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Boiler Capacity Articles & Analysis

15 articles found
  • Design of boilers with catalytic fluidised bed and their connection to heat supply system

    The new advantage of catalytic boiler consisting of the location of heat source near the consumer is described. It imposes some restrictions on the design of such a boiler, which is based on the zonal arrangement approach. The details of such design of boilers with catalytic fluidised bed intended for different purposes (water heating, steam generation, steam superheating) are considered and, in ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • The adoption of cogeneration in the Japanese manufacturing sector: technological, economic and institutional determinants

    Combined heat and power (CHP) has been identified by the Second and Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a powerful carbon abating technology. In this paper, we review trends and overall changes in power generation technologies insofar as these affect industrial CHP in Japan; we also propose an empirical model for the analysis of CHP adoption based on time ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Project - Flint, Michigan Auto Plant- Automotive Processing

    Capacity: 100 kpph An Automotive Power Plant owns and operates three boilers in the powerhouse at their 902 E. Leith Street facility in Flint, Michigan. All three boilers combust exclusively pipeline quality natural gas to generate steam that is used at the site for process and space heating purposes. All three boilers have a rated capacity of 100,000 lbs per hour steam output. The exhaust gas ...

    By CMC Solutions, LLC

  • Maximising biogas in anaerobic digestion by using engine waste heat for thermal hydrolysis pre-treatment of sludge

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dublin's Ringsend WWTP was designed to serve a population of approximately 1.2 million pe with a sludge production of 37,000 dry tonnes per year after upgrading to full secondary treatment. Several technical solutions were put forward as part of a Design, Build, Finance and Operate (DBFO) competition, with the chosen solution being a proposal by Black and Veatch for a ...

    By Cambi Group AS

  • Beef Processing Plant Case Study | Stack Economizer

    Project Overview A beef processing plant has recently partnered with Kemco Systems to recover heat exhaust from its facility’s water-sanitization boilers. Priding itself on a sustainable mindset and strict operational standards, the beef processing company reached out to Kemco through a channel partner. This company was seeking updated equipment to continue production of the highest-quality ...

  • A Guide to Advanced Electric Boiler Technology

    These zero-emission, high-voltage electrode boilers are used in diverse environments for applications. For consulting engineers tasked with planning, designing, and supervising construction projects for a wide range of industries, advanced electric boilers - particularly high-voltage electrode boilers - can offer some advantages over traditional fossil fuel burning boilers. Due to advances in ...

    By Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.

  • Newbuild Power Station in Karlsruhe - Case Study

    EnBW is one of the biggest German energy suppliers. A major new build bituminous coal fired power plant construction project is the new boiler number 8 of the Rheinhafen Dampfkraftwerk (RDK) in Karlsruhe. The new boiler will have a capacity of 912 MWel with a heating capacity of 220 MWth. The unit will be erected beside the existing units RDK4s and RDK7 and have a net efficiency of > 46% ...

  • Multiple uses for heat exchangers in brewing

    There are numerous uses for heat exchangers in breweries, from cooling, pasteurising and fermenting products, through to efficiently dealing with waste streams such as yeast slurry. Compared to other methods of heating, heat exchangers can be much more energy efficient, providing both environmental and economic benefits. One of the first uses of heat exchangers in brewing is for rapidly cooling ...

    By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd.

  • Heat Recovery System and Variable Flow Ventilation System

    In Ankara, a heat recovery system and a variable flow ventilation system according to demand were installed on the exhaust hood of a restaurant. Run around coil type air to water heat recovery system was selected. The warm water gained from the heat recovery coil was distributed to three separate heating coils. The first caoil is heating coil of kitchen make up air AHU. The second coil is ...

  • Pivoting to More Efficient Energy Sources for District Heating

    Advanced electrode boilers are being installed to replace outdated, inefficient fuel-burning equipment in district heating applications as part of broader effort to meet ambitious International Energy Agency decolonization ...

  • Pivoting to More Efficient Energy Sources for District Heating

    District heating—the generation of heat in a central location and distribution of it to local residences, businesses, and industry at greater economies of scale than individual heating systems—plays an important role in helping the transition to clean energy in the fight against climate change. The challenge, however, is that district heating, used to provide hot water and heat within ...

    By Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.

  • A novel approach for modelling of NOx emission reduction in a tangentially fired coal boiler

    In this research paper, predictive modelling of NOx emission of a 210 MW capacity pulverised coal–fired boiler and combustion parameter optimisation to reduce NOx emission in flue gas is proposed. The effects of oxygen concentration in flue gas, coal properties, coal flow, boiler load, air distribution scheme, flue gas outlet temperature and nozzle tilt were studied. The data collected from ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • POET Biorefining & City of Macon, Missouri - 10 MW CHP Application - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Macon, Missouri ETHANOL CAPACITY: 50 million gallons per year PROCESS STEAM REQUIRED: 85,000 lb/hr at 125 PSI PRIME MOVER: Solar MarsTM Natural Gas Turbine GENERATING CAPACITY: 10 MW HEAT RECOVERY EQUIPMENT: Deltak Heat Recovery Steam Generator CHP MAXIMUM THERMAL OUTPUT: 51,000 lb/hr at 125 PSI IMPLEMENTATION COST SPLITS: City of Macon – All CHP equipment POET ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Energy from Waste (EfW)

    To recover energy from waste is a necessary and useful part of the whole waste management process. Inciner8 have developed the first truly mobile waste to energy solution in their EfW range of equipment. Using new technology they have devised the optimal way to create energy from waste and make it useable for multiple applications ranging from disinfection, heating, washing or the generation of ...

    By Inciner8 Limited

  • Smith College Energy Center - 3.5-MW CHP Plant - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Northampton, MA FACILITY PEAK LOAD: 3.5 megawatts (MW) EQUIPMENT: 3.5 MW Solar Turbine, Rentech HRSG, package boiler and two York absorption chillers. FUEL: Natural Gas USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Heating, cooling & hot water for the campus. USE OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY: Displaces campus loads previously supplied by the local utility. AVERAGE CAPACITY FACTOR: 75 % CHP IN ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

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