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Biogas Handling Articles & Analysis

4 articles found
  • Fond du Lac, WI – Biogas Application Profile - Case Study

    About the Project The Fond du Lac Regional Wastewater Facility modified it’s biogas handling system in 2012 to include a process to biologically removal hydrogen sulfide; physical adsorption of siloxane compounds; moisture removal, a new biogas-fueled engine and a liquid storage system for receiving hauled in high-strength waste. The methane produced by the anaerobic digesters is cleaned ...

    By Biorem Technologies Inc.

  • UK AD & Biogas Food for thought?

    Food for thought? Showcasing their latest systems for converting food waste, entec biogas gmbh sees the Show as an opportunity to build relationships with companies working in the food sector. Project Development Manager and CEO Bernhard Schulz comments: "We see the Show as a great opportunity to highlight the forty plus international biogas projects which we've worked on over the last 20 years. ...

    By entec biopower gmbh

  • Biogas Desulfurization Plant for Citrus Processor

    Fluence technology scrubs hydrogen sulfide from biogas before it's used to generate electricity. The Fluence biogas desulfurization system installed at the Citrusvil plant uses four washing columns as well as two oxidation tanks. Citrusvil, a large, South American citrus-processing company, has a focus on building sustainability into its production systems. This extends to using waste-to-energy ...

    By Fluence Corporation

  • New technology enables biogas plant optimization

    Governments around the world are seeking to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the fight against climate change, to reduce waste to landfill, and to increase their utilisation of renewable energy in compliance with international agreements. Consequently, in many countries, subsidies have been made available to encourage the growth of the biogas sector. According to the International ...

    By Vaisala

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