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Gas Fire Articles & Analysis

106 articles found
  • Tips for turning a coal fired boiler to gas fired boilers

    Smog has been a heated topic among the word. Therefore , gas fired boiler substitute for coal fired boiler become a trend to protect the environment.Since the boiler is a large thermal equipment ,it is requires attention to security incidents in the transformation .Here are some tip from ZG about turning a coal fired boiler to gas fired boiler. First , when turning a coal fired boiler to gas ...

  • Current trends in the formation of regional power supply markets

    The paper addresses a choice of rational energy supply structures for the region at a pre-project stage. Systems of models, coordination of decisions and a regional energy supply model are considered. The presented approach is illustrated by the example of decision making on rational scales of development for small-scale gas-fired co-generation plants with gas turbine and diesel units.Keywords: ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Gas Fired Oven

      INDUSTRIAL GAS FIRED OVEN   CONSTRUCTION An industrial Gas Fired Oven is typically of steel construction, comprised of inner and outer shells of sheet steel panels, separated by 4” thick, 6 lb/ft3 density mineral wool insulation.  The panels are constructed as to minimize metal-to-metal contact between inner and outer shells and reduce heat flow from oven chamber to the exterior surface.  ...

    By Epcon Industrial Systems, LP

  • Suez, Egypt - Case Study

    Scope of works: Engineering, manufacturing, supply, erection and start-up of 1 x 2,095 t/h gas / oil fired boilers. SH outlet pressure: 180 bar – Steam temperature: 541/541 °C. ...

  • Montalto di Castro, Italy - Case Study

    Scope of works: Engineering, manufacturing, supply, erection and start-up of 4×2,160 t/h Once-Through Supercritical gas / oil fired boilers. SH outlet pressure: 256 bar – Steam temperature: 540/540 °C. ...

  • Harquahala Generating Project, LLC - Tonopah, AZ

    The Harquahala Generating Project serves as a power and electrical wholesaler in the southwestern United States. To fill the need for growing energy consumption in the region, this facility was built to provide power to the area. Project DescriptionThe Harquahala Generating Project is a 1000 MW combined cycle power facility located in Maricopa County, Arizona. Commissioned in 2003, the plant ...

    By Veolia Water Technologies

  • UK carbon floor price could weaken British competitiveness

    New report claims the UK carbon floor price will cut carbon emissions 5.3% by 2020, but could put the UK at a competitive disadvantage with Europe. New research released today from Thomson Reuters Point Carbon suggests that the UK’s proposed carbon floor price will cut carbon emissions from the UK energy industry 5.3% by 2020, but could undermine the country’s competitiveness by ...

    By Vital Energi

  • Optimizing The Operation And Material Selection For Fluorinated Waste Gas Incineration

    A thermal oxidizer system is used by Honeywell Specialty Chemicals to reduce organic and acid gas emissions from their fluoro-products plant. The thermal oxidizer system consists of a multi-gas fired vortex burner mounted on a vertical residence chamber. ...

  • Mr. Pickens, what about plug-in hybrids?

    T. Boone Pickens deserves kudos for his attention-grabbing television campaign aimed at helping America kick the oil habit. The billionaire energy fund manager can stop the most dedicated channel surfer mid-click when he proclaims that our spending on foreign oil could soon become the largest transfer of wealth in human history.Pickens’ plan has two parts. The first calls for more use of wind ...

  • Efficiency and the not-to-be-ignored gas-fired plant

    Carbon dioxide emissions dropped significantly in the US in 2009. The economy played an obvious role; not so obvious was the influence of power generation and its increasing efficiency. CO2 emissions have been trending down for the last decade by about 0.9%. But the 2009 drop was far more dramatic -- 7% -- the largest decline since the Energy Information Administration began keeping ...

  • Abu Qir, Egypt - Case Study

    Scope of works: Engineering, manufacturing, supply, erection and start-up of 2 x 2,058 t/h gas & oil fired boilers. SH outlet pressure: 183 bar – Steam temperature: 542/566 °C. ...

  • Heat Exchanger

    Steam boiler, Wood Fired Steam boiler, Wood Fired Thermic Fluid Heater, boiler India, Industrial boiler, ibr steam boiler, Coal Fired Steam boiler, Hot Air Generator, Pressure Vessels, Gas Fired Steam boiler-Ambica Boilers, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, ...

  • APS - Redhawk Power Station, Arlington, AZ

    APS (Arizona Public Service) has been a leading provider of electricity and energy products and services to the Western United States for over a century. With power plants located throughout the Southwestern U.S., APS provides natural-gas, coal and nuclear generated electrical power to the region. Project Description and ChallengesAPS commissioned the Redhawk Power Station in 2002. The plant is ...

    By Veolia Water Technologies

  • Why European policymakers shouldn’t be concerned about security of gas supply

    Gastech News: What are the key issues affecting gas companies today? Mark Simons: The biggest issue affecting gas companies within the European gas industry is low prices, because low prices mean less revenue and less profit. To add to that, in Europe, the competition for gas from coal and renewables means that demand is down and that’s shrinking the industry which of course is worrying ...

  • Mitigating CO2 emissions by adjusting the power generation mix in Taiwan

    In this paper, we employ a multi-objective programming model to estimate the power generation mix trade-off between generation costs and CO2 emissions in Taiwan. Eight policy scenarios are simulated and compared to the reference and base cases. The empirical results show that, for the electricity sector, CO2 emissions in 2010 could be set at 120% of the 1990 level, by way of promoting ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Fuel for thought: European energy market restructuring and the future of power generation gas use

    The liberalisation of the West European electricity and gas markets, technological developments in power technology and environmental policies are expected to stimulate continued strong growth in power generation gas consumption. This paper examines the importance of three frequently disregarded considerations in the analysis of expanded gas use in power generation. These include: (a) better use ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Brigham Young University Rexburg, Idaho - 5.7 MW Gas Turbine CHP System - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Rexburg, Idaho MARKET SECTOR: University FACILITY SIZE: Educates 34,000 students FACILITY Total Electrical Energy Production: 38.4 million kWh/year EQUIPMENT: 5.7 MW Solar Taurus 60 gas turbine with 50,000 lbs/hour heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) FUEL: Natural gas-fired, with dual fuel oil-firing capability for both the gas turbine and HRSG USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Steam ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Power Substation and a Gas-Fired Combustion Turbine and Heat Recovery Steam Generator

    B&V Energy expands the world's largest nitrogen plant by constructing a cogeneration plant supplying the additional power needed to reach resources deep in Mexico's offshore oil field. Metropolitan Mexico City has a population of approximately 20 million and is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, requiring an extraordinary amount of gas and oil to satisfy its growing energy ...

    By Black & Veatch Corporation

  • Are GAS-FIRED Burner Technologies Really The Best Choice for ISTR Cleanups?

    Its an exciting time. In-Situ Thermal Remediation (ISTR) shows great promise and has proven to be an extremely effective method for cleaning a wide range of Contaminants of Concern (COC’s) at contaminated sites. Most recently, gas-fired soil heating technologies are entering the market with promises of much cheaper natural gas heating, faster setup and heating times, less heaters required ...

    By Soil-Therm Equipment Inc.

  • How long will efficiency be the favored choice?

    Energy efficiency creates an odd sort of market. Nothing (lack of energy use) competes for customers against something (energy generation). There is no free lunch and even nothing, energy efficiency, costs something. But for now it is cheaper than its main competitor, the power plant.In fact, it is often three times less costly to install efficient light bulbs, better insulate buildings or pursue ...

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