Gas Turbine Articles & Analysis: Older
Ecological optimisation of an irreversible-closed ICR gas turbine cycle
The ecological function is optimised for an irreversible-closed Intercooled-Recuperated (ICR) gas turbine cycle using the theory of Finite-Time Thermodynamics by searching the optimum intercooling pressure ratio and heat conductance distributions among the four heat exchangers for fixed total heat exchanger inventory and the results are compared with those at the maximum power. Numerical examples ...
Effects of thermodynamic and mechanical irreversibilities on gas turbine performance enhancement by intake air cooling
A mathematical model for an existing gas turbine unit in Bahrain another model for intake Air Cooling Gas Turbine (ACIGT) with irreversibility's and variable specific heats were derived in dimensionless form. The maximum net power output and corresponding thermal efficiency were obtained using graphical visualisation and numerical calculation. Results showed an increases of 30% in output power ...
Heavy Duty 126 MW GT upgrade for aerodynamic performance improvement
Scope of the Project Turbine Services Ltd. , a supplier of replacement parts for GE Large Frame Gas Turbines, has worked with SoftlnWay's engineering team on the redesign of the third stage of the GE Frame 9E heavy duty gas turbine. The scope of this project included the redesign of the third stage vanes and blades to create components competitive with the GE Advanced Aero Uprate package. ...
District Heating, Versailles, France - Case Study
Utilities company ENGIE commissioned Centrax to replace the gas turbine in its existing district heating facility serving the French city of Versailles. ...
By Centrax Ltd
Gas turbine performance enhancement by intake air cooling
In this work, the influence of air cooling intake on the gas turbine performance is presented. The proposed system, together with the gas turbine, is described. A mathematical model of ACIGT (Air Cooling Intake Gas Turbine) is derived and formulated in dimensionless form from which the constraint multivariable optimisation problem was formulated. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed ...
Thermodynamic analysis of a hybrid gas turbine/thermoacoustic heat pump/refrigeration engine
Possible performance enhancement of small gas turbine power plants through the application of thermoacoustic systems is examined. The thermoacoustic subsystem is powered only by the waste heat of the gas turbine. Two different gas turbine configurations are considered: a Thermoacoustic refrigerator assisted gas turbine (TRG) and a Combined thermoacoustic heat pump and refrigeration assisted gas ...
Thermodynamic evaluation of gas turbines for cogeneration applications
In this paper, the first and second laws of thermodynamics have been utilised to evaluate the performance of intercooled reheat regenerative gas turbine cogeneration plant. The effects of overall pressure ratio, cycle temperature ratio, pressure losses, and process steam pressure on energetic and exergetic efficiencies have been investigated. The results indicate that most of the exergy ...
Case Study - Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Problem Two large gas turbines (approximately 25m x 12m x 10m) were installed in an industrial area nearby an office building. The gas turbines generate a tonal noise component at around 2700Hz caused by the inlet channel blades pass frequency. This tone imposes a more stringent noise requirement on the supplier, forcing noise reducing actions being made on the turbine. Measurements and noise ...
By Norsonic AS
Thermodynamic and economic assessments of gas turbine inlet air-cooling by evaporative technique
In this study, the effects of gas turbine inlet air-cooling by evaporative technique on work output and thermal end exergy efficiency were analysed. These analyses are performed with the use of per unit volumetric flow, which is fixed regardless of atmospheric air conditions. In addition, a simple and effective model is developed for the economic analysis of evaporative cooling. As a case study, ...
Sensitivity analysis of component efficiencies on performance of a gas turbine cogeneration system
The performance of a 1000 kW gas-turbine cogeneration system was evaluated in terms of performance measures, such as net power, exergy efficiency of the system, and the unit costs of electricity and steam. The efficiencies of some components that have a significant affect on the performance were taken as physical variables. Sensitivity was evaluated by introducing parameters, defined as the ratio ...
Combined heat and power plant chemical industry Total Petrochemicals Feluy - Case Study
OWNER Total Petrochemicals Feluy LOCATION Belgium PRODUCT Titan 130 (15 MWe) Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Security of Steam Supply Total Petrochemicals Feluy's commitment to energy efficiency was at the center of their requirement for a cogeneration solution that would support their continuously operating polymer factory in Feluy, Belgium - the largest polymer factory in Europe. The project was ...
Exergy analysis of BIGGT and EFGT cycles
Availability of biomass in Brazil makes this fuel a major candidate to increase its presence in the country's energy matrix. In North-eastern Brazil, biomass available from sugarcane industry represents an annual energy resource of 146 PJ at an average cost of US$ 1.5/GJ. This paper aims to analyse the match between biomass and gas turbines. Two types of power plants are studied: the BIGGT and ...
A cost–effective backward Lagrangian method for simulation of pollutant formation in gas turbine combustors by post–processing of complex 3D calculations
A backward Lagrangian Monte Carlo modelling is proposed to calculate by post–processing the PDF of the thermo–chemical parameters of complex turbulent reactive flows simulated with a simple turbulent combustion model. PDF's of minor species such as pollutant species (NOx, soot, unburnt hydrocarbons...) can be easily obtained as long as these species have no significant influence on the main ...
Comparative study of steam injection effects on operation of gas turbine cycles
In the present work, gas turbine cycles are modified with steam injection between the combustion chamber exit and the gas turbine inlet. Heat recovery steam generators, utilising the exhaust gases, provide these cycles with the injected steam at saturated vapour. The irreversibility of the different composing units of the cycles and the variation of gas properties owing to steam injection as well ...
Modelling and exergoeconomic optimisation of a gas turbine with absorption chiller using evolutionary algorithm
In this paper, thermodynamic modelling of a gas turbine cycle with absorption chiller is performed. A thermoeconomic approach is utilised to find the most optimal values of design parameters for practical applications. Some design parameters considered are compressor pressure ratio, compressor isentropic efficiency, gas turbine isentropic efficiency, gas turbine inlet temperature, HRSG pressure, ...
Risk-based maintenance of gas expansion turbines in steel plant
Unexpected failures, loss of production, higher maintenance costs and down time associated with the failures of equipment are major problems in any plant. Adopting the risk-based maintenance (RBM) approach helps in designing an alternative strategy to minimise the loss resulting from these breakdowns or failures. The methodology consists of four modules: system definition, risk assessment, risk ...
Enhancing the efficiency of crude oil transportation pipeline: a novel approach
In this paper, exergy and economic analyses are carried out on a 30″ crude oil transportation pipeline and related pump stations. The exergy destructions and losses of the components and the entire system were determined in the operation, resulting in the identification of the gas turbines stacks as the major elements of exergy losses. A proposal has been made for improving the energy and exergy ...
Exergy analysis of a gas turbine system with evaporative cooling at compressor inlet
This paper deals with the thermodynamically modelled gas turbine consisting of Media Evaporative Cooling System (MECS) at compressor inlet for investigating the generated power, second law efficiency, and entropy generation number. The parametric study using this model shows effects of ambient conditions, compressor and turbine inlet temperature, and pressure ratio on the gas turbine power and ...
Current trends in the formation of regional power supply markets
The paper addresses a choice of rational energy supply structures for the region at a pre-project stage. Systems of models, coordination of decisions and a regional energy supply model are considered. The presented approach is illustrated by the example of decision making on rational scales of development for small-scale gas-fired co-generation plants with gas turbine and diesel units.Keywords: ...
5.7 MWe Combined Heat and Power Plant - Coke Oven Gas in Chemical Manufacturing - Case Study
OWNER Jinneng Coal Gasification Chemical Co., Ltd. LOCATION Shandong Province, Peoples Republic of China PRODUCT Taurus 60 Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Sustainable Power for China Coking Industry Jinneng is an integrated chemical enterprise focusing on the production and sales of coal derivative chemicals and refined chemical products. One of the company's main products is coke, which is ...
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