutions will maximize availability, reliability and value throughout the life of your vessel's propulsion ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Riazzino, SWITZERLAND.

  • Power generation solutions for pulp and paper production industry

    The pulp and paper industry requires large amounts of power and heat in forms of hot air and steam. Solar’s best pulp and paper energy solutions use gas turbine-based cogeneration, better known as Combined Heat and Power (CHP). Cogeneration and CHP installations can reduce our customers’ carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption in pulp and paper production. Estimate your annual operatings savings for your plant using our value estimating ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Riazzino, SWITZERLAND.

  • Power generation solutions for renewable energy sector

    Solar has a history of supporting renewable fuels, committing research and development toward modifying our turbines to burn various low energy fuels ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated Distributor in Riazzino, SWITZERLAND.

  • Hi-Rel Power Solutions

    Take advantage of off-the-shelf affordability with the ability to easily customize. Hi-Rel industries encompass harsh environmental, defense, and aerospace mission-critical applications. High performance and system reliability are non-negotiable for these processes, but budget and product-design cycle reductions are in constant conflict. Full-custom power solutions may no longer meet cost- and time-sensitive requirements, and it may be time to consider commercial off-the-shelf solutions ...

    By Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. Distributor in Villaz-St-Pierre, SWITZERLAND.

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