Biogas Digestate Articles & Analysis
Development of household biogas digesters and its economic analysis in China
During the development of biogas digesters, a problem, which is how to appraise the economic benefits, always exists. This paper mainly discusses the necessity of cost-benefit analysis on biogas digesters, clearly defines some vague concepts during the analysis, tells how to quantitatively analyse the environmental benefits, and affirms the role of the government and the rural families.Keywords: ...
"Four in one" model and the development of household biogas in northern China
By reviewing the development of household biogas in China, one of the key factors which impeded the use of biogas in northern China was noted - how a biogas digester lives through the winter. In order to solve this problem, a model named "Four in one" has been proposed by some researchers. In this paper, this model, including its structure, technical features, and benefit was introduced and ...
Microfinance for Renewable Energy: financing the 'former poor'
Microbanking facilities have helped large numbers of developing country nationals by supporting the establishment and growth of microenterprises. And yet, the microfinance movement has grown on the back of passive replication and needs to be revitalised with new product offerings and innovative service delivery. Renewable Energy systems viz., solar home systems, biogas digesters, etc., serve to ...
Background of biogas technology and its recent developments in Iran
Biogas activities have been initialised since the mid 1970s in Iran. Only a few of about 70 rural projects are still active. Other activities include four municipal landfill gas extraction projects through which, two projects are being ready for power generation and some anaerobic treatment plants in industrial food processing factories. A modern research plant for practical investigation on ...
Use of Waste-to-Energy Sludge Growing in Europe
This byproduct of anaerobic digestion is fertilizing fields and helping divert waste from landfills Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an important waste-to-energy technology that harvests energy — in the form of biogas — from organic pollutants in wastewater and solid waste. Anaerobic digestion is ideal for challenging wastewater streams that might cause significant public health risk if ...
Focus Bioenergy No 6 2004: Waste - a source of energy of growing significance
We have to use the earth’s resources sparingly. Waste products that society generates can be recycled or used as a source of energy. Heat and electricity from waste combustion and biogas from digestion contribute some 8 TWh annually in Sweden. Waste stands for about 2 percent of used fuels in Swedish district heating. The importance of waste will rise rapidly in the near future. The potential for ...
By Elmia AB
Optimum organic loading rate for semi-continuous operation of an anaerobic process for biogas production from Jatropha curcas seed cake
This paper reports on biogas production by anaerobic digestion of Jatropha curcas seed cake in semi continuous flow at 30°C, focusing on increasing the organic loading rate (OLR) of seed cake by investigating levels of 1.25, 1.67, 2.5, 3.33 and 5 kg Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)/m³ day. Reactors were fed at flow rates of 125, 167, 250, 333 and 500 ml/day, yielding Hydraulic Retention Times (HRTs) ...
Anaerobic digestion of macroalgae: methane potentials, pre-treatment, inhibition and co-digestion
In the present study we tested four macroalgae species – harvested in Denmark – for their suitability of bioconversion to methane. In batch experiments (53 °C) methane yields varied from 132 ml g volatile solids−1 (VS) for Gracillaria vermiculophylla, 152 ml g VS−1 for Ulva lactuca, 166 ml g VS−1 for Chaetomorpha linum and 340 ml g VS−1 for Saccharina latissima following 34 days of incubation. ...
Towards a sustainable use of food waste: influence of urea on biogas production potentials of selected fruit wastes in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This study evaluates the influence of adding urea on biogas (methane) production potentials of selected fruit wastes. Using standard methodology, the finding revealed that all the fruit wastes are ideal substrates for biogas production. The ultimate biogas yield on anaerobic digestion of fruit waste feeds, avocado, banana, and mango, are 0.48, 0.57, 0.53 l/g VS without urea supplement and 0.76, ...
High performance biogas plants for organics waste diversion
Wild fluctuations in prices for agricultural products and mushrooming prices for energy can greatly influence the economics of biogas plants. Long term reliable profitability calculations are becoming increasingly difficult. Generally speaking, however, rising energy prices have a positive effect on the economics of well designed biogas projects. By selecting low cost feedstock, the ...
Biolimp siloxa. Plant for biogas cleaning
The biogas produced in a digester, landfill or waste water plant is normally treated in order to remove water, H2S, dust and/or CO2. The choice of the cleaning method employed and the compound to be removed depends on the type of end use of the gas. This paper focuses on desing, star up and operation of biogas cleaning plant for removal dangerous component (water, H2S, NH3, siloxane and ...
Idex Environnement’s Biogas plant at Amiens - Case Study
The Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plant in Amiens is operated by Idex Environment. The biogas is derived from the municipal solid waste (MSW) originating from the local area. Clarke Energy has delivered a full turnkey installation for this site, creating renewable energy. The engines supplied for this project are two JGMC 420 GS engines, together creating 2.8MWe, which is the equivalent of powering ...
Aerobic thermophilic bacteria enhance biogas production
The enhancing effect of aerobic thermophilic (AT) bacteria on the production of biogas from anaerobically digested sewage sludge (methanogenic sludge) was investigated. Sewage sludge (5%, w/w) was incubated at 65°C with shaking for a few months to prepare the AT seed sludge. AT sludge was prepared by incubation of the AT seed sludge (5%, v/v) and sewage sludge (5%, w/w) at 65°C with shaking. The ...
Peristaltic Pumps excel in Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas applications
Biogas is a natural gas also known as biofuel or biomass and is produced by breaking down organic material such as household waste, manure and crops grown specifically for biofuel with temperature-sensitive microbes and capturing the by-products. In practice, it is difficult to find a pumping system for this application. Why? The pumps needs to handle fluid media as well as gas parts The ...
LBV Captures Biogas from Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Wastewater
The Customer: Laticínios Bela Vista Ltda. (LBV) is the fifth largest dairy food producer in Brazil with three plants processing over 3 million liters of milk per day. The company makes over 100 different products for LBV’s brands: Piracanjuba, Pirakids, Leitbom, and others. The Customer’s Needs: LBV expanded their plant in Bela Vista de Goiás and evaluated wastewater ...
Benefits of an efficient process control system for biogas plants
Published in: Biogas Engineering and Application, Vol. 3 / Papers of the Sino-German GIZ Biomass Utilization Project of MOA in China Edited by: Prof. Dr. DONG Renjie, Prof- Dr. Bernhard Raninger This article presents the development and testing of software to improve the process control system for biogas plants (digesters) to achieve substrate savings, improve process stability, avoid ...
Biogas embedded in the EU bioeconomy
How can the EU bioeconomy best contribute to the transition towards sustainable development and a climate-neutral economy by 2050? In April 2021, the European Commission published a report[1] presenting four scenarios for the future EU bioeconomy until 2050. One of the scenarios presented in the report is particularly encouraging for our sector as it forecasts a growth of the bio-based industry, ...
How big is the distributed energy opportunity for water and wastewater utilities?
Energy costs for water utilities are large, and growing Energy is a significant cost for many water utilities, and costs are growing as more energy-intensive forms of water supply, including desalination, are being used. Energy is typically the second-largest utility budget item in developed countries, after labour. In many developing countries, energy can account for 70% or even more, of annual ...
The elimination of siloxanes from the biogas of a wastewater treatment plant by means of an adsorption process
Siloxanes present in the biogas produced during anaerobic digestion in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can damage the mechanism of cogeneration heat engines and obstruct the process of energy valorization. The objective of this research is to detect the presence of siloxanes in the biogas and evaluate a procedure for their elimination. A breakthrough curve of a synthetic ...
Procurement and installation of a Biogas desulphurization unit at the Chania WWTP - Case Study
A proposal based on Bioconservacion’s technology was selected as the winning bid in the public tender released in 2015, covering the design, procurement and construction of a biogas desulfurizing unit to be installed in the waste water treatment plant in Chania, Greece. With a population over 100,000, Chania is the second largest municipality in the Greek island of Crete. Its waste water ...
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