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Gas Turbine Articles & Analysis

194 articles found
  • Advanced, integrated systems meet the challenges of commercial-scale operation

    Technological frontiers in die alternative energy industry continue to widen in countries around the globe. As such, die exploitation of biomass as a source of energy has become die fastest-growing sector among a growing roster of energy solutions. Today, more energy is produced from various forms of biomass dian from all wind, solar and geodicrmal applications combined. Much of die excitement ...

    By Beltran Technologies, Inc.

  • Aberdeen Proving Ground - 7.9-MW CHP System - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Edgewood, MD MARKET SECTOR: Government (Military) FACILITY SIZE: 7.9 MW EQUIPMENT: Combustion Turbine FUEL: Natural Gas USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Process and Heating Steam Loop CHP TOTAL EFFICIENCY: 74.5% ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: Annual energy savings ~ 297 MMBtu, emissions reduction of ~22,571 tons of CO2. PROJECT: Energy Service Performance Contract - Performance ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Capitol Power Plant - 7.5 MW CHP System - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Washington, D.C. MARKET SECTOR: District Energy & Federal Facility FACILITY SIZE: 7.5 megawatts (MW) Combustion Turbine FACILITY PEAK LOAD: 7.5 MW EQUIPMENT: Combustion Turbine FUEL: Natural Gas (w/ Fuel Oil Backup) USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Power (backpressure steam turbine), Heating, Domestic Hot Water and Reheat CHP TOTAL EFFICIENCY: 75% ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: Reduce ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Kennecott Utah Copper Refinery - 6-MW CHP System - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Salt Lake County, Utah MARKET SECTOR: Primary metals CHP IN OPERATION SINCE: 2010 EQUIPMENT: Gas compressor, Solar Taurus 60 turbine generator, HRSG, supplemental burner ELECTRIC NAMEPLATE CAPACITY: 7.6 MW AVERAGE ELECTRIC OUTPUT: 6 MW USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: 70,000 lbs/hour of 50-psi process steam PRIMARY FUEL: Natural gas (300 psi) TOTAL EFFICIENCY: 80-82% TOTAL PROJECT ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Advanced High Temperature Solar Thermal - XCPC

    SOLAR THERMAL IS HERE TO STAY Artic Solar, Inc. is the exclusive manufacturer of a revolutionary high-temperature solar thermal technology. The XCPC collector utilizes cutting-edge developments in non-imaging optics to provide industrial and facility heating and cooling at lower cost than any other renewable energy source. It is the only roof-mountable solar heating technology with the ...

    By Artic Solar, Inc

  • Building New Industries and Creating New Jobs in a Plan B Economy

    Building a new economy, one that can sustain economic progress, involves phasing out old industries, restructuring existing ones, and creating new ones. This new economy will be powered by renewable sources of energy, will have a more diverse transport system--relying more on rail, buses, and bicycles, and less on cars--and will recycle everything. For example, coal use will be phased out, ...

    By Earth Policy Institute

  • Hydrogen as Future Fuel for Gas Engines

    Gas engines are providing a wide range of fuel flexibility from burning natural gas and a variety of non- natural gaseous fuels from low British Thermal Unit (BTU) gases as well as gases containing a high hydrogen content. Hydrogen containing gases can be found as by-product from steel (furnace gas) or chemical process, or alternatively hydrogen is produced and blended to natural gas. In the ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Logistics Planning in Offshore Wind Farm Development

    “In the offshore wind power industry, logistics planning is the dominant driver to avoiding costly mistakes,” highlighted Jim Lanard, President, Offshore Wind Development Coalition. The technologies needed to set up offshore wind farms are available in the US, and what is needed the most is a focus on logistics that would make them happen efficiently, he added. A speaker at the ...

    By Marcus Evans

  • Why high temperature combustion of landfill gas?

    Due to the accumulation of knowledge and the tightening of environmental law, the landfill technology has increasingly become concerned with the management of trace compounds in landfill gas. With landfill gas, contamination is through sulphur, chlorine, fluorine, halogenated hydrocarbons and heavy metals. Other trace elements such as volatile organic compounds (VOC), impose environmental ...

    By Hofstetter BV

  • The natural gas revolution: Good or bad for energy efficiency?

    If there were an equivalent in the energy industry to Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, natural gas would be this year’s winner. The dramatic rise in natural gas supply, and fall in price, has reconfigured the energy scene in the United States, suddenly creating a bounty of domestic energy, driving down wholesale power prices and speeding retirement of polluting coal-fired plants. ...

  • Machines and Technologies in Biogas Facilities

    MACHINES, EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGIES IN THE BIOGAS LINEIN WWTP A wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), also called a purification plant, has the generic objective of achieving, from black or mixed water and through different physical, chemical and biotechnological procedures, effluent water with better quality and quantity characteristics based on standardized parameters. In general, ...

  • Improve Boiler Efficiency

    In many chemical plants, the electricity the plant uses is derived from a natural gas power plant or a co-generation plant burning waste gas streams. In large boilers (Figure 1), power plants bring together air and fuel (natural gas, waste gas, oil or coal) for combustion, which creates heat. The heat boils the water, creating steam. The steam runs through a turbine, which causes the turbine to ...

    By Sierra Instruments, Inc.

  • Firebricks offer low-cost storage for carbon-free energy

    Original story at MIT News Ancient technology could be used to level electricity prices for renewables. Firebricks, designed to withstand high heat, have been part of our technological arsenal for at least three millennia, since the era of the Hittites. Now, a proposal from MIT researchers shows this ancient invention could play a key role in enabling the world to switch away from ...

  • Oceans of Energy

    Technologies that harness the energy of moving water or temperature differentials in the oceans promise to deliver abundant carbon-free electricity. Long before humans got hooked on fossil fuels, we learned how to harness the power of water to do work. Rivers ran mills that ground flour, sawed logs or spun looms that transformed fibers into textiles. Later generations realized that moving water ...

    By Ensia

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