Asia Coal Catalyst Company

Asia Coal Catalyst Company

Cleaner Coal Technology, CC-88 Successfully Demonstrated at Manikgarh Cement in India


Courtesy of Asia Coal Catalyst Company

US based Asia Coal Catalyst Company (“ACCC”) produces CC-88™ a patented Combustion Catalyst. CC-88 was proven effective at Mankgarh Cement saving coal and improving the clinker quality.

In February of 2014, Asia Coal Catalyst Company conducted successful trials at Manikgarh Cement located in Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India

A successful demonstration showed that CC-88™ combustion catalyst increased the GCV of coal per tonne due to a reduction in L.O.I. (loss on ignition).

The purpose of the demonstration was to show positive effects of using CC-88™ on the combustion of the local coal used at Manikgarh Cement.

ACCC successfully showed that CC-88™ improved combustion efficiency of the 15MW captive power plant boiler.

Manikgarh Cement has made the following observations and conclusions:

  • CC-88™ usage reduced auxiliary power, i.e., Fan power for the ID fan achieving power savings.
  • CC-88™ reduced L.O.I. UBC in flyash was reduced by 4.0%
  • Due to lower L.O.I. & increased IR% of fly ash, PPC cement quality has been  tremendously improved in terms of color variation.
  • CC-88™ made a tremendous improvement to the color of fly ash from black to cream-white making ash significantly more salable.

Asia Coal Catalyst Company is very proud of our products and thanks Manikgarh Cement for the opportunity to demonstrate how CC-88™ Improves combustion efficiency of coal in industrial AFBC boilers.

CC88™ cleaner coal technology helps both industrial and utility boilers to fire at a consistent rate, assisting boilers to achieve their maximum load. CC-88™ reduces stack losses of unburned carbon and reduces unburned carbon in fly ash.

CC-88™ allows operations at lower excess air, reducing plume opacity and reducing NOx. CC-88™ helps keep PM (particulate matters) emissions under control.

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