SoftInWay Inc.

SoftInWay Inc.

Heavy Duty 126 MW GT upgrade for aerodynamic performance improvement


Scope of the Project

  • Turbine Services Ltd. , a supplier of replacement parts for GE Large Frame Gas Turbines, has worked with SoftlnWay's engineering team on the redesign of the third stage of the GE Frame 9E heavy duty gas turbine.
  • The scope of this project included the redesign of the third stage vanes and blades to create components competitive with the GE Advanced Aero Uprate package.
  • The redesign needed to meet the increased efficiency and structural integrity of the OEM's official upgraded parts, while avoiding the geometric limitations imposed by the US Patents held by GE.

GE-PG917E General Information

The Frame 9E heavy duty 50 Hz gas turbine is a single shaft machine with 3 stages in the turbine section.

Stage-3 Bucket & Nozzle (Advanced Aero)
GE has redesigned stage-3 bucket and stage-3 nozzle for the 6B, 7B-7EA, and 9B-E gas turbine classes to increase their efficiency and improve the output (up to +1%, at ISO cond.) and heat rate (up to -1% at ISO cond.).

The aero and mechanical requirements from Turbine Services Ltd. required the following steps:

  • Nozzles and blades airfoil modifications, including twist and lean;
  • Nozzles’ and blades’ profile optimization with minimized losses while avoiding infringement of GE patents;
  • Performance analysis performed in AxSTREAM 2D solver with 3D CFD validation demonstrating performance figures competitive with GE advanced stage 3 design;
  • Detailed 3D design of the newly developed nozzles blocks and blades with shroud and dovetail;
  • Complete cycle of thermo-structural analyses for the air cooled Nozzle blocks and rotating Blades, in order to validate the advanced structural integrity in comparison to GE upgrade parts;
  • Complete 3D CAD models development;

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