Combustion Plant Articles & Analysis
Air pollution from electricity-generating large combustion plants
The study was initiated in the context of the review of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive. This report presents the results of a study that assesses the theoretical potential to reduce air emissions of SO2 and NOX that might have occurred had the best available techniques (BAT) and associated emission levels (AELs), as described in the large combustion plant best ...
Redundant combustion plant for Novartis
Type HOFGAS®- IFM4c/2200/1500/60/180 Commissioning 2004 Site Novartis (Basel, CH) Situation In order to prevent production failure due to missing redundancy in the flue gas clean up, Novartis required an additional system. During different production processes exhaust air load with organic components is formed. This air is collected and delivered to a thermal vapour treatment (TVT). ...
EU regulation of combustion plant - A power industry perspective
Any installation that contains combustion plant with an aggregated thermal input greater than 50 MW is regulated under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) which requires that Best Available Techniques are applied to emissions control. Individual plant with a thermal input greater than 50 MW are regarded as Large Combustion Plant and additional provisions apply, including mandatory Emission ...
Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD): Monitoring of Emissions and Assessment of Compliance - Case Study
The Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) applies to over 140,000 plants in the EU, and regulates emissions from the combustion of fuels in plants with a rated thermal input between 1 and 50 MW. Part of the Clean Air Policy Package the MCPD also implements obligations arising from the Gothenburg Protocol under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. ...
Project Bio-Heat - Case Study
Supported by the European Commission, the international project consortium of BIO-HEAT forces the implementation of Short Rotation Coppice in Eastern Europe. Project aim is the use of woodchips produced by SRC's for co-firing and as a combustible for district heating ...
UK Abattoir – Rotary incinerator - Case Study
Designed to process animal remains 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, with the minimum of operator attendance. To optimise the plant’s performance and to enable waste to be processed and stored, irrespective of the status of the combustion plant, the waste is crushed into 50mm cubes. The material is then conveyed into a buffer hopper, which stores sufficient material to enable the plant to be left ...
Kinetics of forming the nitrogen oxides and other harmful substances in catalytic power plants
In the following paper, the kinetics of forming nitrogen oxides and other harmful substances in catalytic power plants are described. First of all, the equilibrium NOx concentrations are considered. The discrepancy between equilibrium concentrations and real results on NOx in the case of flame combustion are explained by a short duration of fuel-air mixture stay in furnace space. The positive ...
Exergetic performance investigation of a turbocharged stationary diesel engine
An exergetic assessment is reported of a turbocharged stationary diesel engine with a power output of about 19 MW. The system studied consists of a diesel engine, a turbine, a compressor, an intercooler and a radiator. The sites of exergy destructions are identified and quantified and the exergy efficiencies of various components are determined. The effects of inlet air temperature and pressure ...
Reducing air pollution from electricity-generating large combustion plants in the European Union
Background In 2008, the European Environment Agency (EEA) published a first assessment of the theoretical potential to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) from electricitygenerating large combustion plants (LCPs) (EEA, 2008). That earlier study showed that improving the environmental performance of existing LCPs by applying best available techniques potentially ...
Project - Bowling Green, Ohio Steam Plant - Cogeneration
Capacity: 240 kpph A University Steam Plant owns and operates three gas and fuel oil fired boilers at their powerhouse located in BowlingGreen, Ohio. The steam plant combusts natural gas as a primary fuel and utilizes #2 fuel oil as a supplementary fuel to generate steam for heating and cooking at the University. The three 80,000 pound per hour units are designated Units #1, #2, and #3. The ...
Energotechnological oil shale utilisation by means of an SHCU - a low waste and environmentally sound technological process
This paper presents the calculated data on the emissions into the environment from the low-waste energotechnological solid heat carrier units (SHCUs) working with oil shales. A comparison of this technology with direct oil shale combustion at a power plant was carried out using the example of an Estonian power plant. The energotechnological plant (ETP) including two units SHCU-3000 with an oil ...
Improving steam power plant efficiency through exergy analysis: effects of altering excess combustion air and stack-gas temperature
Modifications are examined to increase coal-fired steam power plant efficiency by reducing irreversibilities in the steam generator, including decreasing the fraction of excess combustion air, and/or the stack-gas temperature. Overall-plant energy and exergy efficiencies both increase by 1.4% when the fraction of excess combustion air decreases from 0.4 to 0.15, and by 3.5% when the stack-gas ...
Removal of ecologically harmful pyrolysis gas and vapours
Type HOFGAS®- IFM4c/1000 Commissioning August 2002 Site Waste water treatment plants Situation As a result of new authority requirements, Romag AG set up operation of a plant for the drying and gasification of wastewater sludge. Drying vapours are formed during the sludge drying and pyrolysis gas during gasification. These emissions must be burned in an ecological way, in compliance ...
Coconut Shell Charcoal Machine Manufacturers Sell Cheaper
Are you currently looking for a business which is currently making coconut shell charcoal machines? They are machines which will convert coconut shells into solid fuel as well as liquid combustible materials. Pyrolysis plants are used for this purpose. Using heat, in the lack of oxygen, coconut shells might be divided into different components. The machines vary in size, also in price, with some ...
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Case Study
DuraStor Fast Power Installation at KIT Energy Lab 2.0. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)is one of the leading research institutions in Germany and is among the leading technical universities in Europe. Many well-known inventors and entrepreneurs have studied or taught there. ...
How Much Does A Tyre Pyrolysis Plant Cost?
Choosing a tyre pyrolysis plant helps to reduce your carbon footprint and help you protect the environment. The plant can convert tyres and also other raw materials into useful products. You are able to sell these items to create some money. It really is, however, crucial to search for an inexpensive tyre pyrolysis plant.Exactly How Much Does a Tyre Pyrolysis Plant Cost?The price of a tyre ...
Co-firing Solid Recovered Fuels (SRFs) with brown coal in large-scale pulverised fuel power plants – a simulation approach
The results of the numerical simulations performed in a pulverised fuel boiler co-firing coal and Solid Recovered Fuels (SRFs) are presented. SRFs are initially modelled as a mixture of two different fractions (biogenic and plastic) and further simplifications are proposed to save computational expenses. The SRF submodels are validated with available data obtained from a laboratory-scale ...
Minimization of Major Air Pollutants from Sewage Sludge Fluid Bed Incinerators
ABSTRACT Emissions of major air pollutants including carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and mercury (Hg) were studied at two sewage sludge fluidized bed combustion (FBC) plants. Both the North West Bergen (NWB) County Utility Authority and the Little Miami (LM) plants have air pollution control systems (APCS) that are of the wet type. Various operating conditions such as ...
How Could a Plastic Pyrolysis Plant Make Combustible Fuel
A plastic pyrolysis plant is an industrial-scale facility for your thermal decomposition of plastic materials in a oxygen-free environment. It operates by heating items of plastic in the lack of oxygen. Without oxygen within the environment, a high-temperature procedure for pyrolysis occurs which rapidly stops working the bonds connecting polymers and monomers within the plastic materiaThis ...
ENVEA helps coal fired power plants to comply with new standards in India - Case Study
Coal combustion power plant - MIR 9000, PCME STACK 602, PicoFlow, WEX India’s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) targeted significant reduction of particulate matter (PM), sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from coal fired power plants. Other key stakeholders in this air pollution mitigation project are the Central Pollution Control Board ...
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