Coal Power Articles & Analysis
Comparison of employment potential of the coal and wind power industries
Australia, one of the world's largest producers of coal, is used as a case study to compare the employment potential in the coal and wind power electricity generation industries. It is revealed that, as a result of automation, employment in the coal mining industry fell by 45% between 1987 and 2002. Moreover, as a result of the restructuring of the electricity industry as a whole, employment in ...
Low-volatile coal combustion technologies in Vietnam: issues and strategies
Vietnam has planned to install a number of coal-fired power plants with unit's capacity of up to 600 MW. Present experience shows that available low volatile anthracite coal is difficult to burn in the PC fired boilers. In this paper, the CFB combustion technology is proposed based on the experiences of coal-fired power plants around the world used similar coal characteristics. Later, a ...
Technical and economic studies on the optimisation of prospective coal-fired power stations
The paper considers problems of choosing rational parameters of thermal power plants on fossil fuel. A technique for comparison of the energy and economic efficiency of prospective coal-fired power plants is described. The optimisation results of parameters of combined-cycle plants with coal gasification at low and high-temperature levels and steam turbine plants on supercritical steam parameters ...
Thermo-economic efficiency of low capacity coal-based power plants
The method of estimation of thermo-economic factors, allowing the justification of the construction of low capacity coal-based power plants has been developed in the present paper. The C-curve method applied for thermo-economic analysis is used here for determination of the optimal ratio between specific exergetic and cost-performance factors. The results of the analysis show that for coal-based ...
Igniter System Upgrade on Wall-fired and T-fired Boilers - Case Study
Carbon II, Mexico. 2 x 350 MW Front-Fired and 2 x 350 MW Tangential Coal-fired Power Station. Boiler supplied by Mitsubishi/Foster Wheeler. 20 x Heavy Oil igniters on each ...
Users demand Facebook to switch to renewable energy
Social networking website faces campaign to switch to renewable energy after announcing intentions to run new data centre mainly on coal-powered electricity. Facebook, the most used social network worldwide, has come under unprecedented pressure from its users when they found out the company has intentions to run its massive new data centre mainly on electricity produced by burning coal power. ...
By Vital Energi
A long year in the life of the US coal industry
With concerns about climate change mounting, the era of coal-fired electricity generation in the United States may be coming to a close. In early 2007, a US Department of Energy report listed 151 coal-fired power plants in the planning stages in the United States. But during 2007, 59 proposed plants were either refused licenses by state governments or quietly abandoned. In addition, close to 50 ...
A new way to measure emissions from China’s Coal-Fired Power Plants
To prevent the most severe impacts of climate change, it is essential to limit fossil fuel use—particularly coal use in power production. The share of coal in global energy consumption is increasing, with most growth occurring in China, the largest coal consumer in the world. In China, coal-fired power plants are responsible for more than 45 percent of total fuel-combustion CO2 emissions. ...
Improving steam power plant efficiency through exergy analysis: effects of altering excess combustion air and stack-gas temperature
Modifications are examined to increase coal-fired steam power plant efficiency by reducing irreversibilities in the steam generator, including decreasing the fraction of excess combustion air, and/or the stack-gas temperature. Overall-plant energy and exergy efficiencies both increase by 1.4% when the fraction of excess combustion air decreases from 0.4 to 0.15, and by 3.5% when the stack-gas ...
President Obama’s Climate Action Plan: Can it Shift the World Away from Coal?
While reactions to President Obama’s newly announced climate plan have focused on domestic action, the plan actually has potentially significant repercussions for the rest of the world. These repercussions will come in part through his commitment to limit U.S. investments in new coal-fired power plants overseas. If fully implemented, the plan will help ensure that the U.S. government ...
Methylmercury in mosquitoes around a large coal‐fired power plant in Central Ohio
Emissions from coal‐fired power plants are the major anthropogenic source of mercury (Hg) in the environment. Because emitted Hg can be deposited near the source, concerns arise about the effects of coal‐burning facilities on levels of toxic methylmercury (MeHg) in biota near such sources. We investigated the potential impact of a large Hg‐emitting (450 kg in 2005) coal‐fired power station in ...
Coal is abundant, let’s burn it responsibly
China coal stocks fully loaded right along with record setting power output China’s coal inventories at power plants are full despite recent record power generation, according to China’s National Development and Reform Commission. At the present the China’s coal supply and demand was stable. Lots of coal ready to burn. China’s daily power generation surged to a new high ...
Environmental impacts of integrating wind energy systems and supplemental energy generation and storage systems
Wind energy systems offer a promising alternative energy source due to the environmental, economic, and social benefits and, as a result, have garnered support for development and implementation. One of the major drawbacks of wind energy, however, is its variability due to the stochastic nature of wind, thus, supplemental energy generation or storage technologies are required. In this study, a ...
Helping China deliver cleaner coal power – Case Study
To keep pace with the electricity demands of its rapidly growing economy, China’s coal-fired power plant construction is booming. Conscious of their environmental impact, China has focused on building efficient, low polluting plants. One imperative is to balancethe fuel to air ratio in the boilers. More accurate fuel to air ratios result in increased boiler efficiency and a reduction in ...
Asia’s Poorest are Energy Starved
Asia’s Huge Energy Challenges Despite having the world’s largest coal based economies Asia is energy starved. 1.5 Billion people in Asia have only partial access to electricity, which is vital to a decent living standard. The life-giving but very complicated solution: electricity from coal. World leaders consumed with battling climate change are also taking to task extending ...
Methylmercury, Fish Consumption, and the Precautionary Principle
This paper considers several broad issues in the context of probabilistic assessment of the benefits of curtailing mercury (Hg) emissions from U.S. coal fired power plants, based on information developed from recent literature and epidemiology studies of health effects of methylmercury. Exposure of the U.S. population is considered on the national scale, in large part because of recent ...
King Coal’s Climate Challenge
Coal is emerging as a major topic of conversation at the United Nations climate-change negotiations currently taking place in Warsaw – and rightly so. Indeed, it is a discussion that the world needs to have. The latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change conclude that we are quickly using up our carbon “budget” – the amount of carbon that we can ...
Solar Energy has Little Impact on Birds
People are not worried about the pollution coming from the renewable energy sources, because most of them do not produce significant amounts of pollution. The supplies, the process of how the supplies come to the source and the demolishing machines used to erect these renewable energy sources are the true culprits wreaking havoc environmentally. For instance, older wind turbines have a negative ...
U.S. Signals the end of public money for coal-fired power
U.S. public financing for overseas coal-fired power is likely coming to an end. That’s the clear signal from the U.S. Department of Treasury’s announcement earlier this month. The Treasury Department provided new guidance for multi-lateral development banks’ (MDBs) financing of coal-fired power. These investments will now need to meet the same greenhouse gas requirements as the ...
Decommissioning begins at two of largest U.S. coal-fired power plants
Navajo Generating Station, a 2.25-GW coal plant in Arizona, closed in November after 45 years of providing power. Owner Salt River Project (SRP) said it was uneconomical to continue operating. The focus has now shifted to decommissioning, long-term monitoring and ongoing operation of the transmission system. Working with SRP, a number of U.S.-based contractors will conduct demolition and ...
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