Inderscience Publishers

Inderscience Publishers

Exergy analysis of BIGGT and EFGT cycles


Availability of biomass in Brazil makes this fuel a major candidate to increase its presence in the country's energy matrix. In North-eastern Brazil, biomass available from sugarcane industry represents an annual energy resource of 146 PJ at an average cost of US$ 1.5/GJ. This paper aims to analyse the match between biomass and gas turbines. Two types of power plants are studied: the BIGGT and the EFGT cycles. The method involves design point exergoeconomic analysis, in order to identify major sources of exergy destruction and devices that can be thermodynamically enhanced. Results are compared with the Natural Gas Fuelled cycle.

Keywords: biomass, BIGGT, EFGT, exergy analysis, exergoeconomic analysis, gas turbines, Brazil, sugarcane, natural gas, exergy destruction, thermodynamics

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