Spacewell Energy (Dexma)

Spacewell Energy (Dexma)

3 Successful Case Studies in the Energy Management Industry

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Courtesy of Spacewell Energy (Dexma)

When discussing energy management in buildings, the focus often gravitates toward large retail, industrial, or corporate office spaces, while cultural buildings tend to remain in the periphery of the conversation.

In this article, we will delve into the case studies in the energy management industry of three cultural buildings from an energy efficiency standpoint.

Spacewell Energy has recently provided 3 different buildings with his energy management software in the cultural and art sector. Let’s have a look at them all in this article.

In the first part of the article, we talk about a well-known historical building, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. The Hospital exemplifies not only energy efficiency success but also the meticulous upkeep, renovation, and preservation efforts of a historically significant listed building. In the middle part of this article we focus on the emblematic art museum, Fundación Francisco Godia, in the city of Barcelona and how using our platform has helped meet their goal. The last part analyses the case of an education centre, the Escola Sant Gervasi (nursery school, primary school and high school). The school achieved 18% savings by involving the entire school community in efficient energy management of its facilities.

Fundación Privada Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Opened in 1930, the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau comprises various Art Nouveau-style buildings interconnected by lush garden spaces. Recognized as one of the most expansive modernist complex globally, it attained UNESCO World Heritage status in 1997. Europe hosts around 400 World Heritage Sites, with 47 situated in Spain.

At the onset of the project in 2014, the Foundation aimed to pinpoint surplus consumption and discern variations among buildings of comparable size and functions, starting with an annual usage of 2,307,705 kWh.

Managing 140 metres of electricity, gas, and light manually proved inefficient, demanding excessive time and resources. Despite suitable metre numbers and placements, diverse models and manufacturers complicated data standardisation and effective monitoring.

Hence, the primary aim of the energy efficiency project was to maximise energy consumption optimization across the site’s buildings.

The changes resulted in financial savings of €76,000 in just the first half of the year, equivalent to a decrease of 28% in energy costs.

What was the energy efficiency solution found? 
The main solution was to have Spacewell Energy as a unique logging, visualization and analysis tool. This allowed for error avoidance and, above all, for instant and detailed data. Spacewell Energy platform provided an agile tool for measuring electricity, thermal and water meters. A significant amount of work was done to measure data from 140 meters of various brands and models.

What were the results?
An immediate and tangible reduction in consumption and therefore to financial savings of €76,000 in just the first half of the year, equivalent to a decrease of 28% in energy costs in regard to the previous year.

I believe that the Spacewell Energy platform more than meets the objectives and results expected for this type of application. It is simple to operate and very intuitive, while at the same time it has a very understandable and fast visualisation of the data.’ - Agustí Grau i Franquesa, Engineering and Works Director

Explore further insights into the Fundación Privada Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Case Study and discover the strategies behind their remarkable achievements in our website.

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