AKCP Battery Monitoring for Géoazur - Case Study


Courtesy of AKCP

Géoazur  is a team of geophysicists, geologists and astronomers. With more than 100 permanent staff they specialize in the observation and monitoring of geophysical and astronomical activities.Géoazur operates a network of seismological monitoring stations that are interconnected with a Tsunami early warning system. These monitoring stations are powered by solar and battery power systems. AKCP over the years have provided monitoring solutions for several of these sites.Rejuvenation work of the RISVAL RESIF Isola Station

On August 27, 2018, the rejuvenation of the industrial cabinets of the RESIF ISO wideband station began, located in the Maginot blockhouse at Fort du Longon in Isola. This station was built in 2004 and is integrated into the CENALT tsunami warning network.

This upgrade is part of the equipment modernization plan as part of the Interreg-Alcotra RISVAL project. In this phase of works the modernization of the equipment cabinets which was conducted by the Seismological Observatory of Géoazur on its own specifications.

This work was materialized for this important step by:

  • Removal of old equipment boxes and plastic battery boxes.
  • Installation of a waterproof industrial cabinet intended for housing scientific and monitoring equipment.
  • Installation of a waterproof industrial cabinet to accommodate the station’s batteries.
  • Replacement of all electrical equipment with the addition of automatic reclosers.
  • Installation of two industrial programmable controllers (PLC) SensorProbe SP2 and MOXA E-4200.

AKCP Battery Monitoring for Géoazur - Case Study

The image shows the upgraded cabinet after the project was complete. On the left side is the new standardized electrical distribution panel. On the top right side, the AKCP equipment is installed including an SP2, iDCV and DC power supply An AC Voltage detector alerts when main power is distributed and battery power has taken over.. Bottom left is the new battery charging system, and on its right is the waterproof box containing the Stanéo D6BB-DIN station.

A total of two cabinets are at the site. On the left, the instrumentation cabinet and on the right is the battery cabinet.

On October 12, 2018 the new batteries were installed:
On October 12, 2018 the new batteries were installed:
AKCP Battery Monitoring for Géoazur - Case Study

Continuation and end of the RISVAL rejuvenation work of the St Jean D’Angely Station

On Wednesday, September 19, 2018, the RISVAL renovation work of the NSJA accelerometric station located in the basement of the university restaurant on the Saint Jean d’Angely campus of the University of Nice was completed.

A preliminary phase consisted of installing the cabinet intended to shelter the seismological station.  For this last phase of work :

  • Remove the old equipment (except the sensors) from the temporary station initially installed by Céréma,
  • Installed scientific equipment and an industrial programmable controller (PLC) Sensor Probe SP2.

This station is equipped with an Episensor FBA-EST accelerometer from Kinemetrics, now associated with a Stanéo D6BB-DIN station.

AKCP Battery Monitoring for Géoazur - Case Study

On the top left is the new electrical panel. As with the previous facility, upgrade on the right is the monitoring SP2 and left is the electrical distribution panel. The below image shows the completed cabinet with a seismic sensor embedded in the floor of the basement.

Several more sites were installed with the same battery and mains power monitoring system at seismic monitoring stations.
Several more sites were installed with the same battery and mains power monitoring system at seismic monitoring stations.

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