Fuel Cell Test Articles & Analysis
PHILOS and Blue FC Announce R&D and Business Cooperation to Revolutionize Fuel Cell Technology
PHILOS, a leading membrane technology manufacturing company, and Blue FC, a fuel cell system company, have announced a ground-breaking R&D and business cooperation that is set to revolutionize the fuel cell industry. The CEOs of both companies, Dr. Jeong-Hak Kim of PHILOS and Dr. Yong Sheen Hwang of Blue FC, have agreed to work together to develop innovative solutions using PHILOS's advanced ...
Carbon Nanotubes and Nanohorn Hybrid Composite Buckypaper as Microporous Layer for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
Abstract In the present work, carbon nanotubes (CNT) and CNT-carbon nanohorns (CNH) (0, 30, 50, 70 and 100 wt.% CNH) composite Buckypapers (BPs) were fabricated using vacuum filtration technique. Structure and property relation of composite BPs were studied using scanning electron microscope, four probe technique, BET surface area and contact angle measurements. Properties such as electrical ...
By SusChem
Fuel cell heating appliances field tests
The beginning of field tests with a new generation of fuel cell heating appliances (FCHAs) under the responsibility of Vaillant brings fuel cell technology for decentralized household energy supply into a new phase. The objective of testing the systems, which were developed in close cooperation with the US company Plug Power, is to examine how complexity and thus the systems' costs can be ...
Hardware-in-the-Loop testing platform for distributed generation systems
The rapid validation of the expected performance of distributed generation installations is a critical step in the design process. However, the plethora of distributed generator types and the uniqueness of the load characteristics make the testing quite challenging. This paper introduces an original approach to Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation aimed to evaluate the performance and suitability of ...
Fuel Cell Voltage Monitoring Considerations
Knowing what’s happening inside a fuel cell is a critical function, especially as fuel cells are continuing to be developed. One important aspect of this is to measure the voltageof each cell in a stack. Although this may sound trivial, it can be more complex and more expensive than it may at first appear due to high voltages, high channel counts,communication types, etc. There are a few ...
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