Inderscience Publishers

Inderscience Publishers

Ecological optimisation of an irreversible-closed ICR gas turbine cycle


The ecological function is optimised for an irreversible-closed Intercooled-Recuperated (ICR) gas turbine cycle using the theory of Finite-Time Thermodynamics by searching the optimum intercooling pressure ratio and heat conductance distributions among the four heat exchangers for fixed total heat exchanger inventory and the results are compared with those at the maximum power. Numerical examples indicate that the efficiency at the maximum ecological function is larger than that at the maximum power, and the power at the maximum ecological function is close to the maximum power. It reflects that the ecological function is a compromise between the power and the efficiency.

Keywords: finite time thermodynamics, gas turbine cycle, ICR, intercooled recuperated gas turbines, ecological optimisation, intercooling pressure, heat transfer, heat exchangers, power, efficiency

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