Inderscience Publishers

Inderscience Publishers

A case study of hybrid wind–solar power system for reduction of CO2 emissions


In this study, the solar radiation and wind data pertaining to Bigadic region are analyzed to assess the performance of a hybrid Photovoltaic–Wind–Diesel–Battery energy system. The average energy consumption of the system is about 20.33 kWh per day and 600 kWh per month, with a peak power demand of 2.4 kW. A 10 kW Wind Turbine and a 1 kWp PV energy system with 48 kW battery are installed. The emissions and energy costs are calculated and compared with the diesel–only and hybrid system. A break–even analysis is conducted for the hybrid system, which turned out to equal 1.44 km.

Keywords: sustainability, PV-wind-diesel batteries, hybrid battery systems, environmental pollution, renewable energy, efficiency, carbon emissions, CO2 emissions, carbon dioxide, sustainable development, solar energy, wind energy, solar power, wind power, photovoltaics, energy consumption, wind turbines

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