Inderscience Publishers

Inderscience Publishers

Estimates of CO2 emissions reduction and potential power generation from biogas at Mare Chicose landfill


In this study, the annual generation of Landfill Gas (LFG) and methane using the Scholl-Canyon model have been predicted for 1998-2030 for five scenarios of landfill management at the Mare Chicose landfill in Mauritius. Using the Approved Large-Scale Methodology AM003 and Approved Baseline Methodology AM0010 of the Approved Methodologies for CDM activities, the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction and electricity generation capacities for three CO2 emissions intensities from flaring of methane have been estimated for 2008-2030. The total LFG generation has amounted to 319.8-2371.2 Mm³ for 1998-2030. At 50% (v/v), methane content and 60% recovery, the maximum LFG generation and recoverable volume of methane amounted to 1869.5 and 560.9 Mm³ for 2008-2030, respectively. This corresponded to an emissions reduction of up to 421,657.3tCO2e. Potential power generations have been found to vary from 44.6-937 GWhour for the three emissions intensities.

Keywords: biogas, carbon dioxide emissions, flaring, landfill gas, lean LFG, development mechanisms, methane, power generation, Mauritius, electricity generation

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