Biodiesel Analysis Articles & Analysis
Biodiesel Analysis With Portable Midinfrared Analyzers
Biodiesel sales in the U.S. increased from 75 million gallons in 2005 to 250 million gallons in 2006. As ol September 2007, 165 companies arc producing biodiesel and 85 plants are under construction- Along with this rapid growth in production is the iuviI to ensure quality product* Methods fur specifications offinished biodiesel fuels include ASTM D 6751, ON 14214, and DIN 51606. The rest ...
Biodiesel Analysis with Mid Infrared - From Feedstock to Fuel
Introduction The biofuels industry is growing rapidly and so is the need for analysis to ensure quality product. The parameters for quality biodiesel require different types of instruments and measurement systems, such as gas chromatographs (GC), titrators, centrifuges, infrared spectrometers... Although claims are out there for the analyzer that will do it all, unfortunately there is no one ...
Biodiesel Feedstock Analysis 2nd Generation of Biofuels
The main obstacle in biodiesel production from waste fats and oils is their high free fatty acid content. Its precise measurement helps Professor Karel Kolomaznik’s Faculty of Applied Informatics team at Tomas Bata University in Zlín (Czech Republic) to develop suitable new technology. Biodiesel from waste The Tomas Bata University research group has developed a special catalytic ...
Guide to Measuring Biofuel Blending
As the global commitment to renewable energy sources grows, the importance of using biodiesel as a blending component with diesel fuel has increased. Biodiesel consists of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) which are produced by the transesterification of certain feedstock oils, such as soy, rapeseed, canola, and others. The biodiesel is then blended with diesel fuel at amounts required by the ...
GHG balance of biodiesel production and consumption in EU
The promotion of biofuels as energy for transportation in the industrialised countries is mainly driven by the perspective of oil depletion, concerns about energy security and global warming. Nevertheless, the production of biofuels entails emissions to the environment coming from the different stages in the product life cycle. This paper evaluates the environmental impact of pure rapeseed ...
Development of decision support system to select the best fuel blend in IC engines to enhance the energy efficiency
This paper describes an application of hybrid MCDM technique for the selection of optimum blend in fish oil biodiesel among the six alternative fuel blends diesel, B20, B40, B60, B80 and B100 which is prepared by varying the amount of diesel with biodiesel. Brake thermal efficiency (BTE), exhaust gas temperature (EGT), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), smoke, hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), ...
Comparison of EN 14078 and ASTM D7371 infrared biodiesel methods
Infrared (IR) analysis is the most widely used measurement technology for measuring biodiesel in diesel. Both EN 14078 and ASTM D7371 methods use infrared as the analytical method and more specifically FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy. Infrared is a common spectroscopic technique used for quantitative and qualitative analysis. In the biodiesel measurement, the fatty acid methyl ...
The Effect of Feedstocks on InfraRed Blend Measurements
IR can be a simple, effective way to measure biodiesel blend ratios from a variety of feedstocks BY SANDRA RINTOUL With biodiesel hitting a new production record of 823 million gallons through October and expected to reach 1.28 billion by 2013, more biodiesel will ultimately be blended into our diesel fuel. This boom in production has opened the doors to a number of potential biodiesel ...
Biofuels blend measurements with portable mid-infrared analyzers
Globally, governments are putting more emphasis on sustainable energy sources and are creating energy policies that promote the production and use of biofuels. With the Renewable Fuels Standard-2 (RFS-2), the United States set biofuels blending volumes to 12.95 billion gallons (49.0 billion liters) for 2010, increasing to 36 billion gallons (136 billion liters) by 2022. With similar mandates or ...
InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer for Biodiesel Blend Measurements
Synopsis: Simple, yet powerful, filter-based IR spectrometers are ideal for compliance to the new ASTM 7861 test method for accurately measuring biodiesel blend ratios. The Wilks InfraSpec analyzer was the instrument used to develop and validate this method and thus is the industry standard for field measurement of FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) blend percentages. Introduction: Biodiesel is a ...
The impact of blending techniques, feedstock choice, and analytical techniques on biodiesel blend accuracy
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, USA, conducted a nationwide study released in 2005 that compared the actual content of biodiesel in biodiesel/ petroleum diesel blends vs. the nominal content. Results showed that 36% of the samples were incorrectly labeled. Inaccurately blended biofuels can have a negative impact throughout the supply chain, affecting distributors, ...
Mid-infrared analysis of biodiesel
The biodiesel industry is growing rapidly. and so is the need for analysis 10 ensure quality product and keep biodiesel in good standing. Biodiesellhat has residual glycerin, glycer· ides, or inorganic salts from the production process can cause problems such as Iilter plugging and injector coking in a diesel engine. The biodiesel blend ralio also can affect cold weather performance, lax ...
Value stream mapping based on energy and cost system for biodiesel production
Organisations have to give more attention to customer demands for survival and also for increasing their market shares. But customers' demands are not stable. The main problem of all organisations is how to cut costs during production process. The solution to this problem is built up with lean–based production systems. Value stream mapping identifies those areas where unwanted productivity is ...
Exergetic cost analysis and sustainability assessment of an Internal Combustion Engine
This study deals with exergy cost analysis and sustainability assessment of a diesel engine, which runs with diesel no. 2 and two different biodiesel fuels at 1400 1/min test speed. Maximum total cost per exergy flow input rate and total exergy cost are found to be 12.5549 $/kW•year and 1728.312 $/year for one of the biodiesel fuels, respectively, while minimum values of these costs are ...
A review on exergetic analysis and assessment of various types of engines
This study presents a review on energy and exergy analysis of Otto and Diesel engines. Calculation methods of the analysis are discussed in detail. Previous studies, from 1963 to 2008, are chronologically listed and studied. The test engines had different cylinder numbers, speeds and rated powers. Engine specifications and test bench schematics are given in tables and figures. The best exergetic ...
Energy analysis and potentials of biodiesel production from Jatropha Curcas in Tunisia
Oleaginous plants such as Jatropha Curcas Linnaeus (JCL), not intended for human consumption but used for biodiesel production, could contribute to beneficial outcomes. This plant grows on poor land (arid and marginal land) and is drought resistant. Jatropha Curcas is native to South America and widely grown in South and Central America, Africa, and Asia (Achten et al., 2007; Kumar et al., 2011). ...
Comparison of infrared biodiesel measurement methods - An overview of ASTM-approved methods and those under consideration
There are several options for measuring the amount of biodie-sel in diesel fuel. Methods EN 14078 and AS'lTvI D7371 are more amenable to laboratory testing although wailing for an off-site laboratory to perform the test can take several hours to several days. For a driver whose truck has just been loaded for a delivery, any wail is too long. Other options for more simplified on-site testing that ...
Combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a DI CI engine using biodiesel with varied fatty acid composition
Five Biodiesel produced from different vegetable oils were tested on a diesel engine to study the effect of biodiesel fatty acid composition specifically unsaturated composition on the engine combustion. The results from fuel analysis show that biodiesel (93% unsaturated fatty acid ester composition) with 55% linolenic ester has a higher density of 0.89 kg/m³, lower viscosity of 3.8 cSt, heating ...
Exergetic cost analysis of a CI engine fuelled with petrodiesel and palm and karanja biodiesels: a comparative assessment
This paper deals with evaluation of suitable fuel for a 4–stroke single–cylinder diesel engine operated at steady state amongst three fuels - petrodiesel (PD), palm biodiesel (PB) and karanja biodiesel (KB) - through exergy, economic and thermoeconomic analyses. Based on exegy analysis, PB is found to be the best fuel with highest exergetic efficiencies 26.02%. However, PD evolves to be best fuel ...
Sustainability evaluation of the national programme of biodiesel use and production: comparative analysis: Quixadá Hub (Ceará) and Central Hub (Rio Grande do Sul)
This article analysed the conditioners of sustainability that can be related to family farmers involved in the production of raw material for the Brazil's National Programme for Biodiesel Use and Production (PNBP) in the Quixadá Hub (Ceará) and in the Central Hub (Rio Grande do Sul). The PNPB, officially launched in Brazil in 2004 with the goals of building a sustainable programme, fostering ...
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