AMETEK Spectro Scientific

AMETEK Spectro Scientific


Increased Capability for Oil in Water and Biodiesel Blend Measurements with New InfraCal 2 Analyzer


Source: AMETEK Spectro Scientific

East Norwalk, CT -- The new InfraCal 2 Analyzer, recently introduced by Wilks, offers additional features to the already established and accepted InfraCal Oil in Water Analyzers and InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzers.  These features include better repeatability, multiple calibrations, unlimited data storage, optional internal battery pack, touch screen display, and password protection for instrument settings.

The InfraCal 2 incorporates new electronics providing a better signal-to-noise ratio that improves the stability and repeatability.  The InfraCal 2 for oil in water analysis now has the capability to measure from sub-ppm to percent levels, making it suitable for wastewater, produced water or frac water measurements, as well as checking hydrocarbon levels in drilling mud or drill cuttings.

For biodiesel in diesel, the InfraCal 2 has a new calibration scheme that makes it easier to get an accurate zero.  It includes alerts to ensure the sample surface is clean prior to measurements – features which contribute to more repeatable readings.

The InfraCal 2 Analyzer also provides a virtually unlimited amount of internal data storage.  For users testing at different remote locations, data can periodically be transferred serially or via a flash drive.  Each analysis is tagged with parameters which include date, time, analyst, and location.  The internal battery pack will last up to 12 hours bringing portability to a new level and eliminating the need to send samples to a laboratory and wait for results.

With the added features of the InfraCal 2, it is still ideal for use by non-technical personnel and provides the same reliability and maintenance-free operation inherent in all Wilks analyzers.

For further information on the InfraCal 2 Analyzers for measurement of oil in water and biodiesel blend analysis, please contact:  please contact: Wilks – A Spectro Scientific Company, 25 Van Zant Street,     Ste. 8F, E. Norwalk, CT 06855 TEL: 203-855-9136; FAX: 203-838-9868; Email:; or the information can be downloaded from the Wilks website:

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