Cogeneration Plant Articles & Analysis
Exergy optimisation of a Brayton cycle-based cogeneration plant
An endoreversible Brayton cycle-based cogeneration plant has been optimised based on the dimensionless total exergy output rate criterion with a constraint on power-to-heat ratio. An optimal pressure ratio parameter and the maximum dimensionless total exergy output rate have been numerically determined. The optimisation results have been compared with those based on the total useful energy rate ...
Exergoeconomic optimisation of a Kalina cycle for power generation
It is shown that the use of an ammonia-water Kalina absorption power cycle as a bottoming cycle for a cogeneration plant may result in an economic advantage. This cycle was optimised using as a goal function the exergoeconomic unitary cost of the electricity produced by both the cogeneration plant and the absorption cycle. The Zoutendijk method of feasible directions was used for this ...
In view of sustainable future energetic–exergetic and economic analysis of a natural gas cogeneration plant
Thermodynamics plays an important role in performing energy and exergy analyses of industrial processes. The first law is widely used in engineering practice, and is the basis of the heat–balance method of analysis that is commonly used in energy systems performance analysis. However, the second law involves the reversibility or irreversibility of processes, and is a very important aspect ...
Thermal exergy optimisation for an irreversible cogeneration power plant
The optimal design model, based on exergy analysis, of an irreversible cogeneration cycle has been presented using finite-time thermodynamics. The external irreversibility is due to the thermal resistance between the system and the heat reservoirs while the internal irreversibility is due to the non-isentropic compression and expansion process within the system. The internal irreversibility of ...
Renovation of Dalkia’s Cogeneration Plant at Bron - Case Study
In 2009 Dalkia France informed Clarke Energy that it was going to replace their cogeneration plant at the Bron Parilly site, of which they are the operator. This was the first time Clarke Energy renovated a cogeneration plant on site. Three GE’s Jenbacher JMS616 GS-NL gas fuelled power plants were renovated at site for this turnkey installation. The electrical output of the engines has ...
Thermodynamic evaluation of gas turbines for cogeneration applications
In this paper, the first and second laws of thermodynamics have been utilised to evaluate the performance of intercooled reheat regenerative gas turbine cogeneration plant. The effects of overall pressure ratio, cycle temperature ratio, pressure losses, and process steam pressure on energetic and exergetic efficiencies have been investigated. The results indicate that most of the exergy ...
CSM GIAS Choose Clarke Energy and INNIO to Deliver Turnkey Cogeneration Plant - Case Study
CSM GIAS cogeneration facility will generate 1.2 MWe with an overall energy efficiency of 80% Electricity production has been operational since Q4 2020 The project guarantees savings of 55% on the plant’s energy bill After the previous success of the cogeneration project for Slama Frères, another subsidiary of the Slama Group, CSM GIAS has again opted for Clarke Energy for ...
Quantifying Combined Heat and Power (CHP) activity
In CHP plants without heat rejection facilities power, output is complementary to the recovery of heat, and all activity is cogeneration. CHP plants with heat rejection facilities can operate a mix of cogeneration and condensing activities. Quantifying the energy flows of both activities properly requires knowledge of the design power-to-heat ratios of the CHP processes (steam and gas turbines, ...
Power Substation and a Gas-Fired Combustion Turbine and Heat Recovery Steam Generator
B&V Energy expands the world's largest nitrogen plant by constructing a cogeneration plant supplying the additional power needed to reach resources deep in Mexico's offshore oil field. Metropolitan Mexico City has a population of approximately 20 million and is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, requiring an extraordinary amount of gas and oil to satisfy its growing energy ...
Energy conservation and electricity sector liberalisation in the Netherlands and the UK: case studies on the development of cogeneration of heat and power, wind energy and demand-side management as energy conservation options
In this article, the development of combined heat and power, wind energy and demand-side management in the UK and the Netherlands are compared. It is examined to what extent these developments are determined by liberalisation of the electricity sector in both countries. The analysis suggests that unbundling of generation and distribution, rather than privatisation or introduction of competition ...
22 MWe Combined Heat And Power Direct Drying And Cogeneration - CMPC Tissue, S.A. - Case Study
OWNER CMPC Tissue, S.A. LOCATION Talagante. Chile DIRECT DRYING DESIGN AND SUPPLY Valmet PRODUCT Titan 250 (22 MWe) Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Energy Cost Savings, Increase in Energy Efficiency CMPC is one of the largest and oldest paper companies in Latin America and is committed to the sustainable use of energy. Their plant in Talagante, Chile, on the outskirts of Santiago, produces high ...
Siouxland Ethanol – Emissions Solutions for CHP Conversions – Case Study
When Siouxland Ethanol, located in Jackson, Nebraska, USA decided to invest in a combined heat and power system (CHP), or cogeneration, it needed to make decisions regarding the plan's air abatement and compliance. The company wanted to take its current system, a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) offline and replace it with a boiler to form a cogeneration plant. With this approach, the steam ...
Les Chênes Verts, Eiffage, greenhouse cogeneration plant - Case Study
Chênes Verts Energie has awarded Eiffage Energie as the main contractor of the renovation of an older generation greenhouse cogenerationplant in Chenes Verts’s greenhouses in Entressen. Eiffage Energie has a full turnkey installation with Clarke Energy who installed a J620 natural gas fuelled combined heat and power plant. As part of the contract with Clarke Energy, maintenance is ...
12MWe combined heat and power plant plant renovation - Case Study
OWNER Societe De Cogeneration Picardie Socopic OPERATOR Dalkia Groupe EDF LOCATION Amiens, France PRODUCT Mars 100 Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Improved Energy Efficiency Quick Pay Back on Investment Societe De Cogeneration Picardie Socopic (SO.COPIC) is a producer and distributor of steam and air conditioning. SO.COPIC was searching for the right solution to renovating their old and oversized ...
Biogas from grass clippings
Biogas is a mixture of various types of gases, largely methane and CO2. Biogas is produced by a process called “anaerobic digestion”, which is the bacterial fermentation – without O2 – of biomass that can include: agro-industrial waste, solid and liquid waste from livestock farms, sewage sludge, by-products from agriculture, the organic fraction of solid urban waste ...
Case study: power plants
Wärtsilä power plant portfolio includes baseload, cogeneration, load management and gas compression applications – anything from floating barge power stations to decentralised units suitable for urban areas. High efficiency, fuel flexibility and modular design allow for truly competitive power production anywhere in the world. Supported by a complete range of services, the ...
Pulp and Paper Factory S.A. Choose Clarke Energy in Romania
Combinatul de Celuloza si Hârtie S.A (Pulp and Paper Factory) in Romania, have chosen Clarke Energy to install a combined heat and power (CHP) plant to optimise the utility costs of their operation. The main objective of this investment is to increase operational energy efficiency at CCH S.A. Drobeta Turnu Severin through the implementation of the high-efficiency cogeneration plant. The ...
More Power & Flexibility Lead to Profits Case Study
In 2014, Powerphase installed a Turbophase system consisting of two Turbophase modules, at a cogeneration plant in the U.S. The Morris Cogen plant is a 177 MW combined-cycle gas facility located within the Equistar Chemicals petrochemical plant in Morris, IL. The Morris plant has a single pressure steam turbine (ST) (625 psig/750°F) rated at 57 MW, and three GE MS6001B, PG6561 gas turbines ...
What is Cogeneration?
Cogeneration is the process of generating both electrical and heat energy from a single fuel source. Also known as Combined Heat & Power (CHP), cogeneration makes use of the commonly discarded thermal energy which is generated from the combustion of fuels such as diesel, natural gas, bi-fuel, and even heavy fuel oil (HFO). The entire CHP process revolves around fuel-driven electric ...
Project - Biogas Desulfurization at ETAR do Norte (Portugal)
The Wastewater Treatment Plant (ETAR) do Norte is one of the largest in the central region of Portugal, serving several municipalities. The infrastructure is located in the area of Coimbra, Leiria, occupying 6 hectares of land; it receives effluents from about 250,000 inhabitants of several municipalities. It has the capacity to treat some 38,000 m3 of wastewater daily, of which 77% is domestic, ...
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