Inderscience Publishers

Inderscience Publishers

Combined energy and exergy analysis of a corrugated plate heat exchanger and experimental investigation


This paper presents an experimental investigation on combined energetic and exergetic performance characteristics of a corrugated plate heat exchanger using water. On the basis of experimental data considering heat exchange with ambient, various energetic and exergetic performance parameters have been evaluated and discussed their interrelationship. General relationship between energy effectiveness and exergy efficiency has been established as well. The result shows that the exergetic efficiency increases with the Reynolds number, hot and cold water inlet temperatures. The exergy loss increases with increase in hot side Reynolds number and inlet temperature, and decreases with increase in cold side Reynolds number and inlet temperature. The dimensionless exergy loss increases with increase of friction factor and number of transfer units. Study reveals that the heat loss has significant contribution on irreversibility and both heat capacity ratio and effectiveness affect the exergetic efficiency. Some energy–exergy relationship correlations have been also obtained based on experimental data.

Keywords: PHE, plate heat exchangers, experimental investigation, energy effectiveness, exergy loss, exergetic efficiency, energy analysis, exergy analysis, Reynolds number, inlet temperature, irreversibility, heat capacity ratio

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