Comparative control analysis of the Vienna rectifier based on its averaged model
This paper presents a comparative evaluation of two multiple-loops duty-cycle-based control schemes applied to a three-phase three-switch three-level boost-type rectifier. The control laws are both elaborated on the basis of a state-space averaged model of the converter, expressed in the synchronous rotating frame. On the one hand, a control scheme that uses linear regulators is designed by using the small-signal transfer functions of the converter's model, which was linearised on the neighbourhood of a suitable steady-state operating point. On the other hand, a non-linear control scheme that uses the input-output feedback linearisation approach is also designed in order to satisfy the same requirements as for the linear control system. For comparison purpose, both control schemes are implemented numerically using the Simulink tool of Matlab, and simulation experiments are carried out in order to test and verify the tracking and regulation performance of each control law, as well as their robustness towards load or mains source disturbance. For the same operating conditions, the performance of the two control laws are analysed and compared in terms of line currents total harmonic distortion (THD) and DC voltage regulation.
Keywords: Vienna rectifiers, high power factor, PWM control, current wave shaping, voltage regulation, state space averaged models, small signal transfer functions, linear control, nonlinearity compensation, input-output feedback linearisation, power electronics
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