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Biogas Cleaning Articles & Analysis

29 articles found
  • Biolimp siloxa. Plant for biogas cleaning

    The biogas produced in a digester, landfill or waste water plant is normally treated in order to remove water, H2S, dust and/or CO2. The choice of the cleaning method employed and the compound to be removed depends on the type of end use of the gas. This paper focuses on desing, star up and operation of biogas cleaning plant for removal dangerous component (water, H2S, NH3, siloxane and ...

  • Biogas cleaning / conditioning - A requirement for optimal functioning of CHP systems

    Biogas is obtained through the anaerobic decomposition (putrefaction) of organic matter. It contains methane (CH4) in varying proportions, ranging from 35% to 70%, a proportion which largely depends on production methods and the materials involved in the process. This methane concentration is what enables biogas to be used as fuel. The release of methane into the atmosphere contributes to an ...

  • Biogas Cleaning and Conditioning: A Requirement for Optimal Operation of CHP Systems

    For the adequate use of biogas as biofuel in CHP-equipment or for biomethane production, it requires a previous conditioning to remove or reduce all of the dangerous compounds. Biolimp-siloxa is a multi-purpose plant technology to consider in reducing all pollutants. Biogas is a gaseous mixture formed mainly by methane (CH 4 ), CO 2 and traces of other components. Biogas has dangerous compounds ...

  • Biogas Cleaning

    Removal of water vapor Origin In the biogas production process, water is an intrinsic part of both the material to be digested (biomass) and the process itself. Furthermore, water is the medium in which biogas production takes place, regardless of whether the digestion process is dry or wet, the biogas produced will contain water vapour. The amount of water vapour contained in the biogas ...

  • Project - Biogas plant Bio-Energy Lunen (Dortmund)

    Location: Lünen Germany Plant Capacity: 70,000 t/a Fresh Substrate Realization: 2010 (Realized in 9 Month incl. Permit) Substrate: Energy Crops and plants Cow and Pig Slurry Different Manure Process: Single steps mesophilic process. Reception Silo and Tanks Full automatic Feeding System 2 Digesters (Total Volume 12.200m³) Storage of Digestat products Biogas ...

    By Saaf Energy

  • Biogas CHP supplies in Uruguay electricity and heat case study

    Dreyer & Bosse Kraftwerke as a seasoned manufacturer of CHP (Combined Heating and Power) has provided a complete CHP system of series Vita for generating heat and power for a wool producer in Uruguay. The biogas cleaning system including biogas cooler and activated carbon filter were ordered and delivered as well for a smooth operation. There are 3.9 millions of sheep at this farm, about 40% ...

    By Wolf Power Systems GmbH

  • Cleaning biogas with bacteria

    Organic materials added to an anaerobic digester commonly contain sulphur components. During the anaerobic digestion process, the sulphur is converted into hydrogen sulphide (H2S), which is absorbed by the biogas. When the biogas produced in an AD plant goes on to be combusted in a gas engine or boiler, the H2S will give off sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4). It is for this reason ...

    By Biogasclean A/S

  • Project - Biogas Plant Bio-Energy Bardowick

    Location: Bardowick Lower Sacsonie Germany Plant Capacity: 36,500 t/a Fresh Substrate Realization: 2012-2013 Substrate: Food Waste from Super Market, Restaurants and Canteen, Food Industry Waste, Market Waste, Slaughter House Waste, ETP Sludge, Used Oil, Expired Food and brewery Process: 2 steps mesophilic process. Entire Capsuled plant with: Reception Areas for all Bin size , ...

    By Saaf Energy

  • Biomethane enters the gas grid article for energy world

    The Carbon Plan, published in 2011, aims to reduce UK carbon emissions by a quarter from 1990 levels. With the current policies in place, the UK is on target to reduce emissions by over a third by 2020 and with the introduction of new technologies this should increase to an 80% reduction by 2050. However, currently around half the UK’s carbon emissions result from heat related processes and ...

    By CNG Services Limited

  • Desulfuration of Biogas

    ORIGIN, EFFECTS AND TREATMENTS The elimination of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in biogas becomes a necessity not only to keep the pipelines, machines and equipment involved in its transportation, use and application in good condition but also, and above all, to preserve the life of all the personnel in charge of the operation and maintenance of the biogas production stations, as well as ...

  • Clarke Energy applauded for its ongoing adaptation to the biogas market

    French magazine Energie Plus has put Clarke Energy forward as a good example of a traditional key player adjusting to the constant developing biogas sector. The article shows that today’s companies have to adapt to the markets to survive. It demonstrates Clarke Energy being an inspiring case of a company that has looked at innovative possibilities to handle that new and constantly changing ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • From Landfill to the Tomato Plant -- Purified Biogas Powers Greenhouse Operation

    In 2009, the Board of Waste Management for the Mauricie region of Quebec, Canada (RGMRM) found a biogas purification solution through an Eco-Tec Inc. system known as BgPur, which uses a patented, high efficiency gas-liquid contacting process, allowing H2S to be absorbed and the gas purified for reuse in power generation, cogeneration and heating applications. The aim was to purify the landfill ...

  • Protect your biogas installations and reduce the maintenance costs

    The conversion of biogas into green energy is not only environmentally friendly, but also contributes to the optimization of natural resources. More and more industries have biogas stations to take advantage of waste generated in these facilities, contributing to generate a circular economy where all available resources are exploited. Biogas plants need to remove impurities before it is ...

    By Bioconservacion SA

  • Project - Installation of a biogas desulphurisation unit at a WWTP, Chania WWTP (Greece)

    Bioconservacion's technology was the successful bidder in the public tender launched in 2015 for the design, execution and construction of a biogas desulfurization unit at the wastewater treatment plant in Chania, Greece. With a population of more than 100,000, Chania is the second largest municipality on the Greek island of Crete. Its wastewater treatment plant consists of primary and secondary ...

    By Bioconservacion SA

  • Desulfurization and reduction of siloxanes in biogas

    Reducing the carbon footprint of our society is essential. This can be achieved by capturing and confining anthropogenic CO2 emissions, as well as by replacing fossil fuels with renewable fuels. MCFCs (Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells) are the only ones capable of doing both. Thanks to their principle of operation, CO2 can be extracted from a gas stream on the cathode side and fuels such as biogas ...

    By Bioconservacion SA

  • Landfill Gas to Renewable Natural Gas Project Goes Ahead in Michigan

    Greenlane Biogas, a subsidiary of the Flotech Group of companies (founded in 1986), is pleased to confirm that it recently has received an order to build two 'Totara+' landfill gas upgrading systems to process 3200 scfm (approximately 5150 Nm3/hr) of gas to be injected into a local natural gas pipeline near Detroit Michigan. Greenlane Biogas, a developer and supplier of proprietary water ...

    By Greenlane Renewables

  • Biogas Desulphurization and Siloxanes Abatement - Case Study

    Biogas desulphurization and siloxanes abatement. Case study : MCFC project by CETAGUA (Mataró – Spain) Reducing the carbon footprint of our society is imperative. This can be achieved by capturing and confining anthropogenic CO2 emissions as well as by replacing fossil-based fuels with renewable or waste-derived fuels. MCFCs (Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells) are unique in being able ...

    By Bioconservacion SA

  • Procurement and installation of a Biogas desulphurization unit at the Chania WWTP - Case Study

    A proposal based on Bioconservacion’s technology was selected as the winning bid in the public tender released in 2015, covering the design, procurement and construction of a biogas desulfurizing unit to be installed in the waste water treatment plant in Chania, Greece. With a population over 100,000, Chania is the second largest municipality in the Greek island of Crete. Its waste water ...

    By Bioconservacion SA

  • Biogas purification in EDAR Mapocho - Case Study

    BIOCONSERVACION: Integral solution for biogas purification in WWTPs Biogas is mainly composed by methane and carbon dioxide as a result of organic matter fermentation in the absence of air by the action of a microbial consortium (anaerobic digestion). The composition of biogas depends entirely on the nature of the waste processed and the conditions under which takes place the anaerobic ...

    By Bioconservacion SA

  • Waste-to-Energy Solutions Improve Sustainability in the Dairy Industry

    Converting dairy waste into biogas and other valuable resources trims disposal costs, and saves water and energy Dairy and livestock farmers have been reaping the benefits of converting animal waste into biogas through anaerobic digestion. Now dairy processors are following suit by recycling the organically rich waste that they generate. Instead of discharging waste byproducts into the ...

    By Fluence Corporation

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