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Coal Industry Articles & Analysis

47 articles found
  • The restructuring of the international coal industry

    The international coal industry is now becoming a global industry emerging from a history of production for national purposes and isolated regional markets. The participants in the market are also changing; the oil companies have come and gone and production is now in the hands of specialist mining companies. This has implications for the way the industry is organised. Deregulation in the ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • The international coal industry: comments on the paper by David Humphreys and Keith Welham

    This comment discusses in more detail one of the primary messages in the paper by David Humphreys and Keith Welham, namely the fundamental shift in the steam coal industry away from security of supply concerns and national focuses towards an international and cost-driven perspective. On the supply side, this has meant an increased focus on mining productivity. By consulting recent research, this ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Hours of work risk factors for coal mining

    This paper considers the principal variations in accident and incident risk in relation to roster design within the Australian coal mining industry. Analysing industry-wide accident and incident statistics for both a wide range of coal mine operating conditions and different roster patterns allowed for the impact of hours on shift, number of successive shifts and the type of shift to be ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • A long year in the life of the US coal industry

    With concerns about climate change mounting, the era of coal-fired electricity generation in the United States may be coming to a close. In early 2007, a US Department of Energy report listed 151 coal-fired power plants in the planning stages in the United States. But during 2007, 59 proposed plants were either refused licenses by state governments or quietly abandoned. In addition, close to 50 ...

    By Earth Policy Institute

  • Scrutinising the influence of the performance of Malaysia agricultural sector on energy use

    Most sectors rely on energy as input to produce output. Though the use of energy by the agriculture sector is not as high as in other sectors, it is still necessary to study the links between the two. This is vital as there are only few studies that illustrate the bonds between them in Malaysia. This study resorts to input–output analysis to examine the link between the two sectors and ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Intelex Blog: U.S. Mine Fatality Trends Prompt 2015 Updates to Outreach and Enforcement

    In 2014, the U.S. coal mining industry reported the lowest number of coal mining deaths in recorded history; this follows a steady decline in coal fatalities over recent years. Yet the overall fatality count for the U.S. mining industry in 2014 was just the fourth-lowest annual total on record. The explanation? A spike in fatalities in the metal/nonmetal (MNM) mining sector. This sector reported ...

    By Intelex Technologies Inc.

  • Coal and its future are fueling conflicts around the globe

    "Coal Wars: The Future of Energy and the Fate of the Planet" (Palgrave Macmillan), by Richard Martin Fierce conflicts over coal are taking place around the globe, but author Richard Martin says the decline and ultimate demise of the fuel that powered the Industrial Revolution is inevitable and cannot be reversed. What he cannot predict, he says, is whether the transition to energy sources that ...

    By The Associated Press

  • DOE increases funding for clean and renewable energy in 2016 budget request

    On February 2, 2015, the White House released the 2016 fiscal year budget request for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Under this proposed plan, DOE would receive $29.9 billion, an increase of $2.6 billion from the 2015 fiscal year. The increase in funding for DOE would focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency, and clean power technology with some of the additional money coming from DOE's ...

    By Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

  • Comparison of employment potential of the coal and wind power industries

    Australia, one of the world's largest producers of coal, is used as a case study to compare the employment potential in the coal and wind power electricity generation industries. It is revealed that, as a result of automation, employment in the coal mining industry fell by 45% between 1987 and 2002. Moreover, as a result of the restructuring of the electricity industry as a whole, employment in ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • King Coal’s Climate Challenge

    Coal is emerging as a major topic of conversation at the United Nations climate-change negotiations currently taking place in Warsaw – and rightly so. Indeed, it is a discussion that the world needs to have. The latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change conclude that we are quickly using up our carbon “budget” – the amount of carbon that we can ...

  • Utilisation of waste coal dust of steel industry for power generation

    The present paper describes the generation of waste coal-dust from steel industry and its utilisation for generation of power in power plant. The main objective of the work is to utilise the heat energy of coal dust into useful work and propose a combination of coal and coal dust supplying system to the boiler. The work started with the collection and analysis of the coal dust. The physical ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Cleaner Coal Technology, CC-88 Successfully Demonstrated at Manikgarh Cement in India

    US based Asia Coal Catalyst Company (“ACCC”) produces CC-88™ a patented Combustion Catalyst. CC-88 was proven effective at Mankgarh Cement saving coal and improving the clinker quality. In February of 2014, Asia Coal Catalyst Company conducted successful trials at Manikgarh Cement located in Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India A successful ...

    By Asia Coal Catalyst Company

  • Asia’s Poorest are Energy Starved

    Asia’s Huge Energy Challenges Despite having the world’s largest coal based economies Asia is energy starved. 1.5 Billion people in Asia have only partial access to electricity, which is vital to a decent living standard. The life-giving but very complicated solution: electricity from coal. World leaders consumed with battling climate change are also taking to task extending ...

    By Asia Coal Catalyst Company

  • Honeycomb Coal Briquette Production Line

    The industrial honeycomb coal briquette production line is a series of equipment for deep processing coal powder and charcoal powder, mainly crushers, mixers, coal briquettes forming machines, and dryers. Through this briquettes charcoal processing plant, we can make coal powder and charcoal powder into solid briquettes of different shapes. And these coal or charcoal briquettes can be used for ...

    By Shuliy Machinery Co., Ltd

  • Honeycomb Coal Briquette Production Line

    The industrial honeycomb coal briquette production line is a series of equipment for deep processing coal powder and charcoal powder, mainly crushers, mixers, coal briquettes forming machines, and dryers. Through this briquettes charcoal processing plant, we can make coal powder and charcoal powder into solid briquettes of different shapes. And these coal or charcoal briquettes can be used for ...

    By Shuliy Machinery Co., Ltd

  • Solar Power Group takes a creative approach towards cost reduction to power the CSP industry ahead

    Still dependent on subsidies and feed-in tariffs, the CSP industry needs to find creative ways to become more competitive within the renewables sector. CSP Today spoke to Mauricio Rojas, Head of Business Development at Solar Power Group, on the potential of hybridisation as a viable way to further market share What is the next step for CSP and where should companies focus their efforts to ...

  • China’s booming energy efficiency industry

    China’s energy efficiency industry is emerging as a high growth sector with the country projected to spend as much as Rmb2.1 trillion (USD300 billion) over the next five years on products and services that cut energy use. The key drivers of this development are the Chinese government’s determination to curb the country’s expanding energy appetite as well as higher production and energy costs. ...

  • Pollutant emissions from modern incinerators

    Emissions of dioxins are mainly from incinerators, domestic and industrial coal combustion, and traffic. However, the major public concern and research effort are associated with the emissions of organic micropollutants from waste incinerators. This paper gives a brief overview of the more recent research and development for the removal of dioxins and heavy metals from flue-gas streams. Special ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Coal-fired power on the way out?

    The past two years have witnessed the emergence of a powerful movement opposing the construction of new coal-fired power plants in the United States. Initially led by environmental groups, both national and local, it has since been joined by prominent national political leaders and many state governors. The principal reason for opposing coal plants is that they are changing the earth’s climate. ...

    By Earth Policy Institute

  • The role of coal technologies to support responsible economic growth

    The Asian Pacific region is home to the fastest-growing economies in the world. These economies are expected to double gross domestic product (GDP) in the next decade, and coal will play a major role as the primary energy source for electric power. The tremendous projected financial burden associated with the installation of new, coal-fired electric power facilities to fuel this unprecedented ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

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