Coal Fired Articles & Analysis
High Accuracy Temperature Profilingon Tangential Boiler - Case Study
Dongshen Power Station, China. 1 x 300MW Tangential Coal-Fired Boiler. Boiler supplied by Shanghai Boiler Works (China). 12 Oil igniters, 20 Main oil burners, 12 Observation Ports were used to view inside the ...
Tips for turning a coal fired boiler to gas fired boilers
Smog has been a heated topic among the word. Therefore , gas fired boiler substitute for coal fired boiler become a trend to protect the environment.Since the boiler is a large thermal equipment ,it is requires attention to security incidents in the transformation .Here are some tip from ZG about turning a coal fired boiler to gas fired boiler. First , when turning a coal fired boiler to gas ...
A long year in the life of the US coal industry
With concerns about climate change mounting, the era of coal-fired electricity generation in the United States may be coming to a close. In early 2007, a US Department of Energy report listed 151 coal-fired power plants in the planning stages in the United States. But during 2007, 59 proposed plants were either refused licenses by state governments or quietly abandoned. In addition, close to 50 ...
Low-volatile coal combustion technologies in Vietnam: issues and strategies
Vietnam has planned to install a number of coal-fired power plants with unit's capacity of up to 600 MW. Present experience shows that available low volatile anthracite coal is difficult to burn in the PC fired boilers. In this paper, the CFB combustion technology is proposed based on the experiences of coal-fired power plants around the world used similar coal characteristics. Later, a ...
Igniter System Upgrade on Wall-fired and T-fired Boilers - Case Study
Carbon II, Mexico. 2 x 350 MW Front-Fired and 2 x 350 MW Tangential Coal-fired Power Station. Boiler supplied by Mitsubishi/Foster Wheeler. 20 x Heavy Oil igniters on each ...
Technical and economic studies on the optimisation of prospective coal-fired power stations
The paper considers problems of choosing rational parameters of thermal power plants on fossil fuel. A technique for comparison of the energy and economic efficiency of prospective coal-fired power plants is described. The optimisation results of parameters of combined-cycle plants with coal gasification at low and high-temperature levels and steam turbine plants on supercritical steam parameters ...
Methylmercury in mosquitoes around a large coal‐fired power plant in Central Ohio
Emissions from coal‐fired power plants are the major anthropogenic source of mercury (Hg) in the environment. Because emitted Hg can be deposited near the source, concerns arise about the effects of coal‐burning facilities on levels of toxic methylmercury (MeHg) in biota near such sources. We investigated the potential impact of a large Hg‐emitting (450 kg in 2005) coal‐fired power station in ...
Biomass Ready Coal Fired Plants and Massive Tree Planting will be the Compromise Climate Change Solution
Coal provided 26 percent of the additional power generation last year and 38 percent of all generation. There are 500,000 MW of new coal fired generation in the planning stage. This is more than was ever installed in the Americas and Europe. So any programs to reduce coal fired generation on these two continents to zero would eliminate less than is being added elsewhere in the world. The ...
Utilisation of waste coal dust of steel industry for power generation
The present paper describes the generation of waste coal-dust from steel industry and its utilisation for generation of power in power plant. The main objective of the work is to utilise the heat energy of coal dust into useful work and propose a combination of coal and coal dust supplying system to the boiler. The work started with the collection and analysis of the coal dust. The physical ...
Methylmercury, Fish Consumption, and the Precautionary Principle
This paper considers several broad issues in the context of probabilistic assessment of the benefits of curtailing mercury (Hg) emissions from U.S. coal fired power plants, based on information developed from recent literature and epidemiology studies of health effects of methylmercury. Exposure of the U.S. population is considered on the national scale, in large part because of recent ...
Fossil and Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis and Forecast Report
This report formerly covered just coal-fired boilers but now includes nuclear, gas and oil power generation forecasts. Capacity projections for each country of the world are continually revised and displayed. Comprehensive analyses reveal the environmental demand, political and other factors providing the basis of the forecast. Monthly Updates have specific geographic, technological, regulatory, ...
Improving steam power plant efficiency through exergy analysis: effects of altering excess combustion air and stack-gas temperature
Modifications are examined to increase coal-fired steam power plant efficiency by reducing irreversibilities in the steam generator, including decreasing the fraction of excess combustion air, and/or the stack-gas temperature. Overall-plant energy and exergy efficiencies both increase by 1.4% when the fraction of excess combustion air decreases from 0.4 to 0.15, and by 3.5% when the stack-gas ...
Majority of China’s proposed coal-fired power plants located in water-stressed regions
To maintain its economic growth and provide for its massive population, China must reconcile two powerful, converging trends: energy demand and resource scarcity. One prime example of this tension is the country’s coal use and water supply. According to a new WRI analysis, more than half of China’s proposed coal-fired power plants are slated to be built in areas of high or extremely ...
Mahan power plant : 1,200 MW thermal power plant in Madhya Pradesh - Case Study
The Mahan power plant is a 1,200 MW (2×600 MW) captive coal-fired pit-head power plant located in Singrauli district, Madhya Pradesh. Mahan power plant supplies power through the Mahan-Sipat transmission line, which is built by Essar Power Transmission Company which was commissioned in September 2018. The plant is supported by an end-to-end raw material sourcing and ...
Disposal of saline wastewater from electrical power plants
Saline wastewater from a coal-fired Utah Power Plant has been applied in central Utah, USA, since 1987, to irrigate various agricultural crops. The primary goals of this research: to dispose of saline wastewater by maximising actual evapotranspiration (ETa) and to prevent contamination of surface and groundwater by eliminating runoff and throughout the years (1987-2005). Plots were established ...
New global assessment reveals nearly 1,200 proposed coal-fired power plants
Coal-fired power plants are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions—one that could be increasing significantly globally, according to new analysis from the World Resources Institute. Several months ago, WRI began compiling and analyzing information about proposed new coal-fired plants in order to assess potential future risks to the global climate. We released our findings today in the ...
Exergoeconomic analysis of a Kalina cycle coupled coal–fired steam power plant
This paper presents exergoeconomic analysis of a Kalina cycle coupled coal–fired steam power plant using specific exergy costing (SPECO) methodology. Cost–balance and auxiliary equations are developed and solved. The results indicate that in the topping cycle, the boiler and the turbine contribute maximum to the formation of product cost. High value of exergoeconomic factor for the boiler ...
Coal-fired power on the way out?
The past two years have witnessed the emergence of a powerful movement opposing the construction of new coal-fired power plants in the United States. Initially led by environmental groups, both national and local, it has since been joined by prominent national political leaders and many state governors. The principal reason for opposing coal plants is that they are changing the earth’s climate. ...
Environmental implications of electricity purchase from independent power producers: a case study from Thailand
This paper analyses the effect on the environment of electricity purchase from independent power producers (IPPs) in the case of Thailand. The environmental implication is evaluated in terms of the net change in emission of air pollutants with electricity purchase from IPPs by a utility. The main finding of the study is that electricity purchase from a non-dispatchable IPP plant based on ...
Air Quality Permitting for a New Coal-Fired Power Plant: A Timeline
The high price of natural gas and alternative fuels has made utility companies take a second look at coal as a cheap, plentiful fuel source. For a greenfield plant considering coal, the environmental considerations are significant but not insurmountable. This article discusses the air quality regulations and permitting requirements that must be addressed, from New Source Review to greenhouse gas ...
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