Biofuel Blend Articles & Analysis
Guide to Measuring Biofuel Blending
As the global commitment to renewable energy sources grows, the importance of using biodiesel as a blending component with diesel fuel has increased. Biodiesel consists of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) which are produced by the transesterification of certain feedstock oils, such as soy, rapeseed, canola, and others. The biodiesel is then blended with diesel fuel at amounts required by the ...
Partial equilibrium analysis of the EC bioethanol blend mandate policy: its potential implications for EU transport sector
The aim of this study is to set up an EU27 bioethanol partial equilibrium model under a binding blend mandate and to determine the bioethanol market clearing conditions' implications on EU transport sector. Bioethanol supply is derived from EU27 bioethanol crops while its demand is a derived from that of transport fuel in the region. Results show that equilibrium bioethanol quantities at 70% tax ...
MDA Announces Grants To Expand Biofuel Access And Production
On August 6, 2019, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) announced four grants aiming to expand biofuel access and production to advance the state’s renewable energy efforts. Awarded to four recipients by MDA’s Agricultural Growth, Research and Innovation (AGRI) Program, the grants total more than $500,000. One Bioenergy/Biochemical Pilot Project Grant was awarded, providing ...
Selection of best biodiesel blend for IC engines: an integrated approach with FAHP–TOPSIS and FAHP–VIKOR
The aim of this study is to select the best blend using multi–criteria decision–making (MCDM) technique. The six alternative fuel blends diesel, B20, B40, B60, B80 and B100 are prepared by varying the amount of diesel in biodiesel. Brake thermal efficiency (BTE), exhaust gas temperature (EGT), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), smoke, hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are ...
US and international policies affecting liquid biofuels' expansion and profitability
US and International Policies Affecting Liquid Biofuels' Expansion and Profitability. Biofuel expansion and profitability is driven by more than just biofuel policy. While direct policies such as subsidies and mandates are analysed, issues such as exchange rates, the blending wall, land use, and indirect greenhouse gas impacts, as well as petroleum prices, greatly affect biofuels' expansion and ...
Carbon-14 Analysis for Biofuel Production
Biomass feedstock is a key source of renewable energy, essential for generating sustainable electricity, heat and transport fuels. This alternative energy source plays a major role in the transition away from greenhouse gas-intensive fuels toward a more sustainable, low carbon future. Within the fuel sector, the manufacturing of biofuel blends using biomass resources lessens the impact of carbon ...
Biofuels blend measurements with portable mid-infrared analyzers
Globally, governments are putting more emphasis on sustainable energy sources and are creating energy policies that promote the production and use of biofuels. With the Renewable Fuels Standard-2 (RFS-2), the United States set biofuels blending volumes to 12.95 billion gallons (49.0 billion liters) for 2010, increasing to 36 billion gallons (136 billion liters) by 2022. With similar mandates or ...
An experimental investigation on the performance and emission characteristics of a twin cylinder DI compression ignition engine employing bio-diesel blend as fuel at different injection timings and injection pressures
In this study, the combined effect of injection timing and injection pressure on the performance, emission characteristics of a twin cylinder CIDI engine employing biodiesel blend of B40 as fuel was evaluated. The vegetable oil is extracted from the pongamia seeds which further underwent the transesterification process to get converted into biodiesel. The experiments were carried out at different ...
Safe environment using biodiesel blend
The biodiesel blend is more environmentally friendly, than standard types of fuel which has a crude oil base. It only radiates the carbon dioxide necessary for growth of plants. It doesn’t contain sulfur and other unfriendly contaminates. It has better burning process, because there is more mass of oxygen and it is biological product which quickly decays therefore doesn’t threaten ...
Performance and energy analyses of a diesel engine fuelled with Koroch seed oil methyl ester and its diesel fuel blends
Performance of a single cylinder four–stroke diesel engine is analysed in the light of first law of thermodynamics in this study considering 10% (B10) to 40% (B40) (by volume) blending of Koroch seed oil methyl ester (KSOME) with diesel as fuels. An energy balance study is carried out to quantify the various losses associated with diesel engine processes on the basis of experimental data. ...
Comparative assessment of injection, combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine for biodiesel–diesel blends
The effects of different percentage of biodiesel diesel blends on injection, combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a constant speed diesel engine are analysed. The dynamic injection timing advanced with all blends. The in–line pressure and in–cylinder injection duration increased for the biodiesel blends in order to maintain same power output. The premixed combustion and total ...
Future of diesel engines with biodiesel economy
Biofuel is a fuel from biological raw materials. Any animal or vegetable fat can become raw materials for production of the natural diesel practically. Biodiesel economy is really changed after technology was allowed to make fuel from algas, commercial crops, animal fats and even the fulfilled culinary oils can become the most widespread source of fats. This fuel is safe in production and use, ...
Future of diesel engines with biodiesel economy
Biofuel is a fuel from biological raw materials. Any animal or vegetable fat can become raw materials for production of the natural diesel practically. Biodiesel economy is really changed after technology was allowed to make fuel from algas, commercial crops, animal fats and even the fulfilled culinary oils can become the most widespread source of fats. This fuel is safe in production and use, it ...
A hybrid multi–criteria decision support system for selection of optimum fuel blend
The increasing diesel consumption, depletion of fossil fuels and environmental concerns have prompted usage of biodiesel. The selection of appropriate source and blending of biodiesel plays a role in alternate energy production. The aim of this study is to evaluate the optimum blend using Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique. Five alternative fuel blends are prepared by varying the ...
Performance and emission characteristics of a DI compression ignition engine operated on PODL biofuel
This paper presents the results of investigations carried out both numerically with the CFD code CONVERGE and experimentally on a single-cylinder, four stroke, direct-injection, CI engine. The tests are performed with neat diesel, neat palm oil (PO) and different blends of PO and the D-limonen solvent (PODL), like 10%, 15% and 20% by mass of D-limonen in PO (PODL10, PODL15 and PODL20). Engine ...
Oil Chiefs Clash over Energy and Climate
Conflicting messages about how the oil industry should respond to climate change and manage its reputation have been sent out by the heads of three oil majors - ExxonMobil, Shell and ChevronTexaco. None foresees a challenge to the supremacy of oil and gas for the next three decades - but on many other issues the transatlantic rift runs deep. ExxonMobil remains the target for a global campaign ...
Maintaining biodiesel quality standards
A problem that is sometimes encountered with biodiesel blends is inaccurate blend ratios. This article describes a quick analytical method to assess blend ratios and ensure fuel performance. According to a study1 done by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the chief problem found with biodiesel blends was inaccurate blend ratios. Retail customers and fleet managers do not typically worry ...
Maintaining biodiese quality standards - Case study
A problem that is sometimes encountered with biodiesel blends is inaccurate blend ratios. This article describes a quick analytical method to assess blend ratios and ensure fuel performance According 10 a study' done by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the chief problem found with biodiesel blends was inaccurate blend ratios. Retail customers and fleet managers do not typically worry ...
Nigeria will use Brazilian blueprint to found its new biofuels industry
Documento sin título Brazil’s successful development of an ethanol-based biofuels sector since the 1980s, hardly noticed at first, has been the envy of other countries more dependent on oil imports.The government had the foresight to notice, long before the oil paradigm started to shift towards peak production, that its vast hectares of sugar cane could be put to good use as an ...
Avoided global warming emissions with the adoption of biofuel policies in Spain
The objective of this study is to assess the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in the production and use of biofuels in Spain considering different crop production alternatives, including the possible import of raw materials. Avoided GHG emissions due to the substitution of conventional transport fuels with biofuels are then quantified. The studied biofuels are bioethanol from cereal crops and ...
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