Gas Turbine Cycle Articles & Analysis
Ecological optimisation of an irreversible-closed ICR gas turbine cycle
The ecological function is optimised for an irreversible-closed Intercooled-Recuperated (ICR) gas turbine cycle using the theory of Finite-Time Thermodynamics by searching the optimum intercooling pressure ratio and heat conductance distributions among the four heat exchangers for fixed total heat exchanger inventory and the results are compared with those at the maximum power. Numerical examples ...
Comparative study of steam injection effects on operation of gas turbine cycles
In the present work, gas turbine cycles are modified with steam injection between the combustion chamber exit and the gas turbine inlet. Heat recovery steam generators, utilising the exhaust gases, provide these cycles with the injected steam at saturated vapour. The irreversibility of the different composing units of the cycles and the variation of gas properties owing to steam injection as well ...
Performance of externally fired combined cycle (EFCC)
The externally fired combined cycle (EFCC) which utilises coal as the primary fuel through a gas turbine cycle is a clean coal technology. Natural gas is used as the supplementary fuel, but the ultimate goal of the EFCC concept is a coal only option. In this study, the performance of the EFCC plant is evaluated based on the first and the second laws of thermodynamics, considering various levels ...
Exergy and industrial ecology: an application to an integrated energy system
Exergy analysis can help integrate separate technologies following the principles of industrial ecology. An application of exergy analysis to calculate depletion numbers, which relate exergy destruction and total exergy use, is demonstrated for a gas turbine cycle combined with a hydrogen generation unit. The design includes a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) with internal natural gas reforming and a ...
Thermodynamic and environmental consideration of advanced gas turbine cycles with reheat and recuperator
The role of gas turbine power plants in electrical energy production has been considerably increased in the last two to three decades. Various methods have been proposed to improve the performance of gas turbine cycles. In this research, two methods, a reheat cycle (RC) and a cycle with a reheat and a recuperator (RHC), were investigated and compared with a simple cycle (SC). The main objective ...
Energy analysis of Brayton combined cycles
Economic and environmental considerations dictate the need for improved fuel utilisation in thermal power stations. To meet this goal, a design project was undertaken to assess the suitability for Combined Cycle application of different Gas Turbine (GT) cycles: Simple, Intercooled, Reheated, Intercooled/Reheated, Intercooled/Reheated/Regenerative cycle. Comparative figures for efficiency and ...
Thermodynamic analysis of an integrated gasification combined cycle power plant: effect of nitrogen supply on system performance
A comprehensive thermodynamic analysis of a conceptual integrated coal gasification combined cycle power plant is presented. Energy and exergy efficiencies and exergy destructions of each sub–unit are calculated. The effect of nitrogen, which is supplied from the Air Separation Unit (ASU) of the gasification unit to the combustion chamber of the gas turbine (GT) cycle, on system performance is ...
A new Rankine cycle for hydrogen-fired power generation plants and its exergetic efficiency
A novel power generation cycle is proposed in this paper taking hydrogen as fuel and using steam generated by hydrogen firing as working fluid. The progress of the development work and side issues such as the application of hydrogen combustion turbines to environmentally clean fossil fuel power plants for early commercialisation of the system are reviewed. We propose the hydrogen-fired Rankine ...
Performance of water/steam injected gas turbine power plants consisting of standard gas turbines and turbo expanders
The present study was done to investigate the performance differences in terms of thermal efficiency and specific power output of: combined cycle power plants with integration of low temperature regenerative heat, standard gas turbines operated in wet cycle mode, turbo expanders and steam turbines (here: alternatives); combined cycle power plants with integration of low temperature regenerative ...
Thermodynamic analysis of a hybrid gas turbine/thermoacoustic heat pump/refrigeration engine
Possible performance enhancement of small gas turbine power plants through the application of thermoacoustic systems is examined. The thermoacoustic subsystem is powered only by the waste heat of the gas turbine. Two different gas turbine configurations are considered: a Thermoacoustic refrigerator assisted gas turbine (TRG) and a Combined thermoacoustic heat pump and refrigeration assisted gas ...
Modelling and exergoeconomic optimisation of a gas turbine with absorption chiller using evolutionary algorithm
In this paper, thermodynamic modelling of a gas turbine cycle with absorption chiller is performed. A thermoeconomic approach is utilised to find the most optimal values of design parameters for practical applications. Some design parameters considered are compressor pressure ratio, compressor isentropic efficiency, gas turbine isentropic efficiency, gas turbine inlet temperature, HRSG pressure, ...
Understanding and improving energy conversion systems with the aid of exergy–based methods
Exergy–based methods are powerful tools for developing, evaluating and improving an energy conversion system. Conventional exergy–based analyses have limitations, which are significantly reduced by the so–called advanced analyses. The latter evaluate: (a) the interactions among components of the overall system, and (b) the real potential for improving a system component. The main objective of ...
Sensitivity analysis and thermo-economic optimisation of Steam Injected Gas Turbine cycle design parameters
The purpose of the present work is to apply thermo-economic concepts to a Steam Injected Gas Turbine (STIG) electricity generation system and optimise it to indicate its economical advantages over a simple gas turbine. The system incorporates a combustion chamber, gas turbine, a compressor and a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG). A detailed sensitivity analysis was also performed to examine ...
Method of producing power-generation and engine fuels from oil shale fines with solid heat carrier units (SHCU)
The technical feasibility and economic expediency of the shale-converting power technology complex at the Leningradskoye deposit in northwest Russia is substantiated herein. Two basic options of production utilisation are considered: manufacture of power fluid fuels, mainly for gas turbines and combined-cycle units; and production of boiler and ship fuel oils and domestic gas fuels.Keywords: ...
Fuel for thought: European energy market restructuring and the future of power generation gas use
The liberalisation of the West European electricity and gas markets, technological developments in power technology and environmental policies are expected to stimulate continued strong growth in power generation gas consumption. This paper examines the importance of three frequently disregarded considerations in the analysis of expanded gas use in power generation. These include: (a) better use ...
Climate Change-Driven Market Opportunities for Combined-Cycle Gas Turbines
Combined-cycle gas turbine cogeneration technology is currently enjoying wide popularity due to a variety of technological, environmental, and financial performance advantages relative to other technologies, specifically boilers. While the environmental performance advantages of this technology have focused on emissions of regulated air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, ...
`Climate Change-Driven Market Opportunities for Combined-Cycle Gas Turbines,` presented at the AWMA 2001 Conference & Exhibition
Abstract Combined-cycle gas turbine cogeneration technology is currently enjoying wide popularity due to a variety of technological, environmental, and financial performance advantages relative to other technologies, specifically boilers. While the environmental performance advantages of this technology have focused on emissions of regulated air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides and nitrogen ...
Equal to Removing 1 Million Cars from the Road Case Study
Powerphase commissioned a grid level analysis to assess how Turbophase technology could increase existing natural gas combined cycle gas turbine (GT) efficiencies in Florida, displacing baseload coal-fired generation and inefficient peaking plants to reduce electricity costs and pollution. Today’s electricity prices in Florida are higher than the national average, and while most of this ...
Technical and economic analyses of a hydrogen-fed gas turbine with steam injection and co-generation
Enel has been working on a hydrogen programme dealing with both hydrogen production and uses. The first phase deals with a hydrogen-fed, gas turbine-based co-generative cycle, in which steam injection in the gas turbine itself is adopted in order to couple high process efficiencies with very low nitrous oxide emissions. This paper presents the main results of the co-generative cycle thermodynamic ...
Prime Power Generation - Case Study
A national electricity grid must always be able to meet the needs of its users. This requires it to be: stable, maintaining the required electrical frequency (50 Hz in the UK); balanced, continuously matching supply to demand; and adequate, ensuring total generation capacity is never outstripped by demand. Grid supply is split into three tiers: base, intermediate, and peak load. Baseload is a ...
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