Biodiesel Blending Articles & Analysis
Meeting the challenges of biodiesel blend measurements
In a published paper on biodiesel blend quality submitted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory1, the chief problem found with biodiesel blends was inaccurate blend ratios. Retail customers and fleet managers do not typically worry about whether the blend ratio is correct until a problem occurs. For fleet managers, an incorrect blend can mean a total shutdown of operations. On the ...
Comparative assessment of injection, combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine for biodiesel–diesel blends
The effects of different percentage of biodiesel diesel blends on injection, combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a constant speed diesel engine are analysed. The dynamic injection timing advanced with all blends. The in–line pressure and in–cylinder injection duration increased for the biodiesel blends in order to maintain same power output. The premixed combustion and total ...
Emissions and performance of a stationary diesel engine run on biodiesel blends
This paper presents an investigation into the effect of biodiesel blending on emissions and efficiency in a stationary diesel engine. Rapeseed based biodiesel blended in increments of 25% with fossil diesel. The emissions of CO2 show a decrease in emission (g/kWh) with increased engine load. Within the range of tests carried out, the NOx emissions from biodiesel and its blends proved to be higher ...
Extension of New York’s Clean Heating Fuel Tax Credit
The New York State Clean Heating Fuel Tax Credit has been extended through 2020. The personal income tax credit, which was initially authorized in 2006, is provided to eligible taxpayers for biodiesel purchases used for residential space and water heating. For each percent of biodiesel blended with conventional home heating oil, a tax credit of $0.01/gallon is available up to a maximum of ...
A hybrid multi–criteria decision support system for selection of optimum fuel blend
The increasing diesel consumption, depletion of fossil fuels and environmental concerns have prompted usage of biodiesel. The selection of appropriate source and blending of biodiesel plays a role in alternate energy production. The aim of this study is to evaluate the optimum blend using Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique. Five alternative fuel blends are prepared by varying the ...
International diesel standart, with biodiesel blending
Rates of use of biological raw materials in a fuel sector are achieved by fast turns. Leading positions in production of bioethanol, absolutely are belonged to Brazil and the USA, development of BioDiesel blend fuel solid grows in the different European Union countries. What is the biofuel? This fuel doesn’t possess a benzol smell and is made from oils as raw materials for which the plants ...
Safe environment using biodiesel blend
The biodiesel blend is more environmentally friendly, than standard types of fuel which has a crude oil base. It only radiates the carbon dioxide necessary for growth of plants. It doesn’t contain sulfur and other unfriendly contaminates. It has better burning process, because there is more mass of oxygen and it is biological product which quickly decays therefore doesn’t threaten ...
An experimental investigation on the performance and emission characteristics of a twin cylinder DI compression ignition engine employing bio-diesel blend as fuel at different injection timings and injection pressures
In this study, the combined effect of injection timing and injection pressure on the performance, emission characteristics of a twin cylinder CIDI engine employing biodiesel blend of B40 as fuel was evaluated. The vegetable oil is extracted from the pongamia seeds which further underwent the transesterification process to get converted into biodiesel. The experiments were carried out at different ...
The Effect of Feedstocks on InfraRed Blend Measurements
IR can be a simple, effective way to measure biodiesel blend ratios from a variety of feedstocks BY SANDRA RINTOUL With biodiesel hitting a new production record of 823 million gallons through October and expected to reach 1.28 billion by 2013, more biodiesel will ultimately be blended into our diesel fuel. This boom in production has opened the doors to a number of potential biodiesel ...
Biodiesel versus diesel: a pilot study comparing exhaust exposures for employees at a rural municipal facility
Many organizations interested in renewable, domestic energy have switched from petroleum diesel to biodiesel blends for use in transportation and heavy-duty equipment. Although considerable evidence exists on the negative health effects of petroleum diesel exhaust exposures in occupational settings, there has been little research examining biodiesel exposures. Working collaboratively with a local ...
Effects of injection timing on the performance and emissions of a diesel engine fuelled with diethyl ether blended thevetia peruviana biodiesel
Fast depletion of petroleum reserves and existing emission norms drive us to search for the apt fuel for the IC engines. Biodiesel derived from vegetable oils is being tried now–a–days in most of the researches. A number of researches are in progress to reduce the emissions by using various techniques. In this study, the injection timing of a single cylinder diesel engine is advanced from 23° to ...
Maintaining biodiesel quality standards
A problem that is sometimes encountered with biodiesel blends is inaccurate blend ratios. This article describes a quick analytical method to assess blend ratios and ensure fuel performance. According to a study1 done by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the chief problem found with biodiesel blends was inaccurate blend ratios. Retail customers and fleet managers do not typically worry ...
Mid-infrared analysis of biodiesel
The biodiesel industry is growing rapidly. and so is the need for analysis 10 ensure quality product and keep biodiesel in good standing. Biodiesellhat has residual glycerin, glycer· ides, or inorganic salts from the production process can cause problems such as Iilter plugging and injector coking in a diesel engine. The biodiesel blend ralio also can affect cold weather performance, lax ...
Meeting the Challenges of Biodiesel Blend Measurements with Portable Mid-Infrared Analyzers - Case study
In a published paper on biodiesel blend quality submitted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory1, the chief problem found with biodiesel blends was inaccurate blend ratios. Retail customers and fleet managers do not typically worry about whether the blend ratio is correct until a problem occurs. For fleet managers, an incorrect blend can mean a total shutdown of operations. On the ...
The impact of blending techniques, feedstock choice, and analytical techniques on biodiesel blend accuracy
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, USA, conducted a nationwide study released in 2005 that compared the actual content of biodiesel in biodiesel/ petroleum diesel blends vs. the nominal content. Results showed that 36% of the samples were incorrectly labeled. Inaccurately blended biofuels can have a negative impact throughout the supply chain, affecting distributors, ...
Assessment of fuel efficiency of neem biodiesel (Azadirachta indica) in a single cylinder diesel engine
Increase of petroleum diesel usage and its environmental pollution necessitate the study of alternate fuel production. Vegetable oils are the viable alternate form of non–polluted, renewable fuel to diesel engines. In this work, the non–edible oil, neem (Azadirachta indica) was used to produce biodiesel by a two step transesterification process. The fuel properties of the biodiesel thus produced ...
Maintaining biodiese quality standards - Case study
A problem that is sometimes encountered with biodiesel blends is inaccurate blend ratios. This article describes a quick analytical method to assess blend ratios and ensure fuel performance According 10 a study' done by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the chief problem found with biodiesel blends was inaccurate blend ratios. Retail customers and fleet managers do not typically worry ...
Selection of best biodiesel blend for IC engines: an integrated approach with FAHP–TOPSIS and FAHP–VIKOR
The aim of this study is to select the best blend using multi–criteria decision–making (MCDM) technique. The six alternative fuel blends diesel, B20, B40, B60, B80 and B100 are prepared by varying the amount of diesel in biodiesel. Brake thermal efficiency (BTE), exhaust gas temperature (EGT), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), smoke, hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are ...
Comparison of EN 14078 and ASTM D7371 infrared biodiesel methods
Infrared (IR) analysis is the most widely used measurement technology for measuring biodiesel in diesel. Both EN 14078 and ASTM D7371 methods use infrared as the analytical method and more specifically FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy. Infrared is a common spectroscopic technique used for quantitative and qualitative analysis. In the biodiesel measurement, the fatty acid methyl ...
Comparison of infrared biodiesel measurement methods - An overview of ASTM-approved methods and those under consideration
There are several options for measuring the amount of biodie-sel in diesel fuel. Methods EN 14078 and AS'lTvI D7371 are more amenable to laboratory testing although wailing for an off-site laboratory to perform the test can take several hours to several days. For a driver whose truck has just been loaded for a delivery, any wail is too long. Other options for more simplified on-site testing that ...
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