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Fuel Quality Testing Articles & Analysis

5 articles found
  • State-of-The-Art SRF Production facility in Germany solid recovered fuels for An entire cement plant 365 days a year - Case study

    B+T uses lindner shredders to supply deuna zement gmbh with energy The two major players in recycling and waste processing: Lindner-Recyclingtech and the B+T Group have been partners for many years, successfully working together on many important projects. Now they are delighted to announce their latest project: a brand-new SRF production facility with the most modern technology in the whole of ...

    By Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH

  • Supporting sustainability by converting fat from food into renewable fuel with the Cricketfilter®

    THE CHALLENGE Our customer collects and re-cycles leftover food from hotels and the retail trade which would normally be send to landfills or be thrown away. A key component of the filtration process is to filter and separate the solids and the PE from the fat contained in the leftover food. The customer needed to achieve less than 50 ppm in order to produce high quality renewable fuel to power ...

    By Amafilter®

  • Ethanol Detection Enzyme - Case Study

    BACKGROUND This project was prompted by feedback from the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (MDARD). Ethanol has been added as an octane enhancer in some Michigan gasoline for some time, it increases the octane almost 3 Anti Knock Index points. If gasoline contains ethanol, there is a limit of 10% of total volume for conventional fuels. [1] Around 13 billion gallons of ...

    By NECi Superior Enzymes

  • Maintaining biodiesel quality standards

    A problem that is sometimes encountered with biodiesel blends is inaccurate blend ratios. This article describes a quick analytical method to assess blend ratios and ensure fuel performance. According to a study1 done by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the chief problem found with biodiesel blends was inaccurate blend ratios. Retail customers and fleet managers do not typically worry ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific

  • Maintaining biodiese quality standards - Case study

    A problem that is sometimes encountered with biodiesel blends is inaccurate blend ratios. This article describes a quick analytical method to assess blend ratios and ensure fuel performance According 10 a study' done by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the chief problem found with biodiesel blends was inaccurate blend ratios. Retail customers and fleet managers do not typically worry ...

    By AMETEK Spectro Scientific

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