Introducing AHED (Advanced Heat Exchanger Design)
AHED (Advanced Heat Exchanger Design) is a powerful design tool for the calculation of one of the most used items of process equipment: shell and tube and heat exchangers (STHE’s).
STHE’s are used in widespread process industries including Chemical, Oil & Gas, Wastewater, Food, Pharmaceutical & Automotive. The design of STHE’s is fundamental for a process installation to work to its optimum. It is vital that heat exchangers meet the desired duty within the available space and economical constraints (capex and opex).
Traditionally designing the correct STHE has meant the need for investment in costly software solutions, which are not available to everybody. AHED was designed to overcome this without compromising the calculation precision needed for modern industry.
AHED offers advanced and unique features:
- Cloud Based & Group Project Sharing Functionality
- Large Fluid Database
- Multitube, Tube in Tube and Triple Tube
- Multiple Processes
- Vibration Analysis
- Batch Calculations
- AHED-Opt Procedure
- Project Reporting
AHED is intended for use in the following company types:
- Engineering Companies
- System Integrators
- Consultants
- End Users
- Universities, Faculties, Research Groups
AHED can be used for many industries:
- Process Industry
- Chemical & Fine Chemical
- Petrochemical – Oil & Gas
- Food Industry
- Environmental and Wastewater
- Pharmaceutical
Licence Types:
Choose from Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum packages – you only pay for the features you need!
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