Gas Turbine Articles & Analysis
Clarke Energy on the Move with Lonsdale Power Station
Iberdrola Australia have appointed Clarke Energy as the main contractor to oversee and manage the relocation of a 120MW power station and associated plant from Lonsdale, in Adelaide’s south, to an industrial site in Bolivar (north of Adelaide) adjacent to SA Water’s wastewater treatment facility. The relocation of the power station to Bolivar will enable the gas turbines to be ...
Brigham Young University Rexburg, Idaho - 5.7 MW Gas Turbine CHP System - Case Study
Quick Facts LOCATION: Rexburg, Idaho MARKET SECTOR: University FACILITY SIZE: Educates 34,000 students FACILITY Total Electrical Energy Production: 38.4 million kWh/year EQUIPMENT: 5.7 MW Solar Taurus 60 gas turbine with 50,000 lbs/hour heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) FUEL: Natural gas-fired, with dual fuel oil-firing capability for both the gas turbine and HRSG USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Steam ...
Bristol-Myers Squibb - 4.7 MW CHP System - Case Study
Quick Facts LOCATION: Wallingford, Connecticut FACILITY PEAK LOAD: 4.7 megawatts (MW) EQUIPMENT: 4.7 MW Solar gas turbine ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT: Backup boilers, four electric chillers, three diesel generators, for emergency power and demand response. FUEL: Natural gas CHP TOTAL EFFICIENCY: 72 % HEAT RECOVERY APPLICATONS: Process Heating & Cooling, Building Heating & Cooling. PAYBACK: 5 ...
Equal to Removing 1 Million Cars from the Road Case Study
Powerphase commissioned a grid level analysis to assess how Turbophase technology could increase existing natural gas combined cycle gas turbine (GT) efficiencies in Florida, displacing baseload coal-fired generation and inefficient peaking plants to reduce electricity costs and pollution. Today’s electricity prices in Florida are higher than the national average, and while most of this ...
Waukesha engine upgrade boosts efficiency, availability and helps stabilise grid in North-East India - Case Study
To help India augment its energy basket, North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited (NEEPCO) recently installed three of GE’s Waukesha 275 GL+ engines as part of a gas booster station upgrade. The enhanced engine output, efficiency and availability has helped to upgrade the power station to meet the increasing demand. Background NEEPCO designs, builds and maintains power stations ...
A new Rankine cycle for hydrogen-fired power generation plants and its exergetic efficiency
A novel power generation cycle is proposed in this paper taking hydrogen as fuel and using steam generated by hydrogen firing as working fluid. The progress of the development work and side issues such as the application of hydrogen combustion turbines to environmentally clean fossil fuel power plants for early commercialisation of the system are reviewed. We propose the hydrogen-fired Rankine ...
20 MWe electric utility combined heat and power plant - Eight Flags Energy - Case Study
OWNER OF CHP PLANT Chesapeake Utilities Corporation OWNER OF PULP AND PAPER MILL Rayonier Advanced Materials PRODUCT Titan 250 Gas Turbine Generator Set CUSTOMER VALUE Reduced Enery Costs, Reduced Emissions, Reliable Power Supply Eight Flags Energy's Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant began generating electricity and steam in July of 2016. The location of the plant on Amelia Island is on the ...
More Power & Efficiency on a 7FA in the Middle East at 50°C Case Study
Powerphase collaborated with the Tamimi Group of Companies and Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) to demonstrate Turbophase system’s ability to boost F-class gas turbine (GT) power output at the high ambient air temperatures that Saudi Arabian summers are known for. Besides having hot summers, Saudi Arabian labor costs are high such that any technology that reduces plant downtime can help ...
Evonik Industries - 5 MW Natural Gas CHP System - Case Study
Quick Facts LOCATION: Garyville, LA MARKET SECTOR: Chemical FUEL: Natural Gas GENERATING CAPACITY: 5 MW THERMAL OUTPUT: 80,000 lbs/hr Steam IN OPERATION SINCE: 2012 EQUIPMENT:(1) 5 MW Solar Turbines gas turbine (1) Cleaver Brooks D-tube HRSG USE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY: On-site & export to utility USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Process steam INSTALLED COSTS: $10 million EMISSIONS ...
Smith College Energy Center - 3.5-MW CHP Plant - Case Study
Quick Facts LOCATION: Northampton, MA FACILITY PEAK LOAD: 3.5 megawatts (MW) EQUIPMENT: 3.5 MW Solar Turbine, Rentech HRSG, package boiler and two York absorption chillers. FUEL: Natural Gas USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Heating, cooling & hot water for the campus. USE OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY: Displaces campus loads previously supplied by the local utility. AVERAGE CAPACITY FACTOR: 75 % CHP IN ...
Is nuclear power more competitive producing electricity or hydrogen?
Steam methane reforming is the world's dominant hydrogen production technology, using natural gas as both feedstock and fuel, but producing more than 9 kg of CO2 for each kilogram of H2. Natural gas prices between $6 and $8/GJ yield an average hydrogen production cost between $12 and $15/GJ, excluding the cost of CO2. High-temperature gas reactors, e.g. the modular helium reactor, can be ...
Exergoeconomic optimisation of steam power plant
The second law of thermodynamics combined with economics forms a powerful tool for systematic analysis and assessment of energy systems. This paper presents an exergoeconomic optimisation of 50 MW steam turbine power plant associated with a large fertiliser industrial unit through Thermoeconomic Evaluation and Optimisation (TEO) method, and identifies the losses in various components. As the ...
More Power & Flexibility Lead to Profits Case Study
In 2014, Powerphase installed a Turbophase system consisting of two Turbophase modules, at a cogeneration plant in the U.S. The Morris Cogen plant is a 177 MW combined-cycle gas facility located within the Equistar Chemicals petrochemical plant in Morris, IL. The Morris plant has a single pressure steam turbine (ST) (625 psig/750°F) rated at 57 MW, and three GE MS6001B, PG6561 gas turbines ...
Caterpillar Aurora - 15 MW CHP System - Case Study
Quick Facts LOCATION: Aurora, Illinois MARKET SECTOR: Manufacturing FACILITY SIZE: 4,200,000 sq. ft. NUMBER OF WORKERS: ~2,700 CHP GENERATING CAPACITY: 15 Megawatts PRIME MOVERS: Two Solar Taurus 70 turbines INLET COOLING: Wetted-media evaporative cooling for preventing loss of capacity and efficiency during hot weather FUEL: Natural Gas HEAT RECOVERY EQUIPMENT: (2) Deltak Heat Recovery Steam ...
Case Study: Monitoring Fuel Treatment with On-Site Fuel Analysis
Version 8 of our industry leading SpectrOil Optical Emission Spectrometers offers significant performance improvements and enhanced productivity. In particular the sensitivity of the instrument has been improved markedly to allow detection of trace metals down to the part per billion (ppb) level. This capability is particularly important to power generators using liquid fuel, as high levels of ...
POET Biorefining & City of Macon, Missouri - 10 MW CHP Application - Case Study
Quick Facts LOCATION: Macon, Missouri ETHANOL CAPACITY: 50 million gallons per year PROCESS STEAM REQUIRED: 85,000 lb/hr at 125 PSI PRIME MOVER: Solar MarsTM Natural Gas Turbine GENERATING CAPACITY: 10 MW HEAT RECOVERY EQUIPMENT: Deltak Heat Recovery Steam Generator CHP MAXIMUM THERMAL OUTPUT: 51,000 lb/hr at 125 PSI IMPLEMENTATION COST SPLITS: City of Macon – All CHP equipment POET ...
Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts: Siloxane Removal
Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts have long been involved with recovering landfill and digester gas for energy to power turbines and internal combustion engines. Their experience led them to identify performance issues associated with these gases. One particular challenge is siloxanes. Cyclic organic silicon monomers (siloxanes) used in the manufacture of personal hygiene, health care and ...
Combined fuel cell?gas turbine plant for highly efficient power generation from renewable energy sources
The impact of renewable energy sources on today's energy supply substantiates the importance of hydrogen as an energy carrier. Hydrogen can be directly produced from solar energy and is considered a promising technology for temporary storage of electrical energy from wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. The generation of electrical energy from stored hydrogen requires highly efficient systems ...
A two-stage power electronic interface for fuel cell-based power supply system
The increasing energy demands, insufficient availability of power generation and increasing global environmental problems, need alternate/green power sources. Among the different green power technologies such as wind power, photovoltaic, gas turbine and fuel cell, the fuel cell-based distributed generation is considered as one of the most promising solutions for stand-alone/grid applications due ...
EU regulation of combustion plant - A power industry perspective
Any installation that contains combustion plant with an aggregated thermal input greater than 50 MW is regulated under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) which requires that Best Available Techniques are applied to emissions control. Individual plant with a thermal input greater than 50 MW are regarded as Large Combustion Plant and additional provisions apply, including mandatory Emission ...
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