Energy Demand Articles & Analysis
The outlook for energy demand to 2010
This paper examines the likely developments in world energy markets up to 2010. It is expected that world energy demand will continue to grow steadily and fossil fuels will account for about 90% of total demand to 2010. Moreover, a structural shift in the shares of different regions in world energy demand is likely to occur and the OECD share of world energy demand will fall. World oil demand is ...
Energy demand simulation for East European countries
The analysis and created statistical models of energy consumption tendencies in the European Union (EU25), including new countries in transition, are presented. The EU15 market economy countries and countries in transition are classified into six clusters by relative indicators of Gross Domestic Product (GDP/P) and energy demand (W/P) per capita. The specified statistical models of energy ...
China's energy demand scenarios to 2020: impact analysis of policy options on China's future energy demand
In November 2002, the Chinese government declared that, in the next two decades, China would concentrate on building a XiaoKang Shehui, or well-off society. Naturally, we would doubt whether China's GDP could still quadruple while its energy use only doubled in the next two decades, similar to the experience of the past two decades. In this paper, scenario analysis and the basic considerations of ...
The Dodecanese energy system
The economic growth of the Dodecanese islands in Greece has been based solely on tourism and the electricity production is very critical in sustaining this economic growth. The electricity production is solely done with the use of diesel and heavy fuel oil. Even though there have been some efforts in introducing renewable energy of various forms, the results remain dismal. Due to this situation, ...
The global energy challenges of the 21st century and the potential Russian contribution to world and regional nuclear power
The paper considers the world energy demand until the middle of the 21st century, as well as the possible solutions for this challenge. On the basis of the mathematical model developed at the Kurchatov Institute in 2003-2005, the vision of the global nuclear energy system and its potential contribution to the energy mix was analysed. The energy mix picture by mid-century would contain an ...
Effect of window type, size and orientation on the total energy demand for a building in Indian climatic conditions
Windows in a building allow daylight to enter a building space but simultaneously they also result in heat gains and losses affecting energy balance. This requires an optimisation of window area from the point of view of total energy demand viz., for lighting and cooling/heating. This paper is devoted to this kind of study for Indian climatic conditions, which are characterised by six climatic ...
Cointegration and the demand for energy in Fiji
This paper applies alternative time series techniques such as general to specific (GETS) and Johansen maximum likelihood (JML) to estimate the long-run income and price elasticities of demand for energy for Fiji. We also test for the causal relationship between energy consumption, GDP and energy prices using the Granger causality tests. Our results imply that there is a uni-directional causality ...
The regional analysis of energy consumption and energy resources in China
In recent years, issues relating to Chinese energy supply and consumption have drawn worldwide attention. The Chinese government maintains that the solution to energy demand issues should be resolved by improving domestic supply; but the regional availability of energy is irregular across China. The regional consumption and composition of energy supply are analysed in this paper and suggestions ...
Challenges and options for development of the Lithuanian energy sector
This paper describes recent changes in the Lithuanian economy and the energy sector. It presents a methodology of energy planning in Lithuania, and describes the main principles of energy demand forecasting based application of econometric models and the simulation MAED model. It also presents a short description of the optimisation MESSAGE model and options for the development of the Lithuanian ...
Energy conservation policy in Lithuania: experiences and problems
At present, Lithuania is facing many fundamental transformations in the energy sector and in the whole economy. The rational and efficient use of all energy carriers in all stages of the energy sector is a permanent objective of the Lithuanian energy policy. Energy conservation can be understood as improved energy efficiency and as a new additional energy source. In particular, large energy ...
Energy demand of German households and saving potential
The implementation of the principles of sustainable development requires both using potentialities in saving resources and cutting down emissions (efficiency strategies) as well as more conscious patterns of behaviour of the actors involved (sufficiency strategies). Starting from the current situation of annual CO2 emissions of about 10 t and a sustainability goal of 1?2 t CO2 emissions per ...
Europe doubles the share of renewable energy in a decade
In response to EU target requiring a share of 20% renewables by 2020, renewable energy in Europe has almost doubled in a decade. The share of renewable energy in the EU has almost doubled over the past decade, from 5.4% to 9% between 1999 and 2009, while the proportion of energy provided by oil, solid fuel and nuclear all fell over the same period. These were the findings released this month ...
By Vital Energi
Household energy consumption in Switzerland
Households consume more energy embodied in goods and services than they consume with energy carriers. Thus, energy assessments need to address both direct consumption and indirect consumption via commodities. This paper first presents a conceptual framework for describing and analysing the direct and indirect energy use of households. The framework is based on material flux analysis and ...
China's longer-term energy strategy and its implication on CO2 emissions
Recently, there has been increasing concern on national energy security, local environment damage and CO2 emissions caused by the rapid increase of energy consumption in China. This paper presents the challenges and strategy of China's energy system development based on an analysis of energy demand and supply over the next 50 years. As a fundamental energy policy, energy conservation will be kept ...
Energy competition and international relations
Energy is the lifeblood of economies around the world. Global economic growth depends on adequate, reliable and affordable supplies of energy. Key foreign policy objectives, including support for democracy, trade, sustainable economic development, poverty reduction and environmental protection rely on the provision of safe, reliable and affordable energy supplies. Today's global energy market is ...
Analysis of the impacts of building energy efficiency policies and technical improvements on China's future energy demand
In this paper, the LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system) 2000 model and scenario analysis were utilised to study the impact of implementing building energy efficiency policies and promoting related technical improvements on China's future building energy demand up to 2020. In the coming 20 years, China's building energy consumption is expected to increase and will be the main ...
Systematically sustainable provision? The premises and promises of 'joined-up' energy demand management
Energy policy commonly focuses on improving end-user efficiencies and transforming individual behaviour. The need for more 'systematic' policy approaches based on an understanding of complex socio-technical interdependencies between consumers and providers is increasingly acknowledged as a prerequisite for sustainable transitions in the energy sector. The aim of this paper is to examine different ...
The global multisector/multicountry 3-E model GINFORS. A description of the model and a baseline forecast for global energy demand and CO2 emissions
The paper presents the multisector/multicountry energy?economic?environment model GINFORS, which has already been used as the simulation engine in the project MOSUS of the 5th EU framework programme. The detailed description of the model features the application ability for energy forecasts and simulations. An overview of the system is given, and the structures of the multisector international ...
Overcoming financial barriers to wider use of renewable energy technology in Africa
Future energy demand in Africa will rise dramatically due to development desires and increased industrial needs. Coping with this demand will pose a serious challenge because of the economic and environmental constraints of the continent. Exploiting its vast renewable energy sources for this purpose will assist greatly, but financial and other barriers to the rapid growth of associated ...
A new approach to energy modelling: the SE³T system and its multi-objective integrated methodology
Based on the complex system theory, this paper extends the current notion of the Energy-Economy-Environment (3E) model and establishes a theoretical framework for the Society-Economy-Energy-Environment-Technology (SE³T) complex system. The components and structure of SE³T are described, as well as its relationships among its subsystems. The corresponding modelling method, integrating the idea of ...
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