Electrical Heat Articles & Analysis
Heating system EH-POWERGROUND Modular flexible panel Customized flexible panelFeatures of the EH-POWERGROUND system:Plug & Play: the system EH-POWERGROUND combined with control system EH-CONTROL is ready to be used, it is connected to electricity through the client electrical socket without any technical intervention of electricians or technical specialists.Economy: the panels EH-POWERGROUNDs ...
By Cofilea srl
Electrical heating for the removal of recalcitrant organic compounds
ABSTRACT This paper presents a remediation technology that combines electrical heating of the soil with extraction to achieve removal of vapour pressure sensitive compounds, such as chlorinated solvents, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, and heavier hydrocarbons. This technology is commercially known as the Electro-Thermal Dynamic Stripping Process (ET-DSP). As well the results of a ...
Thermoelectricity and heat balance in a metal/dot/metal junction
In this paper, we report on numerical calculations of stationary thermoelectric responses in a metal/dot/metal junction. We derive the Landauer expressions for both the electric and the heat currents, and first discuss the question of heat balance. Secondly, we calculate the Peltier coefficient in the non–linear response regime, and discuss its relation with the Seebeck coefficient, and finally ...
Heat and electricity for L’Oreal in Libramont (Belgium) - Case Study
Location: Libramont (Belgium) Capacity: 3,2 MWel Input materials: Maize, food waste, fats Features: The plant in Libramont is unique in that it completely utilises the generated electricity and the heat that has been transformed into vapour within the factory ...
Risk and uncertainty assessment in the development of strategy for forming the potential of dispatchable generation in the national power system of Ukraine
An inefficient generation and distribution infrastructure is a serious problem for the national power system of Ukraine. This situation makes it necessary to propose a radical new approach for developing a strategy to meet the demand for dispatchable power generation. Proposed options include: traditional centralised generation, decentralised and alternative energy sources, and use of so-called ...
INFORSE-Europe opinion on renewable energy support in the EU
The EU countries have agreed to work for the target that 20% of Europe’s total energy use shouldcome from renewable energy by 2020. If implemented, this will stimulate evolution of the wholeenergy sector towards more sustainable solutions.It is essential for the success of this that the support mechanisms for renewable energy areeffective and that they lead to development of renewable energy in ...
Energetic and exergetic performance assessment of some coals in Turkey for gasification process
This paper undertakes a study on energetic and exergetic performance evaluation of various types of coals in Turkey, such as Armutcuk, Amasra, Zonguldak and Catalagzy hard coals and Tuncbilek, Beypazari, Cayirhan, Afsin, Soma, Yatagan, Can and Sorgun lignites for gasification purposes, where syn-gas may subsequently be used for the production of electricity, heat, hydrogen, etc. in industry. The ...
HRS Helps Orange Juice Producer Exploit Novel Pasteurisation Techniques - Case Study
HRS Heat Exchangers has supplied a leading Mexican orange juice producer with a complete pasteurisation system that uses a novel electrical heating method – Ohmic. The new system maintains the properties of freshly squeezed juice, which are adversely affected during traditional pasteurisation processes, allowing the company to increase its presences in the lucrative North American ‘as ...
Quick Bitumen Unloading at NCC
NCC is installing pumps for unloading bitumen at the plants in Denmark to ensure that the truck drivers can unload bitumen quickly and safely, which is very important to both the drivers and the NCC management. Carsten Lundhøj, NCC, chose DESMI as pump supplier for NCC’s plants in Denmark. The chosen pump is ROTAN® HD152. “Max. one hour is available for unloading at each ...
Conventional operation of semi-automatic sealer
Conventional operation method of semi-automatic sealer:I. inspection and preparation before starting:1. The vacuum packing machine adopts 220V single-phase ac power supply and is equipped with a housing grounded three-pin socket. Before use, check whether the voltage of the power supply is required to be compound, whether the wiring is firm and whether the bottom line is connected.2. According to ...
Technical and economic analyses of a hydrogen-fed gas turbine with steam injection and co-generation
Enel has been working on a hydrogen programme dealing with both hydrogen production and uses. The first phase deals with a hydrogen-fed, gas turbine-based co-generative cycle, in which steam injection in the gas turbine itself is adopted in order to couple high process efficiencies with very low nitrous oxide emissions. This paper presents the main results of the co-generative cycle thermodynamic ...
Advanced Application of Product Gases of Thermal Conversion of Biomass and Waste; Integration With the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
The Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) is studying the advanced application of product gases from the thermal conversion of biomass and waste (B&W). The Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis is the most promising as it affords diesel-like fuels of high quality and free from sulfur and aromatics. A slurry bubble FT reactor with an iron catalyst is the most suitable for B&W syngases. To optimize ...
Implementation of renewable energies in German energy economy
By means of a long-term scenario called "Sustainability Scenario", the perspectives of Renewable Energies (RES) and their integration in the energy supply system of Germany until 2050 have been investigated. Starting with the technological potentials of RES and their cost structures, it is discussed in what way a continuous growth of these technologies could be induced. The implications of a ...
Major 60,000 Hour Engine Overhaul Completed at Nejma Huile, Tunisia - Case Study
Slama Frères parent company of the SLAMA Group is a specialist in the refining and conditioning of oils under the brand “Nejma”. The group was the first industrialist in Tunisia to opt for the cogeneration solution using Jenbacher gas engines, with production of electricity, heat recovery and an overall energy efficiency of >70%. A Jenbacher JMS 416 engine was commissioned ...
Edenderry Power (part of Bord na Móna) case study
THE 120MW Edenderry power plant (EPL) is part of the Power Generation & Renewable Energy division of Bord na Móna (BNM) plc. BNM is Ireland’s leading environmentally responsible integrated utility service provider encompassing electricity, heating, resource recovery, water, growing media, environmental solutions and related services. EPL, in operation since 2000, supplies about ...
By Enerit Ltd
Carbon-14 Analysis for Biofuel Production
Biomass feedstock is a key source of renewable energy, essential for generating sustainable electricity, heat and transport fuels. This alternative energy source plays a major role in the transition away from greenhouse gas-intensive fuels toward a more sustainable, low carbon future. Within the fuel sector, the manufacturing of biofuel blends using biomass resources lessens the impact of carbon ...
Energy efficiency and sustainable development
The role of increased energy efficiency in achieving sustainable development is investigated. Specifically, the relations are examined between energy (and energy efficiency) and sustainable development. Also, the linkages are discussed between energy efficiency and environmental impact, and the theoretical and practical limitations on increased energy efficiency are described, particularly as ...
Focus Bioenergy No 7 2004: Biofuels - heating for the future
Biofuels for heating of homes and properties is rapidly making headway. Environmentally friendly, comfortable and price-worthy small-scale heating with biofuels is done using pellets or briquettes. Changing an oil burner for a pellets burner or replacing electric heating with a pellet-burning stove is often very profitable. It demands less effort than wood firing but somewhat more work than using ...
By Elmia AB
How will graphene revolutionize the 21st century?
Science has never stopped bringing up the most unimaginable and astonishing news to the world. We will discuss something similar in this article. You may or may not have heard about graphene before. Although the concept and theoretical explanations of this substance appeared as early as 1940’s but, for many researchers, this all was very unrealistic. It was very difficult to accept that ...
The critical role of buildings in achieving Net Zero
On 27 June 2019, the UK government set a legally binding target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from across the UK economy by 2050. According to the Energy Systems Catapult (ESC), heating homes and buildings accounts for more than 30% of the UK’s carbon emissions. Most of this can be attributed to heating domestic properties. With only 5% of homes having low carbon heating, ...
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