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Gas Turbine Articles & Analysis

194 articles found
  • Thermodynamic and environmental consideration of advanced gas turbine cycles with reheat and recuperator

    The role of gas turbine power plants in electrical energy production has been considerably increased in the last two to three decades. Various methods have been proposed to improve the performance of gas turbine cycles. In this research, two methods, a reheat cycle (RC) and a cycle with a reheat and a recuperator (RHC), were investigated and compared with a simple cycle (SC). The main objective ...

  • Exergetic analysis of gas turbine plants

    An exergetic analysis was performed for a 116-MW gas-turbine power plant. Mass and energy conservation laws were applied to each component of the system. Quantitative exergy balance for each component and for the whole system was considered. In this study, the exergy of a material stream is decomposed into thermal, mechanical and chemical exergy and an entropy-production flow. The effect of a ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Combined Heat and Power Plant Hospital - Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Medical Center- Case Study

    OWNER Jesse Brown Veterans Affairs Medical Center LOCATION Chicago, Illinois, USA PRODUCT Centaur2 40 (3.4 MWe) Gas Turbint CUSTOMER VALUE Energy Cost Reduction The United States Department of Veteran Affairs wanted to reduce utility expenses at their facilities. A combined heat and power plant was built at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center using an existing warehouse, and a Centaur 40 gas ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • 50MWe combined heat and power independent power producer – Case Study

    OWNER Manisa OIZ LOCATION Turkey PRODUCT Two Titan 250 Generator Sets CUSTOMER VALUE High Efficient and Flexible Energy Supply Our customer, Manisa OIZ, one of the biggest industrial parks in Turkey, needed to fulfill the rapidly growing demand of electricity, as well as provide steam and hot water to their industnal tenants. We extended the capacity of their power plant with two of our ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Peaking power project - North Carolina Municipal Power Agency - Case Study

    OWNER North Carolina Municipal Power Agency LOCATION Monroe, North Carolina. USA PRODUCT Titan 130 (12 MWe) Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Sustainable Energy North Carolina Municipal Power Agency Number 1 (NCMPA1) provides wholesale power to 19 cities and towns in western North Carolina. During peak penods the NCMPA1 was running critically low on electric capacity, putting customers in danger of ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Energy and exergy analysis of reverse Brayton refrigerator for Gas Turbine power boosting

    In this study the use of Reverse Brayton cycle to boost up the power of gas turbine power plants operating in hot humid ambiance is analysed by the energy and exergy methods. The gas turbine inlet temperature is reduced by mixing the chilled air from Brayton refrigeration cycle and the main intake air stream reaching low intake temperatures. In this paper the effect of irreversibilities in the ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • NOx formation by steam injection using detailed chemical kinetics

    In order to improve thermal efficiency of gas turbine system and better control NOx emission, the injection of steam into a gas turbine combustor has been employed. This study has used both chemical equilibrium calculations and the counterflow diffusion flame calculations of methane-air flame aiming at the elucidation of the NOx reduction mechanism due to the steam injection. The influence of the ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Sensitivity analysis and thermo-economic optimisation of Steam Injected Gas Turbine cycle design parameters

    The purpose of the present work is to apply thermo-economic concepts to a Steam Injected Gas Turbine (STIG) electricity generation system and optimise it to indicate its economical advantages over a simple gas turbine. The system incorporates a combustion chamber, gas turbine, a compressor and a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG). A detailed sensitivity analysis was also performed to examine ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Performance of externally fired combined cycle (EFCC)

    The externally fired combined cycle (EFCC) which utilises coal as the primary fuel through a gas turbine cycle is a clean coal technology. Natural gas is used as the supplementary fuel, but the ultimate goal of the EFCC concept is a coal only option. In this study, the performance of the EFCC plant is evaluated based on the first and the second laws of thermodynamics, considering various levels ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • 30MWe Combined Heat and Power Tissue Industry - Hayat Group - Case Study

    OWNER Hayat Group LOCATION Golcuk, Turkey PRODUCT Taurus 70 Gas Turbines CUSTOMER VALUE Lower Energy Cost Hayat Tissue, the largest manufacturer in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, achieved a decisive competitive advantage thanks to its efficient use of energy in its Golciik plant. Hayat installed a total of four Taurus™ 70 generator sets from Solar Turbines, two on each of its ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Performance of water/steam injected gas turbine power plants consisting of standard gas turbines and turbo expanders

    The present study was done to investigate the performance differences in terms of thermal efficiency and specific power output of: combined cycle power plants with integration of low temperature regenerative heat, standard gas turbines operated in wet cycle mode, turbo expanders and steam turbines (here: alternatives); combined cycle power plants with integration of low temperature regenerative ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Energy and exergy analysis of a gas turbine power plant in Algeria

    An exergy analysis of a twin ABB GT13E2 Gas Turbines (GTs) power plant (2 ? 146.2 MW) is presented in this paper. This plant is running since 2004 at F'Krina in the northeastern part of Algeria. The analysis was performed by the flow-sheet programme, 'Cycle-Tempo'. At off-design load (83%), the plant and its apparatus conserve nearly the same design load performances. However, the performance of ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Understanding and improving energy conversion systems with the aid of exergy–based methods

    Exergy–based methods are powerful tools for developing, evaluating and improving an energy conversion system. Conventional exergy–based analyses have limitations, which are significantly reduced by the so–called advanced analyses. The latter evaluate: (a) the interactions among components of the overall system, and (b) the real potential for improving a system component. The main objective of ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • 24.5 MWe - Combined Heat and Power Pulp And Paper Industry - Case Study

    OWNER AIE IDAE Sant Joan LOCATION Sant Joan Les Fonts (Girona), Spain PRODUCT Titan 250 Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Efficiency of Combined Heat and Power Plant The Spanish Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) and the Lecta Group conceptualized a new combined heat and power plant for a paper mill. The objective was clear. It had to produce a specific rangeof power and flexible ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Second law analysis of an irreversible Braysson cycle

    This paper demonstrates the second-law analysis of an irreversible Braysson cycle. The overall second law efficiency for the process at variable operating conditions are being derived and plotted. In addition, for further pinpointing and thorough quantification of the losses, the component-wise second law efficiencies are also derived. It had been concluded that, the second law efficiency can be ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Energy analysis of Brayton combined cycles

    Economic and environmental considerations dictate the need for improved fuel utilisation in thermal power stations. To meet this goal, a design project was undertaken to assess the suitability for Combined Cycle application of different Gas Turbine (GT) cycles: Simple, Intercooled, Reheated, Intercooled/Reheated, Intercooled/Reheated/Regenerative cycle. Comparative figures for efficiency and ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Combined Heat And Power Distillery - Captain Morgan - Case Study

    OWNER DIAGEO LOCATION St. Croix, US Virgin Islands PRODUCT Centaur® 50 (4.6 MW) Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE LPG Fuel and Cost Savings On the island of St. Croix, located in the Virgin Islands, the Captain Morgan rum distillery uses a Centaur 50 gas turbine for combined heat and power (CHP). The unit provides both electricity and steam for the distillery's operations. Diageo chose the ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Combined Heat and Power Dairy - Kerry Group- Case Study

    Owner Kerry Group Location Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland PRODUCT Taurus 70 (8 MWe) Gas Turbine The Kerry primary dairy facility at Listowel, Ireland, installed an 8 MW electricity and 36 tonnes per hour steam combined heat and power (CHP) system consisting of one Taurus 70 gas turbine from Solar Turbines and a heat recovery steam generator. A gas compressor was also installed. Kerry chose ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Co-production of synthesis gas and power by integration of Partial Oxidation reactor, gas turbine and air separation unit

    A new synthesis gas production process based on partial oxidation (POX) of natural gas is investigated. Synthesis gas and mechanical power are generated in a plant that integrates a POX reactor, a synthesis gas turbine and an air separation unit. The synthesis gas is expanded in the turbine which runs the air separation unit. By means of an exergy analysis, it is shown that the synthesis gas ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Exergy accounting

    The exergy concept is introduced by utilizing a general framework on which are based the model equations. An exergy analysis is performed on a case study: a control volume for a power module is created by comprising gas turbine, reduction gearbox, AC generator, exhaustion ducts and heat regenerator. The implementation of the equations is carried out by collecting test data of the equipment data ...

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