Hofstetter BV

Hofstetter BV

High temperature combustion of landfill gas


Courtesy of Hofstetter BV

Type     Compact plant HOFGAS® - Efficiency 250
Commissioning     December 2001
Site     Storkohmo landfill, Kokkola (FIN)

Storkohmo landfill is located 400km north of Helsinki on Finland's west coast near the city of Kokkola. Based on local legislation requirements ( reduction of green house gas emissions ) the gas collection system, compressor station with automatic methane regulation and low emission combustion with high temperature flare had to be built and installed. 

The landfill gas was to be combusted in a high temperature flare with the following conditions:
Complete low emission combustion

  • Meeting the TA-Luft legislation
  • Regulation range 1:5
  • Continuous operation at a flow rate of 50-250 Nm3/h
  • CH4, O2 and CO2 gas analysis system with 11 measuring points

The high temperature flare HOFGAS® - Efficiency 250 and HOFGAS® - Assay were selected. The flare was equipped with an additional protection against hard Scandinavian climate during winter.


  • Skid and combustion chamber made from pickled, passivated stainless steel
  • Range of automatic combustion control between 50-250Nm3/h
  • Burner capacity max. 1.25MW
  • Combustion temperature at 1'000-1'200°C
  • Residence time min. 0.3 sec
  • Operator terminal with LCD display in lockable, electrically heated and weather proof control cabinet
  • Insulated and heated electric slam shut valve and pilot burner HOFGAS® - Efficiency 250
  • HOFGAS® -Assay landfill gas analysis system with Fisher-Rosemount gas analysers
    (O2 paramagnetic, CH4 and CO2 infrared )

Client’s Benefits

  • Reduction of landfill gas emissions
  • High temperature, low emission combustion
  • Low operating costs
  • Easy installation and commissioning

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